《The Pieces of a Broken Heart: a Jeid fanfic》Chapter 9


It was 5:00am when Spencer woke up to his phone ringing.

He sat up on the couch, picked up his phone, and answered it.

"Hello?" He asked in a tired voice.

"Reid, it's Hotch." His boss responded in his usual stern tone.

"Oh, hi. What's up?"

"I'm just phoning to remind you that your flight is in three hours."

"Oh ok, thanks."

"And I saw the footage of the video cameras in your hotel."

Spencer gulped.

"Reid, why did you guys run away from the UnSub?"

"Well, we were swimming in the pool and then we saw the guy and went to get him. We accidentally left Henry in the pool and, he was drowning. So we left to go save him."

"I understand. But why did you bring Henry?"

Spencer glanced over at JJ who was still sleeping.

"JJ and Will hit into a fight."

"Oh, why didn't she tell me? Was it bad?"

"Hotch, it was bad enough that they--they broke up."

"I see. Well, tell JJ that if she needs anything, she can talk to me."

"I think she's ok. She already talked to me."

"Ok, enjoy your flight."


Spencer hung up, and JJ stretched and sat up in her bed.

"Morning, Spence."

"Good morning."

JJ got up and walked over to the couch with Spencer.

"Did you sleep ok?" JJ asked him.

"Yeah, I slept fine, actually. How did you sleep?"

"Good. Who was that on the phone?"

"Oh it was Hotch."

"What did he have to say?"

"He was just reminding me that out flights in three hours. And he's pretty mad that we didn't catch Daniels, but I told him what happened and he seems fine."

"Ok. Well, I'm gonna wake up Henry if we have to be at the airport before eight."

Spencer smiled. JJ walked over to Henry, who was still in bed.

"Sweetie, time to get up."

Henry stretched and then turned to JJ.

"Good morning, mommy."

"Good morning. Now, come on. We have to be at the airport soon."

JJ picked Henry up and took him to the washroom.

Spencer got up and walked over to the kitchen to make some coffee.


JJ came out of the washroom and over to her bag and grabbed her clothes.

Spencer looked at her.

"Coffee?" He asked.

"Yeah, just after I get changed, thanks Spence."

JJ was over by the bed.

"Don't look."

"Why?" Spencer asked, turning to her.

JJ laughed. "I'm getting changed!"

"Right there?" Spencer smiled.

JJ nodded.


Spencer went back to making coffee for himself and JJ.

Henry came out of the washroom.

"I'm ready, mommy!"

Once JJ was dressed, she went over to Henry and hugged him.

"We're not leaving quite yet."


Spencer handed JJ a cup of coffee, but when she reached to grab it, she grabbed her stomach instead.

"Are you ok?" Spencer asked her.

JJ looked up at him, letting go of her stomach.

"Yeah. I'm fine Spence."

"Are you sure? It looks like your stomach is in pain. Cramps? Wait, is it you time of the month?"

JJ laughed. "No, Spence. It's just a stomach pain that's been going on for a while now. It's fine though, really."

"Ok. But you should go see a doctor when we get back."


A couple hours later, and they were ready to go.

"I'll go check us out." Spencer said as they walked through the lobby.

He went up to the desk and paid the bill.

JJ and Henry waited at the door for Spencer. When he came up to them, they walked outside and got a cab.

As they pulled up at the airport, Spencer paid the driver.

"Thanks." He said as he closed the car door.

JJ put out a hand and Spencer took it. Henry was holding on to JJ's other hand.

"Flight 9, to Quantico is now boarding, flight nine." A speaker came on and Spencer checked the tickets.

"That's us!"

JJ, Spencer, and Henry ran to flight 9's boarding gate.

Spencer pulled out the tickets and handed them to the flight attendant behind the desk.

"Come on." JJ said to Henry as they entered the plane.

They sat in the same seats as last time, in the same order.

Henry was looking out the window as the plane took off.

"This weekend was a lot of fun." JJ said to Spencer.


"Yeah it was. Except for the pool incident."


"Sorry that I broke the promise, about catching the UnSub."

"Spence, that wasn't your fault."

JJ grabbed her stomach again.

"Are you sure your ok?" Spencer asked her again.

"Yeah I'm fine. Hey, what was your best memory of this weekend?"

"Well, I had a few, actually."

"Which are?"

"Well, when I saw you changing-"

JJ laughed and lightly slapped his hand.

Spencer continued. "And--and when we......kissed."

JJ smiled.

"What were your best memories of this weekend?" Spencer asked her.

"Well, for starters, when you saved my sons life."

Spencer smiled.

"And when we kissed."

Spencer looked down and smiled even more.

"And, I loved waking up from that one night we all slept together with your arm around me and Henry."

JJ and Spencer smiled at each other.

JJ turned and looked at Henry, to see him fast asleep.

She sighed. "Great, I have to go see my over dramatic room mate again."

Spencer looked at her. "Why don't you and Henry just--just stay with me?"

JJ looked at him. "Really, Spence?"

"Yeah, why not?"

JJ hugged him. "Thanks."

"We are now arriving in Quantico. So please stay seated until we land."

An announcement came on the speakers about an hour later.

JJ had fallen asleep too. But she woke up to hear the voice on the speaker.

JJ opened her eyes and saw that she fell asleep on Spencer's shoulder.

Spencer was smiling as he read his book.

"Hey, you're awake." Spencer said, looking over at JJ.

"Have we landed yet?"

"Not yet, but we are now, so I would sit up."

"And wake up Henry."

JJ turned and lightly tapped her sons shoulder.

"Honey, you have to get up now. We're landing."

"Henry opened his eyes and looked out his window.

When they landed, Hotch called JJ.

"Hey, Hotch." She said, answering the phone.

"Hey. I was just wonder if you wanted me to come pick you guys up."

"I think it's fine. I've got my car."

"Ok. How was your weekend?"

"It was good. I think being put as an undercover couple made me and Spence a little closer."

"Good, that's what I was going for."

JJ could tell Hotch was smiling, but so was she.

"Well, thanks Hotch. Talk to you when we get back."

Then the call was ended.

"Are we going home now?" Henry asked.

JJ and Spencer exchanged looks.

"Actually, Henry. We are going to be staying with Spencer for a while."

"Yay! I like Spencer." Henry shouted as he ran up to Spencer.

"Let's go home." Spencer said.

JJ grabbed her stomach again.

"Before we go to my place, I think you should go to the doctors."

"I'm fine."

"It's getting worse. I can tell."

JJ looked at him. "Ok."


They pulled up at the doctors office and JJ got out of the car.

"Do you want me to come in with you?"

Spencer called from the car.

"I think I'm good. Why don't you take Henry to the park and then pick me up in an hour."

"Ok, see you in an hour!"

Spencer drove away and JJ went into the doctors office.

After being checked out, the doctor said, "I don't see anything particularly wrong, but I would consider taking a pregnancy test.

JJ was shocked.

"Could I actually be pregnant?" JJ thought to herself.

"Ok." She said to the doctor before leaving.

JJ still had about ten minutes until Spencer was going to come and pick her up. So she walked across the street to the pharmacy.

She went up to the till with a pregnancy test.

"So you think your pregnant?" The cashier asked politely.

"Yeah." JJ said smiling.

"Well congratulations."

"Thank you."

JJ paid for her item and exited the building. When she walked out, she saw Spencer and Henry in the car.

"Hey, is everything ok?" Spencer asked as JJ got in the car.

"Yeah it's fine. Let's go home."

They pulled in Spencer's driveway and got out of the car.

Henry ran to the door. JJ and Spencer walked side by side, and when they got to the door Spencer opened it.

Henry ran inside.


Spencer smiled at Henry.

"I'll be back." JJ said.

"Where are you going?" Spencer asked.

"Just to use the washroom."


JJ went into the washroom to use the pregnancy test. She looked at it. It tested positive.

She walked out of the washroom with a huge smile on her face.

"What?" He asked smiling.

"I'm just happy for you."


"I'm happy that your going to be a father."

Spencer looked at her. "What?"

"Spence." JJ looked up and smiled at him. "I'm pregnant."

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