《Genevieve's Story (Freedom, Colorado Book #2 )》Chapter 5
Chapter 5
The nights alone after the men made love to me were the hardest. Even after so many years I still felt the pain. I had often thought about what would have happened if I had gotten pregnant. We hadn't used any form of birth control and for weeks I waited and waited until I finally started my menstrual cycle. Part of me was thankful and relieved while another part of me was sad. The thought of being a mother to their children brought me immediate happiness.
Two days had one by since I decided to stay at the ranch house. The men made themselves scarce and I found out by one of the ranch hands that Law had even taken an overnight trip to Denver to meet with a business partner.
Josie was busy with her men as they rescued three new horses from a slaughterhouse. They didn't have enough pasture fenced in so she was making multiple trips to the lumbar and back with Mike and Ray while Dylan began clearing the land from trees and brush.
I asked her if I could help but she declined by offer and slyly told me I needed to rekindle a couple relationships before I did anything else.
7 o'clock came around and I had just finished cleaning up my dinner for one when the front door abruptly opened and in came a long, tall cowboy.
Colt's face was distressed, his shirt was torn open and he sported a big gash on his arm.
Stunned, I watched as he grunted and groaned before landing roughly in one of the wooden kitchen chairs.
"Colt!" I fretted, grabbing a dishcloth as I ran towards him. "What happened?"
"One of the bulls got a little frisky tonight when he found a hole in the fence line." He gritted through his strong teeth. He had sweat running down his thick brow and his chest heaved heavily as he checked out his wound.
"We need to get the doctor." I murmured as I pressed my checkered cloth to the cut, noticing how he didn't even wince as I put pressure. Instead his eyes glared deeply into mine.
"I'll be fine." He snapped.
I felt myself wince and stumble back before I could stop myself. My eyes glued to the floor. I barely kept my hold on his arm. I had to get the bleeding to stop.
"We have to get this cleaned and you'll need stitches." I told him softly.
"You learn that with your Vet Tech degree I paid for?"
I was silent, afraid I'd show him my temper again as I did in Law's bedroom just a few nights ago. My face was scarlet red as I remembered the guilt I felt every time I swiped their credit card for food, or school books. I ran away but they still supported me in almost everything else.
"I'm very thankful for that." I finally told him, sneaking a look at him.
"You ignored every damn call. Didn't even look at us when Josie married our cousins." He continued, his chest began to rise and fall much quicker and his face held disgrace. He was mad.
"I thought you used me."
"No. If we used anyone it was that damn woman from the bar."
My gut became uneasy, and it took a few deep breaths before I could speak again. I tried to change the subject. "We need to call the doctor for you Colt."
"Fine." He eventually agreed.
The doctor advised me to clean the wound with hot water until he could get here. It wouldn't take him much longer than twenty minutes for him to arrive, but that short time lasted forever.
We were silent, and the only thing that seemed to break the ice a little was Colt gathering me on his lap when he realized my legs were aching from standing for so long.
When the doctor arrived I made a move to get up but Colt only demanded I stay put and used his other, non injured arm to keep me sitting against his hard thighs.
"Doctor Jenkins." Colt greeted the elder. "Thanks for coming."
"Couldn't say no Ms. Brown here." He grinned happily. He had told her how happy he was learning she was back in town. "Her sweet voice was very worried about you over the phone."
I could have groaned at the embarrassment this gentle doctor just caused me.
The doctor quickly worked and used a needle-less derma clip to close the wound on Colt's arm. The whole time I sat on his thighs, my fingers gripping his free arm that stayed wrapped around my waist. He showed nothing to indicate pain and in fact seemed much calmer than I.
I wonder if he could tell how scared I was when he walked in, blood running down his arm and a not so welcoming look of discomfort on his face.
We said goodnight to Dr. Jenkins, watching the salt and peppered hair man stroll back outside and towards his pick up truck. He even whistled a little tune that had me glaring daggers in his back. He seemed to know more than what I thought I led on.
I turned from where we were now standing at the front door and shyly glanced at the big powerful man.
"I'm sorry. " I whispered and almost involuntarily took a step towards him.
"Don't be sorry." He scooped me up easily, ignoring my worried look at the bandage that was just put in place only a few minutes before. "Why don't we take a shower together before we snuggle on the couch."
"I thought you said you wouldn't touch me until you married me." I mumbled against his chest, hiding my face in the old tee shirt.
I received a masculine grunt for a response as he kicked open his bathroom door with his large western boot. "They can't make the ring fast enough."
I wanted to ask what he meant by that but quickly the conversation changed.
"Doc said water wasn't gonna bother the bandage." Colt reminded me as he placed me gently on the bathroom counter.
I watched with wide eyes as he stripped down to nothing. Dirt, dried blood and sweat lined his hard, tanned muscles.
He was beautiful. His body was a little more narrow and slim than his brothers but just as powerful. He had large feet and large hands. Dark hair that trailed across his chest and down towards his heavy member.
With a playful growl I watched as the cowboy took a wide step towards me. "Let's get you undressed, Little One."
I didn't argue or fight as he took off the popular brand athletic shorts and zip up sweatshirt. He tossed a thin sports bra easily to the ground, and took his time sliding the solid black thong panties down my legs. "I should make you give me your panties more often." He brought the thin material up to his crooked nose, breathing in deeply. "I love your scent."
"Colt!" I sobbed out, his action caused a sharp flash of hot pleasure to my body's most intimate place.
"I know baby." He said softly, gathering me in his arms as he walked both of us in the large shower that consisted of two shower heads. Growing up I didn't think anything of it, but now I knew why Mom and Dad enjoyed it so much. Hot water poured over each of us, the steam helping the heat rise between us.
"I need you." I trembled, hot tears falling heavily down my cheeks. I couldn't seem to withhold my emotion. I loved him so much.
"Wash me first." Colt spoke gently. He handed me a bar of Irish Spring soap and stood still as I began to run the bar across his skin.
"No." He narrowed his eyes at me and spoke low and deadly. "With your bare hand, I need to feel your touch."
Slowly I soaped up my hand before I started again. I took my time and made sure my fingertips touched every part of his neck, his chest, his hard stomach..
"Go on." he spoke huskily. His eyes darkened as he watched me shyly reach toward his manlyhood.
My small, thin fingers looked young against his weathered skin. Tough like leather he was, and hard. Oh so hard..
He was still like stone in my hands, and came even more to life the more I pumped his lengthy member. I paid special attention to the sensitive mushroom top, running my thumb across the slit in a quick motion. It felt hard yet soft and smooth at the same time.
He made loud masculine noises the more I pleasured him, becoming almost animalistic as I took his large sack in my right hand. I still pumped him with my left.
His powerful arms were now against the wall, caging me in between him. His breath was hot and he seemed to barely get out his next words. "Enough soap. I need you bent over."
As quickly as I could I let the water suds off his body, kissing his chest as I gently caressed his skin.
"If you don't want this, don't turn around." He advised, he sounded very serious. There would be no turning back after this.
This alpha male tone he had gave me no other option but to submit, not that I wanted to do anything other than give myself to him. All the fears and doubts began to fade away for the time being.
Law crossed my mind and I knew the only thing that could make it better would be to have him here. The thought of having both men tower over my smaller form was enough to send a soft shiver of pleasure down my trembling thighs.
"I want your brother here." I confessed, shocked at myself for admitting it without shame. My eyes could barely meet his and the sound of my heart beat almost drowned out his voice.
"He'll be home any moment. He can't stay away from you for too long." Colt's large hands cupped either side of my face, his rough and calloused fingertips reminded me of how hard he works every day. He was a man of the earth, his hands felt the bodies of large animals every day, just as his boot clad feet pressed into the hard dirt of our ranch.
Our ranch.
I smiled at his words and watched as gleams of joy passed through his eyes. Making my decision I decided not to turn around, but instead I went to my knees in front of him.
"I want Law here for the first time we make love again." I told him, begging for his approval with my eyes as I stared up at him. From this angle his shoulders looked wide, and his neck looked thicker. I could see that thick line pulse as he clenched and unclench his strong jaw.
He muttered a curse as he fisted my wet hair in his hand, urging my mouth over his length.
I moaned against him, tasting his skin and swirling my tongue. I felt more confident this time, experiencing what giving oral pleasure is like. My eyelashes battered away the warm shower water as I stared up at Colt, hoping he could see how much I loved him.
With a whisper of something I could hear off his lips I felt his seed slide down my throat. His face as he closed his eyes and gave into pleasure had me cumming in just one strong flick of my clit with my own fingers.
It turned out Law didn't come home as soon as we thought. An unexpected emergency with one of the horses had him and eventually Colt at work for most of the night. After my shower with Colt, he had settled me into the couch and was just about to join me when he got a call from Law telling him about the injured horse.
"Don't you go anywhere, Bumble Bee." He demanded as he shrugged on his black work coat and shimmied a wide brimmed hat on his head. He looked good in a carhart and work wear.
"We've got plans for you." He teased, winking at me with enough seduction to tempt me back onto my knees.
Stunned, I was only able to blush and nod as he went out the door.
Within minutes of him leaving Josie texted me stating her men had joined them and she was home alone too. I ended up calling her and we spent an hour on the phone, she mostly listened while I talked till I was blue in the face. I confessed my love for them over and over again to her. Yet each time I told her my hopes for the future I kept going back to all the doubts and fears that have haunted me since the night they first claimed me.
Finally she reassured me that everything would work out in the end, and I was comforted enough to hang up and get ready for bed.
Already showered and in my nightgown I made my way to my childhood room. Just as I pulled back the covers I heard my cell phone alert me with a new text message.
Going to be at least another hour. Be in my bed when I get home.
My whole body went hot as I read his message twice, no three times before I responded.
Sounds dangerous.
I giggled out loud, realizing that I was about to initiate my first ever sext. For the first time I felt my age, young and scandalous. I'm not sure what came over me, but I feel drunk on lust and love.
Only way you'll be in danger is if I don't find you under my covers.
With a silly grin on my face I quickly lowered my nighty down so the pink cotton material showed my breasts, only a small slip of the rose colored buds showing. Lifting my smartphone I snapped a couple pictures from an above angle until I settled on one that looked the sexiest.
I thought about whether I should send it or not for too long because another alert came on my phone.
Cheeks burning red and unable to control the smile on my lips I hit the sent bottom and waited.
With another thought I added something to my message, typing quickly.
But don't you like my nightie?
Five minutes went by with no response. Another ten went by and I felt the dread overwhelm me. Had I gone too far?
Did they think I am slut or that I've sexted other men before?
Fighting tears and cursing my insecurity I closed my bedroom door and huddled underneath my covers. I tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable. I felt stupid, and I felt even more pathetic for feeling this way. Why can't I just be confident, the type of woman who can hold her head up and never lose her pride. I was about to give up and read my book when I heard the front door open and close. Sounds of heavy footsteps were getting louder and louder as they neared my room.
Pulling the covers up to my chin I tried to keep my heart from beating out of my chest. I was being hunted.
I heard a rough voice grunt angrily as the other bedroom doors opened and closed. Maybe I should have gone to his room..
I watched the tall cowboy enter my room, a second large shadow leaning casually on the door frame with his arms crossed over his wide chest. Colt seemed amused as his older brother stalked towards me.
"Th-the horse?" I asked, my voice barely my own as it shook with excitement.
"It's fine." Law bit out. He stripped the covers off me and stared down at me. My nightie was short and only covered enough to cover butt. Yet as I layed there, displayed below him I knew the fabric was bunched at my waist and my pussy was free for him to see.
"You pretty little thing." He muttered, reaching down to pull my knees apart. "Look at that.."
His voice was low, his tone gruff and sexy. My eyes raked over his dirty jeans, and old western button up. His Stetson had been tossed on the bed the moment he walked in the room.
I didn't miss the bulge in front of his pants, the way his member was outlined by the old denim. It was then I realized that his belt buckle was already undone and his jeans were unzipped. As he turned towards me I burned with desire at the sight of his cock peeking out from the band of his boxer briefs.
"Couldn't keep him in any longer." My eyes met those of a cocky, alpha male. Law grabbed his member and with an arrogant look on his face he cupped his balls with his other hand. "He almost came when I looked at that naughty picture you sent me."
I was so turned on that I couldn't even laugh at the fact he was speaking in third person of his cock. Instead I felt the moan slip from between my lips and my legs fall apart even wider as he touched himself.
"One day I'm gonna slide into you while you wear that nighty." As Law said it I began to imagine all the ways he would take me and the different kinks that I longed to discover with him.
"But that'll have to wait. I want nothing between us this time." He finished and gathered me into his strong arms. My arms locked around his strong neck and I sought his lips with my own.I locked my ankles together behind his back as I squeezed my thighs around his waist. Unable to hold back I felt my pelvis jerk and grind against his hard stomach.
Our tongues danced and battled one another into submission. I wasn't aware of the walk to his room, I could only focus on his large hands stripping me naked and eventually laying me down on his bed.
"Oh baby.." He breathed. "I have longed for you."
I cried out, tears pricking my eyes as I reached for him. "I need you inside me, Law"
"I'm coming." He spoke softly, tearing off his shirt and kicking off his boots. His jeans and boxers came off next. He was a sight to see,all alpha male and hard muscle. I breathed his scent in, shuddering as I recognized his earthly must and masculine body wash. He smelled just like his younger brother.
Missing Colt, I searched for him as Law's large body covered mine. "Colt." I whispered, my eyes searching the room.
"Right here, Bumble Bee." Colt assured me with a hand through my hair. He stood at the side, his heavy cock was gripped tight in his long, thick fingers. He had only taken the time to ditch his shirt, his jeans were still around his thighs and he wore his western boots. He looked powerful, a man who was about to stake his claim. "He's gonna take your pretty little cunt and when you're ready I'm gonna put myself in between your lips."
He had precum dripping from hick cock and I felt the hidden seductress within me lick my lips, all but begging for a taste.
"You want his cock already don't you?" Law asked, taking my attention as he prepared me to take his girth. "You can have anything you want. You will never go without."
I arched in pleasure at his words, offering my tender breasts to my men. "I -I love you." I whispered so low I was afraid they couldn't hear me. "Both of you, so much."
Growls filled the air as they answered me, "I love you." They spoke over each other, my eyes going back and forth to each of theirs.
The next moments were so erotic and filled with pure passionI couldn't hold back anything. I was an innocent but with them it felt natural to accept Law inside and I comfortablely sucked on Colt,working to milk his cum down my throat. I couldn't control the moans that escaped me, and the men weren't too quiet either. They sounded like lions, growling and grunting as they mated with me. I was so wet I felt Law easily slide in and out of me, but the deeper he went the realization of how endowed he really was turned me into their complete submissive.
Law's balls slapped against my sensitive skin as I took his whole length. He hit a spot inside me every single time and I creamed my release not once but twice before he shuddered his own orgasm.
The whole time Law was in me I listened to his soft endearments and felt Colt's comforting hand stroke the loose hair off my face. These tough, country men were truly gentle giants towards me.
They loved me and I loved them. I felt like I could forget about the years we wasted apart and begin our lives together. Get married, have a family-
"A baby!" I gasped as Law slowly pulled out and Colt was already lifting me into his solid arms. He kissed away the dampness on my face, his warm hand protecting my swollen cunt.
"What are you talking about?" Colt asked gently, kissing my temple and then my cheek.
"I'm not on anything.." I whispered shyly, watching as Law cleaned himself with a towel. He looked so masculine standing here with his cock half hard and his skin red from our vigorous exercise.
Would they be mad if I got pregnant?
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