

2ft long


- I know how to use my weapon very well

- When I throw my weapon it will come back to me like a boomerang

- My weapon never gets lost

- I can summon my weapon out of thin air

- My weapon is water, fire, etc. proof

- Only I can pick up my weapon, like Mjolnir

- If I ever need my weapon, I just have to do what Thor does for Mjolnir and raise my hand in the air and Valorn will come to me

- Extremely powerful Telekinesis(my telekinesis looks like how Wanda does it with her hands, expect I can't do it with my eyes and hands)

- To heal any living creature including my self

- Force fields with energy

- I can only fly while holding Valorn

- Teleportation(in order to teleport with someone I have to hold onto them directly)

- Superhuman strength(Stronger than Hulk and Thor)

- Very powerful(more powerful than Wanda)

- Superhuman Agility

- Superhuman reflexes

- Superhuman Durability

- Superhuman stamina

- Immunity to all diseases/viruses

- I know how to use my powers and control them

- When I heal people, use telekinesis, force fields, etc. it looks like Wandas energy she makes with her hands but instead it's green

- I can run very fast

- I'm a really good fighter

- I'm super flexible

- I've mastered karate, Judo, Taekwondo

- I have amazing aim with a gun, bow and arrow, etc.

- I don't get hurt when I jump far

- I know how to use knifes, swords, guns, bow and arrows, etc.

- I know how to swim very well

- I can jump really high

- I'm good at all combat

- I have very quick reflexes

- I'm really good at parkour

- I'm a light sleeper

- I'm very sneaky and I don't make a sound when I don't want too

- I never lose an arm, eye, etc.

- None of my body parts are blown off, burnt off, etc.

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