《Harry Potter Oneshots》Wolfstar/Jeverus (Snames)
James's pov
I am really tired of trying to make Wolfstar happen soooooooo..... WHAT DO I DO?! Wait.... what if i just make them play a game of Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear? It won't be suspicious because it is a general game and..... well they won't get suspicious. Then i will try to get them to either confess or flirt.... yessss. Ok, so there is me, Sirius and Moony. I might ask Wormtail so it won't be just us and maybe Evans.... i kind of hope she brings Severus... i mean Snivellus. Thats right, because i don't like that sly Slytherin idiot.
"What. Are. You. Plotting. Potter?"
It's Snivellus. Ok. Just act cool.
"Nothing. Snivellus"
Oh, and I just realised i am in a hallway, outside of class, because i was picking on Snape.
"I know that face, Potter. And if you aren't going to tell me, then at least apologise to me so we can get back to class."
"I....... would rather tell you actually. You know how Wolfstar is my OTP?"
"Yeah... i ship it too to be perfectly honest with you"
"So i guess you aren't exactly the antimerlin. Anyways, i have a plot to make it real. You wanna join?"
"Sure.... i don't see why not.... What's your plan then Potter?"
"Well Severus, we can-"
"Did you just call me Severus?"
"No. No, i did not. Get your head out of the gutter!"
"Shut up! So, if you get Evans to join and I get Peter to join we can make them all play Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear. They won't suspect anything because its just a game and you, Evans and Peter would be there too. We could get them together! It's a foolproof plan!"
"Honestly..... that isn't such a bad idea..... And there is no way for anyone to get in trouble... Sure, I'll ask Lily"
"I'll ask Peter and the couple of the century. How about.... tonight? In the Gryffindor common room? Say... 6pm? No one hangs out there in the evening. Everyone is either in detention or in an extracurricular activity soooo?"
"Sure, see ya then Potter"
"See ya then, Snivellus"
"Fine.... i will pretend you apologised"
"Thanks Snape! I owe you one!"
"Yeah.. you do"
No pov
They walked in to class and Snape lied to cover James's ass. After class there was lunch in the Great Hall. Lily sat at the Gryffindor table when Snape whispered in to her ear about the plan. She agreed and went on with her lunch. James asked the Marauders and they all agreed. Operation Wolfstar was underway.
Snape's pov
Ugh. Still CANNOT believe i agreed to this. I was walking to the Gryffindor common room when i realised i dont know how to enter.... then the Fat lady moved and there was James Potter. He has some really nice eyes..... they were like a hazel sea.....i could get lost in them..... not that i would ever admit that to anyone.
James's pov
Woah... He wasn't in his robes.... he was in a black shirt with some black jeans.... and his face still looks perfect tho....... no they dont... i mean they kinda do.... but no one will find out that i feel that way!
No pov
"Come on in Snivellus"
"Hey Severus!" Lily shouted out.
"Hey Lils"
"Hiya Snape" Sirius said.
"Hello Snape" Remus said.
"Hi Snape" Peter said.
"Hello" Severus responded.
"Let's start shall we?" James asked.
We all sat around the fireplace.
"Just a reminder guys. This is magically binding so if ya don't do it.... you get hurt. Sirius, Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear?"
"Let's go with Truth then"
"Do you have a current crush, Sirius?"
"Yes. Easy. Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear, Lily?" Sirius said.
"Dare" Lily responded.
"I dare you to pick Truth next time" Sirius answered.
"Sure. Remus, Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear?
"What's your sexuality?"
"Easy, I am gay"
Oooooohhh's came from the group and Remus just chuckled.
"Prongs, Truth or Dare, Kiss or swear?
"Kiss... cuz i am not a p-"
"James. Language." Lily interrupted.
"Fine then. Kiss Snape"
Snape turned to face James.
"Just get it over with Potter"
Snape caressed James' face and kissed him. James tensed up but melted into the kiss. Snape pulled away and carried on like nothing happened. James was blushing and becoming flustered. Snape turned to him and said "Flustered are we?"
"No. Not at all, Snivellus. Nope. Not. At. All."
Remus whispered "Ha, i ship it" into Lily, Sirius and Peter's ear"
"Me too" Lily answered.
"Same here" Peter replied.
"Snivellus, what do you choose?
"How about Swear?"
"Swear you won't read at all tomorrow"
"Fine, i only have Defence Against the Dark Arts anyways"
"Pettigrew, Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear?
"Well.... i guess Truth?"
"Have you ever had THE talk?" Snape asked.
"I know you think i am innocent and stuff but yeah. Lily, you have to choose truth now right?"
"Erm okay.... Do you ship any of the people in this room?"
"Yeah, 2 ships actually"
"Okay...." peter responded.
"Sirius, Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear?" Lily asked.
"Ooh i know, Top, Switch or Bottom?"
"I am a T-t-t, a bottom"
Remus thinking to himself "i guess I'm keeping that in mind", while smiling to himself.
"Hahahaha James, 5 galleons please" lily said.
James handed over 5 gold coins to Lily.
"Really Prongs? And you too, Lily? Hey, James, what do you choose?" Sirius asked.
"I dare you to call Snivellus 'Daddy' for the rest of the game"
"It is a dare" severus responded "or are you scared?" he teased.
"Am not....... Daddy"
Everyone burst into laughter even Snape.
"Merlin's beard this is fun!" Snape said while still giggling.
"I have to admit, this is fucking hilarious!" Remus said while laughing uncontrollably.
Even Peter laughed. Everyone started to calm down after a while.
"Ugh, Moony what do you choose?"
"Well not dare." Remus said while still chuckling. "How about truth?"
"Haha very funny. Truth.... soooo... are you a top, bottom or switch?"
"You need to make better life decisions.... now hand over the galleons" Lily said.
He handed them over and sighed.
"Now, Snape, what do you choose?"
"Lets pass it around, shall we? Top, bottom or switch?"
"Eyyyyyyyyy" lily said. "I should have made that into bet, ugh"
"Too bad" james responded.
"Lily, Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear?"
"I dare youuu.... to talk in an aussie accent for the next 3 rounds"
"Oi! Mate! What was that for?" She said.
"Oi, Padfoot! Watcha gonna choose?"
Snape chuckled because he knew she could do it really well.
"I guess i'll go with kiss"
"Kiss your mate, Rey-mus"
"Do i have to?"
"You want to get hurt mate?" Lily asked.
"Awww, are you embarrassed?"
"Then kiss me"
Remus held his face and turned it to him. He leaned in and proceeded to kiss Sirius on the lips, Sirius became less tense and returned the kiss. Remus broke away from the kiss and Sirius looked down at the ground.
Everyone's mind: my otp
"Well, um, Peter, what do, um, you choose?" Sirius asked getting flustered.
"Woah, Sirius is getting flustered!" Peter responded with surprise. There were oooohh's coming from the group and an Australian 'woah'.
"Shut up! What do you choose wormtail?"
"I dare you to let Lily braid your hair"
Lily sat next to him and started to braid his hair.
"Hey Snape! What do you choose?" Peter asked.
"Tell a pick up line to James"
"I don't DO pick up lines"
"Its a dare" peter replied.
"Fine" Snape turned to james and said
"Hey Potter. How do you spell me?"
"You forgot the D"
"There is no D in 'ME'"
"Well not yet"
Everyone burst into laughter while James was red with embarrassment.
"Lupin, Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear?"
"Make Sirius blush"
"Now how would i make the Gryffindor bad boy of school blush?" He said while putting his arm around Sirius' waist. "Hey Padfoot?"
"Uh-huh, Remus?" Sirius replied while having a very visible gay panic.
Remus used his thumb to make Sirius look up towards him.
"I hope you do well to remember that my magic won't be the only thing penetrating you tonight"
Remus took his hand away from Sirius' face and the other away from his waist.
Sirius' pov
Never seen that side of him before...... i kinda liked it..... i dont want him stop......but......
No pov
"Oh my Merlin ...... dayum.....Woah..... welll...... oooooohhh.....well..... ooofff" James said, in utter shock.
"Hehehehehe....... wellllll" lily chuckled as her ship was becoming true.
"Woah" is what peter responded with.
"Ok then" severus said.
Sirius was blushing VERY visibly.
Remus' pov
Wow, is he adorable when he's flustered or what? Anyways.... they may think that i haven't caught on but i KNOW that this game was no accident. So i am just going to turn the the tables on James and make him and severus get together.
"So James, what do you choose?"
"I will go with truth"
"Since we know that you already have a crush. Don't deny it. Who is it?"
I could see how worried his face is and how interested Snape was.
James's pov
Shit. He must have caught on that this was all a plan. I can't say it.
"Mhmhmmm" i said, trying not to say it. There was a piercing pain in my shoulder.
"Are you really not going to say it Potter?" Snape asked.
"I wonder why there might be blood coming out of your left shoulder James. Well, since you have already been hurt, you don't need to say it..... yet"
"Woooooowww Moony just wooooooooww. Sirius, Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear?"
"Umm, Dare"
"I dare you to sit on Remus' lap for the rest of the game"
"I feel like this is just a competition between Wolfstar and Jeverus now" lily whispered to Peter.
"I know right? But i am kinda living for it" peter responded.
"Same here my dude" lily replied.
Sirius' pov
Oh. Mah. Gawd.
Oh mah gawd.
James..... he's trying to get us together again! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhh! Ya know what? I won't. I might get hurt but i don't care.
Remus' pov
Merlin's sake! Really?! Wait, it looks like Sirius is going to refuse. His arms are crossed and he has that determined face of his. But then he'll get hurt. Ugh.
"Sit on my bloody lap, Padfoot! Stop being such a pussy"
He was shocked but i think he got the memo because i dont usually use that kind of language. He walked over to me while i was in the armchair and sat on my lap.
Sirius' pov
I guess this is another one of those times where Remus doesn't think or care about anything else other than the thing he is focused on. I guess this time he just doesn't want me to be hurt. Also, it's usually me or Prongs using language so i am NOT going to mess with Remus when he just said such a word.......... this is kinda nice..... being on his lap is reeaaaally comfortable..... and safe. And i kind of just want him to- nope nope nope! Stop being such a gay ass bottom Sirius! Ugh.
"Uhhhhhhhh..... sooooo..... um-" i said.
"Yes?" James asked teasingly.
"Er, Snivellus, T or D, K or S?"
"Do you like anyone in this room?"
"Yeesssss" he said with unease."Remus, T or D, K or S?"
Snape's pov
I am just gonna wrap this up because i am pretty sure it is getting late.
"Who is your crush?"
Remus' pov
Shit. I guess i can't chicken out. I can just shake off the fact that i have a crush on Sirius. Maybe i can turn it into a joke and they don't bring it up again.
"Sirius. James, T or D, K or-"
"I knew it!!! Yesssss! My OT FUCKING P!-" James started shouting out but was interrupted by Sirius.
"Wait..... Y-you like me?!"
"I like you too"
"I swear if we are playing another one of your games right now, i will choke you! There is NO way you like me back!"
Sirius' pov
I mean choking me doesn't sound bad but anyways, why is he so self conscious, i mean of course i like him!
"Of course i like you Moony! You're smart, funny, talented and so much more than you think you are. I would never play with you, you're my best friend! But.... i really want to be more than that ...."
"You.... do....?"
"Of course, Remus! Also not going to lie, you flirting with me was one of the best moments of my entire life"
Remus' pov
Huh. I chuckled and hugged Sirius. I really thought he wouldn't like me back, i mean he has literally every girl in school flirting with him..... yet, he likes me of all people.
"I think we should all get some sleep, its pretty late" i said.
"Yeah, i agree, but my ship is sailing bitches! I am going to sleep with a very happy conscience" Lily said, yawning. She walked towards the girls dormitory and said goodnight.
I grabbed Sirius' hand and pulled him up. I put my arm around him and we walked towards the dormitory. As soon as were on our beds, Sirius sat up.
"Go to sleep, Padfoot"
"Make me"
Huh. He asked for it.
No pov
Remus got out of bed, walked over to Sirius' and got on top of him. He took both of sirius' hands and pinned them down. He proceeded to kiss him.
Snape's pov
"How about one last truth or dare, kiss or swear potter?
"Sure, um, Truth"
"Since you were so eager to hide it, who IS your crush?"
"Well, now, um, you see-"
"I won't tell anyone i am just curious"
"Its....... you" James said quietly, almost near to silence.
"I have never heard you that quiet before Potter, but i have to actually hear who it is"
"You" he said quietly.
"Louder Potter"
"What the fuck do mean 'Hm'!?"
"Never really thought you would like me back-"
"WhAt?! You like me back?!"
"As much as i want to deny it, i do"
"Merlin's beard!"
James jumped up and started running around and jumping.
"Severus likes me back! Severus likes me back! Severus-"
"You called me Severus?"
"Uhhh" James stopped suddenly.
"It's fine really, after all you like me back"
James sat back down next to Snape.
"Noooooo, you see its you, who likes me back. Also, does that mean you call me James now?"
"Sure, James"
"Oh. Mah. Merlin."
James lied on the floor and started to blush.
"I have never seen this bottom side of you before-"
"What?! Nooooo! I am not a bottom-"
James sat up, only to be pinned to the floor by Severus. Snape started to bite on James's neck, making James let out a small moan.
"Are you still so sure about that, James?"
James shook his head and they continued.....
- In Serial45 Chapters
This Strange New Life
Seems like I got a new chance. Better not fuck it up then, since I really want to see what it feels to have a family. Power is pretty lame alone. Best used to build things and protect people. Did a lot of building 'till now, lots of research stuff and all. Now, let's protect the people that I love and that loves me back. An enjoyable life with my loved ones. Whatever the cost. Mufufu~~ What can I do, my siblings are so cute~~ maybe I'll try having children at some point~? --- PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION ^p^ ---- This is an extremely slow reincarnation story, with heavy usage of dialogues and diminutive descriptions. Chapter are posted whenever I feel like it, because I won't burn myself down like I did before. Chapters will often be around 2k words. The first arc, Life in Valince, will be at least 50 chapters deep, and the main character won't get to her 1 year anniversary over the span of this arc. As I said, it's a slow, character interaction, dialogue-heavy story. Lots of feeling, slice-of-life etc, with some dramatic events that shape the rest of the story ^^ AND PLEASE, STOP PESTERING ME ABOUT JAPANESE. this story contain a very limited amount of japanese words, used in context for a reason and that are part of the mystery of the worldAnd the bad guys use german (not because nazi buit because german is badass)And there’s also french. Please be open-minded. I’m not a delusional weeb and this kind of thing, and it would be very appreciated if people could be more polite.If you don't like it, I don't force you to read it, but a lot of people seems to like this novel nonetheless, so maybe you should give it a shot. ---- Lux's here! Yeah I know I should work on ToL and ToF but I had another idea, then another one. So here it is. Story talk about a war vet that reincarnate and can finally know what it is to have a family. I like engineering, creating things and all, so I'll try putting production scene in this. Like all my stories, it's about love, be it with family, friends or lovers. I like my coffee with so much love sugar that half the planet would get diabetes. You're warned. Also, the MC is quite OP, but I keep a progression curb and she still has things to learn, which she will eagerly do. After all, curiosity is one of her main drives, with a thirst for love and utter hate of loss, be it losing a battle or losing someone she loves. Ha, nearly forgot. CONTENT WARNINGS AREN'T FOR SHOW. Sex, of course. I'll try to explore sexuality as a male, a female, and some other PoV that can't be categorised like that, not exactly. Also, beware the yuri/yaoi. I don't limit myself to straight couples. Gore. A lot. Blood everywhere, guts spilling and all. I don't do censure. The Mc cut a wolf in half? you get the details of what is inside it. Traumatising content. I dunno. No NTR, no heartbreaking drama. However, some of you may dislike the way I handle bodies and flesh. Got some feedback about body horror on my previous works, but everyone as a different border separating transhumanism and body horror. Mine is pretty high. How high? Go read The Other Labyrthin to have an example. To put it in simple term, I've no problem at all to describe alien bodies, change in human bodies, interactions between differents strange species etc. Expect a lot of tentacle, bio-incubator, spawning pool à la zerg. Profanity. Well, I think you fucking got it in the very first sentence of this synopsis, ain't right? ---- THIS IS A WIP (work in progress)! Earlier chapters may get retconned or completely changed, structure of the story isn't set in stone, all the usual stuff. ANY HELP IS WELCOMED. Want to throw me your idea? Shoot! Spotted an error in the text? Comment! Seen a plothole bigger than the impact zone of a nuke? I'll gladly hear you out and try to fix the problem (somehow ;-;) --- Cover: John Martin - The Plains of Heaven (c. 1851) ---- Official Editor: TheZouave (starting from ch25 onward) ---- List of thanks: Necrotyr (English) Asviloka (English) Damokles (Review) David Talon (Review) JHA (English) Helbom (English) Slee202 (Common Coherence) NEEDS_MORE_DAKA (First First) Srayan (English) Koooomakimi (Dialogue Flow) Emagstar (English) Apocryphal (Review) ToasterForker (Review) Ellen Taylor (Review) Zak (English) PrimalShadow (English) Elliot Flanders (HUGE THANKS for the re-write of the poem "Tale of Ashen Night" Go check their work, it's good ^^) Lance Wheeler (Huge thanks for the English edit on each chapter ^^) (If you think you should be here because you helped me, feel free to ask, pointing the reason, like the comment you gave that could have helped me ^^)
8 198 - In Serial42 Chapters
Destiny: Infernal [DISCONTINUED]
Have you ever felt like you are the greatest outcast ever to exist? As if someone, something out there, made you from the ground up in order to create the Ultimate Social Exile? I have. Too talented to be part of normal society. Too dumb to be part of abnormal society. This, is me. I am Alice Pendragon, a semi-insane, incredibly anti-social, nine year old noble girl in a world which seems to despise her. School finally ended, summer's first day arrived... I should be happy, right? And yet here I am, going back home just in time for my Fathers very own funeral. ... And the dream which I'm about to have isn't going to help my sanity. At all. IMPORTANT: This story, like my EUPHORIA, will have highly erotic content. (No, there won't be any little girls having sex. The world in general will be sexually free.) Lemons will be made, but only later on in the story when the MC is older. IMPORTANT X2: This story will need a cover picture! Any takers, please send me a PM if you're willing and able. IMPORTANT X3: My stories are not rated 18. They are RATED MATURE ADULT. If you can't handle adult things, don't read the story. That said, if you've ever watched Family Guy and weren't offended by it, then you're probably mature enough for my stories.
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I, The Lightning
In the world of Foronea, power rules, and for the 80% of those who don't have any power--The Mundane--life is hard. Really hard. Emmanuel Burroughs has had enough. Enough of being pushed around, and spat on. Enough of having his friends and family harassed just because some asshole decides he can. Enough of the nobles using The Mundane as little more than cattle. And he knows just what to do about it. Godking Samuel Lionheart, ruler of Terralane and most powerful of the four god-rulers of Foronea, allows every citizen one attempt at the 'Trial of Blessing', a grueling test of wit, strength, and overall competency. If the challenger wins, they receive a Blessing, a power that manifests a unique form based on the user's personality. The better they do, the stronger the Blessing. Emmanuel's plan is simple; get an S rank on the Trial, and get a Blessing strong enough to overthrow those at the top, fixing the problem with his own hands. But when Godking Samuel makes Emmanuel his Chosen, with a Blessing miles beyond his expectations, Emmanuel finds that being the capital h Hero isn't all he thought it would be. And before he saves anyone, he'll need to figure out how to stop his own power from ripping himself apart. ----------------------------------------------- Hello! Author here! Updates Every Friday! Chapters are anywhere between 2k and 8k words long. So, some warnings; -This novel contains a rather high amount of swearing. Thats just how it is. I like swearing, its in the book. -This book is LitRPG, BUT it takes a LONG time to get there. This is a much slower burn than most other LitRPG, so please keep that in mind.
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