《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 20


"Hollon what he said?" Amour asked

"Pooh shiesty that's my dawg but Pooh you know I'm really Shiesty" Dayza and Amour said together in the camera.

They were all at Amour condo having a good time for Thanksgiving. Due to Imani being a foster child, Dayza not getting along with her family , and Amour not having a big family. Holidays were something that they all enjoyed celebrating together.

"Nuni you mind if Splain come over I want to see him but I don't wanna leave y'all" Dayza asked

"That's cool-" Amour said but got off by her phone ringing


"I'll be back this my mama calling" Amour said getting up and Walking to her bedroom.

"Tell her I said hi" Dayza said

"You have an incoming call from Harris county from Amina Savage to accept the charges press one" Amour pressed one

"Remember calls may be recorded for legal purposes"

"Amour baby" Amina , Amour mom said

Amour smiled "Hey ma , happy thanksgiving"

"Happy thanksgiving baby" Amina mom said in a sorrow tone.

Amina been in prison for almost three years now, She hates when holidays come around it makes her miss her family even more.

"How you been" Amour asked feeling concerned from the tone of her mother's voice.

"At this point I'm numb" she paused "Amour I'm really tired from all this back in forth with these lawyers , these damn ignorant cops it's just too much I can't do it anymore"

"Ma don't talk like that we going to get through it together I promise, I'm trying to find you a better lawyer"

Amour loved her mother, she really hated to hear her mother talk like this. Even though her and her mother had their ups and down , Nuni didn't want to see her hurt like this.

"I'm sorry Nuni but these four walls are so depressing-"

"Amina I'm working on it just be patient , don't give up on me because I haven't gave up on you"

"Okay" Amina mumbled "My time fixing to be up I love you baby let everybody know I love them and happy thanksgiving"

"I love you too and I will"

"You have one minute remaining" the operator said

"Alright ma keep yo head I'ma talk to you later"


"Bye baby-"


"Amour can you go get us some ice"

"No I don't feel like it" Amour said sitting down on the couch

"Ughh" Imani groaned "you bitches don't do shit I swear y'all asses aint even help cook"

Every Holiday Amour buys the food , Imani cooks the food , and Dayza is in charge of everything else like bringing liquor and utensils.

Amour licked her blunt "Tell Dayza to go get some ice" She said

Imani looked on the couch seeing Dayza and Splain kissing "Loyal come on"

Amour started laughing "don't take my nephew from me"

"Girl get the fuck I'm only taking him because y'all finna start smoking and I don't want my baby around all that" she said picking up Loyal "do me a favor when the timer go off take the macaroni out the oven that's the least you can do"

Amour nodded her head getting up to lock the door behind Imani "call me when you on your way and hurry cause I'm hungry dinner was suppose to start at six and it's seven"

"Maybe if y'all helped-" Amour closed the door in Imani face making Imani kick the door.

When Amour sat down on the couch, somebody started knocking on the door. "Ughhh" Nuni groaned walking to the door "what did you-" she swung the door open thinking that it was Imani, instead she was greeted by an unexpected guess.


"Oh hey Santana what are you doing here" Amour said feeling a awkward tension between the two since they haven't spoken in two months.

Splain looked up at the door hearing his brother name.

"Let me holla at you real quick" he said waving for her to come out the house.

Amour stepped outside when she heard the timer go off she stepped back In "just come in here I gotta get something out the oven" she said letting Santana in.

Ant and Eli stepped from around Santana and walked inside "hey friend" Ant dragged like a girl

"Wassup boo" Amour said smilling

She didn't even notice that they was with him.

Santana followed Amour into the kitchen "we can talk in here" Amour said taking the Macaroni out the oven

"I don't really know how to say-" Santana was cut off by somebody knocking at the door


"Dayza get the door for me it's Imani"

"Oh my bad finish talking" Amour said

"Like I was saying I don't how to say this bullshit but believe me-"


Amour froze up like she had just seen a ghost, she felt like the room was spinning. Is it a dream? She kept asking herself. Is it a dream?

Amour walked out the kitchen with Santana following her "Amour come give your old man a hug"

Amour stood there looking back and forth between everyone, is this a setup she thought. Her dad , Ezekiel tried to take a step closer to her, "back the hell up" she gritted

"Amour look I apologize-"

Amour jerked her head back "oh So you think after three years you can just pop up and think everything gone be a peaches and cream" she started laughing "bro fuck yo apology"

Amour was feeling mix emotions part of her wanted to run up to him and give him a big hug while the other part of her wanted to run up and kick his ass.

"It's just something I need to tell you" Ezekiel said looking over at Santana who was leaned up against the wall

Amour looked back at Santana "I'm listening"

"What if I told you that the men that killed your brother is standing right where you lay your head at" Ezekiel said looking around the room

Splain scoffed.

Amour closed her eyes feeling rage come over her body she started shaking. How could I be so fucking stupid? She thought , why? Why did I let him get this close to me.

I should have paid more attention, I was so desperate to find my dad I wasn't even thinking straight. But is he even telling the truth? She asked.

The more she thought the angrier she got.

Amour walked towards Santana "you lied to me" she whispered "you sat right in my face and lied to me"

Amour started to walk off but the little voice in her head who haven't talked in serval months made her turn around and punch Santana in his face making his lip start to bleed.

"Damn" Ant mumbled

"Did you kill my brother" she asked , she wasn't getting a response quick enough so she asked again "Did you kill my fucking brother" she yelled

"I don't know-" Santana mumbled

Deep down Santana wanted to knock Amour out. She too damn heavy handed to be hitting me like that he thought.

"Answer my question did you or did you not kill my brother" she asked

"I don't know yo pops sent us on this weird ass mission,we completed the mission next thing you know folks was saying West dead" he said in a dry tone.

Amour thought it was best for her to get up outta there before she do something crazy that she'll regret. She walked over to the table snatched the gun from off up under the table.

She put bullets in loading the gun up "When I get back it's in y'all best interest to not be here" Amour said opening the door

Imani walked in "hey everybody, hey Mr.Eze-" Imani froze quickly picking up Loyal "somebody wanna explain what's going on" she said looking around the house with a stuck awkward smile on her face.

"Imani take Loyal home y'all get up outta here" Amour whispered then walked off.

Amour got In her car and sped , no destination in mind all she knew was she gotta away from them.

"I'm just fixing to grab me a plate and get up outta here" Ant said walking to the kitchen with Eli following him.

"Mane you know you dead wrong for lying to that girl like that" Splain said

"I have no idea what you talking about" Ezekiel said grinning

"You sent us to kill yo own son cause you ain't have the balls to do it" Santana said "then got the nerve to lie to ya daughter about it"

"Just think about it for a second as long as she believes that you did it I don't got to worry about killing you" Ezekiel paused "we both know that she's a little crazy in the head if I was y'all I would get out her house before she come blow this bitch up" he said then walked out

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