《Poké Oneshots [Requests Temporarily Closed]》Imperialshipping


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Green didn't know if it was the way his hips swayed with pride when he entered the room, or the golden sparkle of his eyes, or the dazzling smirk he held even after numerous defeats. Something about Gold made Green crazy.

It was something Green thought on a lot, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. When he had asked her about it, Daisy had just laughed and told him, "Brother has finally fallen hasn't he?"

He was glad he asked her though, she was the one person he could trust not to go blab about it to Gold himself. If he had asked Red or Blue he would've been screwed, and it turns out that Yellow can't hide secrets very well either.

Green was lost in thought when he heard the gym doors open. He looked up to see a challenger stride in with confidence that no other challenger held. His eyes beamed with excitement and he swept his bangs to the side while giving Green a look that said, "We know who's going to win this time."

Gold had been getting better and better each time he came by the gym, it was no doubt that one day soon he would pass Green up and finally win. Green felt selfish, he tried harder than anyone else to beat Gold every time. He figured that if Gold won, he would take the badge and continue on his way.

That was why he had to beat him. If Gold won, Green would never see those brilliantly golden eyes, dazzling smile, or confident prowess anymore, and that made Green want to keep him here.

'God what am I thinking.' Green told himself as Gold stopped in front of him. No one had made him feel like this, and Gold's constant flirtatious attitude with everyone didn't help.

He would wink at Green during battle and it made Green's heart jump, although he knew he was like this with everyone. Those winks weren't anything special, that's just who Gold was, and perhaps that was yet another thing about the boy that Green felt himself pulled to.

"I'm here to challenge the gym!" Gold put his hands on his hips and gave Green one of his blinding grins. Green looked off to the side to avoid the boy's gaze, "Fine. You're only going to lose." Green put on his usual stone faced act.

"We'll see about that." Gold laughed and ran to one side of the battle field while Green walked to the other.


Gold's face instantly tensed and Green caught a glimpse of a face he had never seen on the boy. He pulled a Pokeball from his belt and threw it onto the field, "Let's do this Sintaro!" his Sunflora appeared on the field, a look of determination about its face.

Green smiled and pulled a Pokeball from his own belt, "Well in that case, go! Charizard!" the mighty lizard burst forth onto the battlefield surrounded by flames. The huge beast looked down on the flower, but it didn't waver to Green's surprise.

"I thought you'd do that, Sintaro, Rain Dance!" Gold yelled and the small sunflower began to spin and dance until water began to fall from above.

"Crap. Charizard Seismic Toss!" Green shouted, but Gold had already traded out his Sunflora for Politoed. "Poltaro, use Hydro Pump!" Green watched as his Charizard was taken out before he could even grab the frog for a Seismic Toss.

"Yes!" Gold cheered and hugged his Politoed, both of them soaking wet but laughing nonetheless. Gold had to push the wet bangs from his face, his beautiful smile showing through.

Green shook the thought from his head, "Charizard return! Go Machamp!" Green tossed out the man-like Pokémon which flexed when it appeared on the battlefield to show its strength.

"I can't lose."

Both trainers continued to fight, giving it their all, and now each of them were at their last Pokemon. On Green's side, Scizor stood strong and ready battle. On Gold's side Typhlosion gave a hiss as its neck burst into flames for intimidation.

Both trainers were out of breath and still soaking wet. Green looked up at Gold, and to his amazement, he was having the time of his life. He wore a huge grin and his eyes gleamed under the lights in the room.

Green's heart beat quicker as he saw the flash of determination in Gold's face.

Seeing that Green was distracted, Gold took this opportunity and yelled out one last attack, "Explotaro, use Blast Burn!"

Shocking him put of his daze, Green realized what was happening and tried to shout out, "Iron Defense!" but Gold's Typhlosion had already made impact with the gym leader's Pokemon.

When the dust cleared, Typhlosion stood above Scizor, a look of victory on its face. Gold looked ready to burst, he ran forward and leapt onto his Typhlosion which shared his excitement. Green realized this was yet another face he hadn't seen on Gold, and he would gladly lose a thousand times if he could see it more.


Gold had so many sides that Green didn't know about, and he wanted to see them all, but this was likely the last time Gold would stop by the gym. Green sighed pulling the Earth badge out of his pocket. He strode up to Gold, reciting the congratulatory speech that all gym leader's gave when trainers recieved their badge.

Gold looked absolutely giddy when Green handed him the badge. He immediately called his mom and told her, which made Green chuckle.

"Thank you so much!" Gold bowed towards Green before he stood up giving the gym leader a wink. Green felt his chest ache again, but held a neutral face as he bid Gold farewell and good luck on his journey through Kanto.

After healing his Pokemon he had Charizard dry up the gym, and he realized how quiet it was now.

He sighed grabbing his bag, he didn't feel like fighting anymore trainers today. He figured he'd train for a couple days in the Pallet woods.

Daisy greeted Green when he got home, she was already cooking dinner in the kitchen. Setting his bag on the table he flopped on the couch and stared at the ceiling.

"It's been a while, huh Green?" Daisy called from the kitchen. He grunted in response turning on the TV.

"Junior Champion in Kalos reigon making headway with his Kangaskahn."

Green sighed and turned the TV back off. "Boy problems?" his sister chuckled at him and he scoffed, "As if. I'm going training." she waved him off and he made for the Pallet woods.

The next few days went a lot like that, Daisy would try to talk to him and he would just go training, but that's how it always was anyways.

Green decided it was time to go back after three days, and Daisy helped him pack his things up.

He could've flown back to Viridian city, but it wasn't that long of a walk and Green had some things he wanted to sort out in his mind.

Green wondered if Daisy was right when she had told him that he'd have been better off telling Gold how he felt. Should he call the Indigo League and ask them if he had gotten there yet?

No, that was too weird.

Whatever. It's not like Gold would say yes anyway if Green asked him out. Their personalities were completely contradicting.

Green thought on all this for a while until he found himself at the entrance to Viridian city. He strolled through the small town, making his way to the gym. He was searching his pockets for his keys, when he looked up and felt his heart jump in surprise.

Sitting on the steps to the gym was Gold, an egg tucked under his shirt as he talked to his Aipom and Togepi.

"What are you doing here?" Green asked, genuinely confused why the black haired male had graced him with his presence.

"Oh! I was waiting for you!" Gold replied looking up with a grin, "I was wondering if you could help me train, the Elite Four is a lot harder than I thought they would be." he started chuckling in embarrassment, "Plus, Professor Elm gave me this new Pokémon egg to take care of, he said it was going to a be Charmander like your's so I wanted to show you." he finished.

Green pulled out Charizard and Gold happily showed the grand lizard his new egg. Charizard nudged it and looked over at Green, confused that his trainer had let him out of his Pokéball for something other than a battle or training.

Green huffed and took a seat next to Gold who had put the egg back under his shirt to keep it warm.

"So which Elite four is troubling you?" Green asked, he needed training, but first Green needed to know what he needed training in, but to Green's surprise, Gold changed the subject, "So why were you out so long? From the gym I mean." he said, rubbing Aipom head.

"I just needed a break that was all." Green looked at the sky, a few clouds here and there but it was still as blue and sunny as ever.

"I see." Gold said. The way he said it almost sounded sinister. That was when Green felt a hand on top of his and he jumped, looking over at Gold, and Gold lightly pressed his lips to Green's cheek.

Green kept a straight face, but he was already several shades darker red. Gold laughed and gave him another wink, "Daisy told me the other day." he smiled warmly, his attention back on the egg.

Green was going to have to talk to his sister later, but for now he dropped his stone cold face, and for the first time in a while, let out a warm smile of his own.

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