《Making Love to The Alpha》Chapter Nineteen: Unedited


"Allie, i'm a..." Sam spoke, my breath catching "Busted." Snapping my eyes to the door, I saw a fire breathing Ruby whose red cheeks where living up to her name. "It is 3 in the morning, and so help me God if you don't get out of my grand babies room in the next 5 seconds I will have every police car in 100 miles swarming you" She hissed, lunging forward and trying to pull me away from Sam, but he blocked me from her and backed up so my knees where touching the back of his calves.

"Ruby, I was about to tell Allie.." Sam trailed off, holding his hands up defensively. Looking around, I could see the edge of his moving lips. He was silently communicating to her. "And steal my baby away from me? Listen Sam, I don't give a damn. You sure as hell better wait till she turns 18" Ruby snapped, snapping her fingers. "Missy, you're grounded" She said, pointing a manicured finger at me and wagging it slowly at me.

"Ruby, I want to know what Sam was going to tell me" I said, standing up and walked between them. I don't know who was more intimidating, the 6'6" muscular man, or the 5'5" blond headed grandma who was wearing a pink nightdress. "No, Allie. He'll steal your innocence. You deserve a few more months of ignorance." She said quietly, pushing a strand of straight jet black hair away from my face. "Allie, I don't have to tell you. I can leave, and come back when we're both ready" Sam said sweetly, reaching for my hand and pulling it to his lips.

"Ian just came to me and ran me to a clearing in the woods where he told me to check your bandages and then had a argument with himself. Sam is going no where, and neither am I" I told the both of them, expecting a reasonable answer. But all I got was "I'll go make some tea and cookies" From Ruby and a "Why the Hell did you not wake me up?" From Sam.

I guess I did want a few more moments of ignorance.

"I uh.." I trailed off, as Ruby let the room. "I just had a very traumatic experience and I want to hug you and kiss you and be held you and not be questioned about my dead brother who said he wanted to take me away and the creepy voice agreed" I said, kind of sounding like a tired 3 year old. "Allie.." Sam trailed off, pushing my hands away from him. "Your grandma is waiting.. and you won't like what I have to say.." He said quietly, pulling his jeans on and wiping his mouth.


"Are you refusing to kiss me?" I grumbled, gritting my teeth and turning to walk "I'm in trouble aren't I?" Sam asked from behind me. Turning around, I stuck my tongue out at him and made my way down the stairs. Walking into the kitchen, I saw Ruby taking deep breaths as she stood over a kettle. "Ruby, are you going to tell me why you and Sam freaked out?".

She wiped her eyes and rubbed her hands on her legs, shaking her head. "Go sit in the living room" Ruby said weakly, pointing to the living room. Nodding, I walked in and sat on the couch closest to the door. Sam walked in, shirtless. I guess he coulden't find his shirt. Lucky me.

"Ruby's making tea. Are you going to explain my dead brother and why your arm is completely unscratched after it literally looked like it needed to be amputated?" I asked, crossing my legs and watching him walk over. He had a stroll that showed power, like nothing scared him and he was the scariest thing for miles. His head was held high, his abs flexing with every step. "You'll find out soon, Princess" He whispered soothingly, sitting next to me and pulling me against his chest.

Snuggling against him, I forgot my fright and my anger, letting it be replaced by the tingly sensation of Sam rubbing my arm, not letting me move. "Alright. I'm ready" Ruby said, walking in and placing the three tea cups on the coffee table and setting a tray of Oreo next to them. Leaning forward, I grabbed a cookie and ate it. Sam chuckled, rubbing my back.

"Tell us exactly what happened with Ian" Sam said after a minute, resting his chin on my head. "Ian woke me up, told me to get on his back and I did. He jumped out of my window and ran like..like the wind. He was so fast, and cold! God, he was cold. My skin was burning from his touch-not in the way it does with Sam. Kind of like pins and needles. We got to a clearing and he set me down, telling me things like to check his bandage and to run away with him. Then his voice changed, and he was saying things like how the boys would like me and they should take me. I stepped in mud, and Ian-or whoever it was kept grabbing me and it hurt bad. Finally, he took me home and said they put a spell on Sam so he woulden't wake up for a while. I checked his bandage and nothing was there." I explained, feeling Sam tense. "We need to tell her" Ruby finally said, rubbing her eyes and gulping.


"Hey got to Annie already, that's why she's dead." Ruby said to Sam, rubbing her knees. "Its Samael. That's the other voice, he possessed him. He's weak" Sam fired back, growling. "What are you Sam?" I asked, gripping his bicep. "Allie, don't freak out" Sam warned, and Ruby walked over. She sat on the other side of me, gripping my hand while Sam kissed the other.

"I'm the Alpha of the Blood Water Pack." Sam explained, holding my hand to his heart. Furrowing my eyebrows, I stifled a laugh. "You? A Werewolf? No. No way" I laughed, shaking my head. "Allie.. he is. So are Ammi, Gray, Jess, Andrew, all of them. You're brother.. we believe he sold his soul to the Devil to remain on earth, with you." Ruby said, rubbing my palm with her thumb. "You guys, are bat sh*t crazy" I laughed, standing up and pushing away from them. "Those things don't exist. You're telling me Ian sold his soul to the Devil? What does that make him?" I yelled, shifting from one foot to another.

"Imp. Vampire. Little Devil. Blood sucker. Leech." Sam rattled off, standing up and backing away. "Okay, Alpha Sam. How does Ruby know anything about it?" I shot "Ruby has helped our pack over the years". I didn't want to believe it, Werewolf's, Vampires. This isn't Twilight. "Prove it" I shot at Sam, crossing my arms.

Sam stood up, and nodded at Ruby who covered her eyes. "Allie, look away" She said, and I shook my head. "No. I want to see if he's playing a trick" I huffed, giving him a 'Go ahead' look. Pursing his lips, he pulled his jeans off and threw them to the side, pulling his boxers down. Staring at his gorgeous body, I bit my lip and tried to keep my gaze away from his not so little friend.

Bones started cracking, and I could see the muscles moving under his skin. I blinked for a millisecond, and in that time he became a giant, black wolf. Screaming as loud as I could, I fell back on my butt and pushed myself away from him as fast as I could. "Help!" I screamed louder, pushing myself against the wall and screaming as he walked over.

"No, no, no! Sam! Please!" I cried, covering my face and hearing more bones cracking before I was pulled up against a frail body. "She's going into shock" Ruby said, and a second later a boxer clad Sam had me wrapped in a hug. "Go call Andrew and tell him she knows" Sam commanded, holding me while I thrashed and cried and pushed him away. He just held me tighter and kissed my head.

It felt good to be so close to Sam, and I wanted to kiss him and hold him but at the same time I hated him and was scared of him beyond belief.

Then it all went black.


Cliff? Nah, but hey! She found out! Do you like the new cover? I do! Thank you so much ;Innocent9146

She made me four! I love them and i'll be adding them to my chapters. So, lovely ladies and Germs if y'all have covers just in box them to me and i'll add them:)

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