《Making Love to The Alpha》Chapter Sixteen: Unedited


The rest of the lake trip was fun. Sam and only made-out, but every time Carter would run in and say something before we got any farther. I was glad to be home though, at Ruby's. She was currently at a yoga class, leaving me home alone. There where 2 days left of spring break, and I was dreading the Monday.

Gray and Jess would be there, and after the slut comment, I felt like crap. I was friends with them, actually friends, with them. They where mean to Sam, Ammi, and I. And that hurt the most of all.

Pulling my hair into a topknot, I read the instructions and added a pinch of salt. I was making spagetti for Ruby and I tonight, along with some wine that she was allowing me to have. The water was boiling, and the oven timer was beeping telling me the meatballs where ready.

Stirring the noddles, I kept the water low so it didn't boil over. The doorbell rang, causing me to send a round of curse words out. Opening the oven, I pulled the meatballs out, burning my hand in the process. The doorbell rang again, for longer.

Yelping in pain, I crashed the pan onto the oven, running to the doorway. "Sam?" I asked, opening the door. "Hey Kitten" He smirked, stepping in and pulling me into a hug "My noodles!" I screamed, pushing off him and running to the kitchen where the water was boiling over. "Your noodles?" Sam huffed, shutting the door and following me in.

Stirring the noodles, I turned the burner off and felt Sams strong hands on my hips. His touch calmed me for a second before letting the pain from my burn set in. Pulling away from him, I pushed my hand under the cold water. It stung terribly, and I could tell a scar would set in.

"What'd you do?" Sam chuckled, walking over and pulling my hand out from under the water and placing his lips on it. "Brought the meatballs out of the oven" I explained, letting my eyes roll to the back of my head as he kissed it again. "Making dinner?" He asked, moving back and hopping onto the island bar, almost spilling my pre-dinner wine. "Yeah. Ruby's at yoga, so I wanted to do something nice for her" I admitted, walking over to him and sipping the wine.


"No no" He chuckled, pulling it out of my hands and putting it behind him "I'm making food, gimme" I gurgled, turning around and lifting the pasta pot, carrying it over to the sink where the drainer was. I continued piecing the meal together, setting a plate for Sam. Ruby wanted to meet him, so I went ahead and invited him.

"Seeing you cook..so sexy" Sam growled, stepping forward so my back was pressed to his chest. "Oh..really?" I giggled, continuing to set the table "When you move into my house y-" Sam started, but I interrupted;

"What do you mean? 'When'?"

Sam let out a heavy breath "You think i'd move in with you?" I huffed, messing with him. "Why woulden't you? I make awesome pancakes, and we can cuddle" His voice was playful, but kind of threatening. "I don't know.. my friend Theo in Marblehead makes great pancakes.. and his pug Scruffy is a snuggle" I joked, turning around to face a furious face.

He breathed for a few minutes, his forest green eyes now black oceans swarming with death and anger. "Allie, c'mon." He growled aggressively, shooting his hand out and grabbing my wrist. "Sam, I was joking. That hurts, stop it" I whimpered, trying to pull my wrist away from his tightening grip.

"Allie, don't play with me" He growled loudly, and I sware the house shook. "Ow ow ow! Sam, let go of me!" I yelled, hearing a snap and feeling the most painful thing in the world. "Sam" I cried, seeing my wrist hang at a awkward angle as he released it. "Oh my God..Allie, Peaches" Sam started whispering, pulling me to him in a hug.

"You..hurt..me" I gasped, holding in a scream of pain. "I-I-I lost control" He stuttered, his eyes back to their green "You hurt me".


"So, it's broken?" I asked the doctor. He shook his head, and started explaining the x-ray to me. Ruby was filling out paperwork and dealing with Ms.Goodman over the phone, while Sam sat behind me as he refused to leave me alone in a room with a man.


While he drove me to the emergency room, he kept repeating how sorry he was and how he didn't mean to. I stared down at the white gauze that covered my swollen arm. "So, what color cast would you like?" He asked, handing me a list with cast colors. "Black" I said, handing it back as he left the room with a nod.

"Kitten, i'm so sorry" Sam gushed, jumping out of the chair and walking over to me. He broke my wrist because I joked about not moving in with him. That's kind of crazy. "Please leave.." I whispered, turning and staring at the floor. It was shiny, and I could see my teary reflection.

My black hair was in a high ponytail from when they reset my arm in order to keep it away from my face. My blue eyes where puffy and red from crying, and my lips where swollen and chapped from breathing heavy. Sam looked perfect as always, except for his eyes that seemed to be a lighter green then before

"Allie.." Sam dragged out, taking my healthy hand in his and pulling it to his cheek. Closing his eyes, he took a few breaths and pulled it to his lips where he kissed it lightly. There was no denying the shocks that rattled my body, but he did break my wrist. I wanted to hug and kiss him and have him make me better, but he broke my wrist. I should at least make him work for it.

"Please leave.. i'll have Ammi text you" I whispered, as the doctor walked in and sat on a chair. He began to wrap my arm, and assured me it was waterproof.

"Bye Allie" Sam weakly said, his throat sounding dry. He walked out, ducking as he passed through the doorway.


"I've never broken a bone before, does it hurt!?" Ammi excitedly asked over the phone. I was laying in bed, watching Netflix and talking to Ammi. "At first it was extremely painful. Its just annoying now. Real bulky. Have you talked to Sam?" I asked, pausing Black fish and standing up. "Yes. I called him and I heard Andrew yelling about about a broken chair or something. He's mad you told him to leave".

"Well, he broke my wrist because I was joking with him about moving back to Marblehead"

"Sam's possessive, Al."

"Possessive enough to break my wrist?"

"Don't hold it over his head, Al. He really likes you, so don't push him away. Please." She begged, and I heard a car honking. "He broke my wrist Ammi. I'm going to take a while to forgive him" I said quietly, making my way down stairs. "I know. I'll see you tomorrow for pedicures" She said, and I agreed before hanging up.

Slipping my phone into my pocket, I walked into the living room where Ruby was trying to save my ruined spaghetti and meatballs.


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