《Villain deku rehab》12- torture


NOTE: this takes place right after Deku agrees to help the league torture Baku.

Bakugous pov

Ugh, my head hurts, it feels like I was just knocked out. I open my eyes and look around.


I was knocked out

I look down and see me kneeling down with my hands chained to the floor. I try to move my legs but those are also chained down.

Well fuck

I need to see if I can still use my quirk. I try to make mini explosions with my quirk but to no avail.

I hear someone step into the cement room I'm in.

My eyes look at their shoes first, but my eyes slowly travel up to see a face of a long lost friend. Except this is nothing close to what he was like as a kid.

His eyes

Those green eyes had turned dark with time and rage.

Tsk, I guess we both have rage. But we use the rage in very different ways I guess.

Dekus pov

We lock eyes.

"Oh Kacchan didn't you miss me? I missed you. Once I 'disappeared' I didn't know what to do without you telling me to kill myself."

He looked down at that remark. Clearly ashamed about what he did, I just want to add salt to the wound.

Ok, I need to get information on All Might.

I'm surprised that they didn't ask me about what I know about him. Sure it's not much, they probably don't think All Might gave me any info, fair enough.

I look at my old bully. He's avoiding eye contact. Pathetic Kacchan I thought he was supposed to be big and scary, guess not.

I walk over to him, knife in hand.

Using the flat part of the blade, I lift his chin up so we make eye contact again. Lowering my knife I lean in and whisper in his ear, "so tell me what you know about All Might."


He swings his head at me probably trying to injure me or cause me to go unconscious. I lean out of the way and using my knife, slice his check in the process.

"Damn Nerd" he yelled back at me.

"What are you going to do Kacchan, swing your head some more, throw some of your pathetic insults at me? You haven't changed at all, your still just a bully, in-fact! I think the rest of the world should see that your a bully too."

I get out my sharpest blade and walk behind Kacchan. Cutting off his shirt I run my fingers across his bare back.

Using my knife I start to carve the letter B into his back. Kacchan attempts to hold back some screams, I mean what else would you expect from getting a letter carved into you.

"So Kacchan, do you have any information on All Might now? Or am I going to have to carve some more?"

"I'm not saying anything to a villain." Kacchan said in his normal aggressive tone.

"Dang, too bad. I really didn't want to do this to you but if you won't talk I guess I have to."

I added the letters ULL. By now he's bleeding out a lot. And I normally by now wouldn't be able to tell if someone's awake or not because there to overwhelmed with pain, but Kacchan, he sill has his pride.

It's pitiful honestly.

I carve out the final Y to spell out the word BULLY, because that's what he is.

I look to his face and see a tear drop go down his face.

"Oh Kacchan, you can't actually be sad, I thought the big scary Kacchan kneeled for no-one. But look at you, your just a pathetic show off bully."


Kacchan says something but it's quite and muffled, "what was that Kacchan, man up and yell it pussy!"


"Oh Kacchan don't you think I've tried, it turns out causing pain is so much more fun then being in pain."

And with that I left.

Bakugous pov

Deku walked through the portal, probably going back to the rest of the league right now.


My back feels like it's on fire. I can barely move with these restraints. I start looking around the room for any possible way out.

It's a fully cemented room without a door and a small half window close to the ceiling. Theses also a bed in the corner and a toilet.

Judging by the size of the window, I would not be able to climb out through it.

Then I hear someone else enter the cell. It's the warp gate guy. He dosent say anything, he just unlocks the chains but keeps the quirk cancellation cuff on then leaves.

I'm still kneeling. I know it's going to hurt to move. I mentally prepare knowing that it will be painful and slowly move to the bed.

Next time someone enters this room they are going to get a beating. I was paying attention whenever the portal thing opened and it takes a few seconds for the person to go through the portal.

That gives the the opportunity to attack, sure they have weapons but there no use to them if their unconscious.

From what I've seen of this room there no cameras so I don't think they will realize that a member was taken out until I emerge from the portal instead of the villain.

I fall asleep on my stomach because of how much pain my back was in.

Dekus pov

I enter Kacchan a cell again bringing him food and see him passed out on the bed. I put the food next to a wall and walk up to the sleeping Pomeranian.

He's sleeping face down exposing his back to the air. I put some healing ointment on his new cuts that I had caused.

I just don't want a infection to form, because I can't let him go dying on me, if he does our information also dies.

I know shigi wanted me to do this job because kacchan knows me, but I think that's why he won't break. He dosent want to seem week, especially in front of someone he knows.

I leave the food in the room, hopefully he'll eat it once he wakes up. If he died and I don't have any information I'm done for.

By done for I mean shigi will probably kill me. The portal appears and I go through it, this time the portal takes me directly to my old apartment.

I examine the room and see all my old stuff here. The hero's might search here for me soon so I should probably find another place to stay.

I'll probably pick a lock and sleep in a abandoned building. Sure it's not the most comfortable but it works.

Then a sweet sent filled the apartment. A purple like fog. I started getting really drowsy and before I knew it I was asleep.

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