《Mr. Perfect & Miss Troublemaker》Chapter 25


Ashiya's PoV:

I had just come out of the break room when I heard someone asking for help near the reception. The voice sounded familiar so I went there and to my surprise I found Ahan carrying an old woman in his arms. He laid her on a stretcher and a nurse led her inside. The woman seemed unconscious all the while. I walked up to him and saw his condition. He was sweaty and looked worried and angry perhaps. When he saw me, he blinked twice before straightening himself.

"Hey," I said in a whisper to which he didn't reply and kept looking at me, confused, probably. "I work here," I added and he eyed my white coat before forming an O with his mouth. "Do you know that woman?"

"No, I found her unconscious on the road and brought her here," he said with a straight face.

"Don't worry we'll take care of her," I assured and he gave me a slight nod and went to sit down in the waiting area.




Ahan and I were standing near the bed where the nurse had taken that woman. She was conscious now but still looked a little worn out. I did her check up and found out that she fainted because if dehydration.

"Is she okay?" Ahan broke the silence and the woman looked at him.

"Yes, I have given her some medicines but she needs rest," I said and the woman turned her head towards me.

"What is your name, ma'am?" Ahan asked politely and the woman only looked at him.

"Your name, ma'am," I repeated when she didn't answer. "Can you talk?" I asked through gesture and she nodded.

"I'm Nirmala," she said.

"Can you tell us you address? I asked her.


"I don't have one," she answered and Ahan and I looked at each other.

"Then where do you live?"

"On streets," she said, "my son died last month and the landlord kicked me out of his house because I couldn't pay him." She said this as if it was a normal thing and it broke my heart. She looked at the spot on her arm where I had given her an injection and said to me apologetically, "I don't have money to pay for this, beta." She looked so... vulnerable.

"Don't worry about it," Ahan told her, "from today onwards, you're my responsibility. I'll have place for you to live in." I looked at Ahan and he still had his straight face on. The woman looked surprised too.

"I don't want to burden you, son," her voice sounded broken.

"It's my duty as a Muslim and as a human, ma'am, to help those in need. You are not a burden to me, in fact, you're like a mother to me and I cannot let you live on streets," he said and the woman started crying. She gestured him to come forward to which he obliged. She then held his hands and kissed them, thanking him and her god.

I stood there looking at them. Ahan wiped her tears with his sleeves and hugged her to stop her from crying. Her breathing slowed down and she was soon asleep. I still didn't know how to react to all of this.

"Thank you," I finally said after a lot of contemplation when Ahan and I were out.

"For what?"

"For helping her. It's very rare to see someone helping a stranger," I said to which to which he turned to look at me.


"You're a doctor, aren't you helping others as well?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Yeah, but we get paid for it," I reasoned to which he smiled.

"Do YOU? In medical camps?" He asked in a low voice and my eyes widened. How does he know about my yearly medical camps? The last time I checked, only two people knew about it. My mother and...Saira. That traitor!

"I... Saira told you" I whispered.

"Is that her name? She told me that you're a great doctor and that you take utmost care of your patients. She also "accidentally" told me about your participation in yearly medical camps in rural areas." He was smiling by now which made him look...good. Damn! He looked beautiful.

"It's my duty as a muslim and as a human, sir," I hid a smile and he grinned.

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