《Making Love to The Alpha》Chapter Twelve: Unedited


"Lets go tubing!"

"No, let's wake board!"

"I wanna swim!"

"Can we eat!?"

"Let's jet-ski!"

People called as we pulled to a stop in the bay filled with partying college students and large families. Standing up, I listened as everyone bickered. Grabbing the bag, I pulled out the sunscreen and slid my shorts off. Everyone agreed to swim first, but Ammi made sure we all applied a decent amount of sunscreen, her being the palest of us all.

"Hold still Sam" I grumbled, shifting on his lap and holding his jaw with my hand "I call abuse" He groaned as I covered his face in the sunscreen "Well we don't want you to burn. A peeling face is unnatractive" I giggled.

Wiping it with my hands, I stood up and tossed the glue-stick looking tube at Ammi who was currently bathing in sunscreen. Turning back, Sam was sticking his head in the water and scrubbing the sunscreen off his face. Kicking his butt, I walked to the back of the boat and helped Ben and T.J. put the two tubes in place.

After everything was set, Ammi cranked up the radio and jumped in the water with a giant splash. Following suit, I dove in and pushed my hair away from my face. T.J and Sam messed around before jumping in.

Immidietly, I Sam swam over and wrapped me into a embrace. I loved being this close to him. To feel his breath on my ear, and his muscular arms wrapped around my waist. "Today, is going to rock"


"I'm.. so..tired" I groaned, gripping Sams neck as he carried me. "Only 4 more days" He chuckled, setting me on the couch as everyone walked in and flopped "It's only.. 7." Ammi said, her shoulders slightly pink from the sun. "I'll order pizza and we can watch a movie" Ben said and I nodded, getting up to go change.

Locking the door, I put a pair of grey sweatpants and a pink v-neck on. Opening the door, that's when I heard it.

A laughter so funny, it made a smile appear on your face. It was Ians laugh.


My mind flashed back to the mall, and I was running down the steps faster than anything. I saw a flash of his brown hair, and I was pushing past Ammi "Ian?" I said, seeing his easy smile. "Ian!" I yelled, about to step through the door when Sam grabbed my hips and pulled me back "Allie, are you alright?" He asked, pulling me into his chest. Trying to push him away and chase after Ian, Andrew slammed the front door.

"Allie, are you okay?" Ammi asked and I rubbed my head, nodding. "He looked like a guy that I use to know" I trailed off and Andrew gave me a funny look. "Pizza's getting cold" T.J said and everyone turned their attention to T.J who was holding a pizza.

We all got food, though I hardly ate mine, and sat around the large plasma T.V. watching Hangover 3. I coulden't concentrate though, I just kept thinking of Ian. Once was a chance, twice was a coincidence. Ian had died, but i'd seen and him 2.

"I'm tired beyond belief" Ammi finally said, standing up. Andrew stood next to her and whispered something in her ear that sent both of them sprinting up the stairs. The rest of the guys stood up and said they where turning in leaving me and Sam alone down stairs. "So, are you going to tell me how you know the pizza boy?" Sam asked, shifting to face me.

I thought about lying to him, but I had to tell someone. But yet, I coulden't tell him. Ian died. "He's.. a old friend" I said quietly, earing a sigh from Sam. "No, tell me the truth" He said sternly. Looking away and biting my thumb, Sam sighed again and rubbed his temple. "Promise you wont laugh?" I quietly asked.

And I told him. Everything. He didn't seem as angrey than he did at first. "So, you don't think i'm crazy?" I asked. "No. It's normal" He assured me, rubbing my back "You'd be the best boyfriend in the world if I got a shoulder rub" I giggled, moving onto his lap.


"Boyfriend? I didn't agree to that" Sam chuckled, moving my shirt up and rubbing lightly "Oh, um.. I just..um" I rambled, arching into his magic fingers. If he could rub this good, I wonder what else his magic fingers could do. "I'm your boyfriend. The only one you'll have" He whispered into my ear, kissing my shoulder. "Oh? Really? T.J is kinda cute" I giggled, earning a growl from Sam. "Can T.J. do this?"

We shifted so he was laying ontop of me, putting his weight on his arms. We met in a kiss that was even better than the lake and hair kiss. My hands found themselves in his hair, and his where on my hips. "I can find out easily" I mumbled, inhaling sharply.

In a second Sam lifted me up and was running up the stairs. He found our room and threw me onto the messy, unmade bed. "Looks like I need to make you forget T.J." He laughed, stripping his shirt and strolling over, meeting me in another kiss.

We rolled around, fighting for dominance of the kiss as he deepened it by adding tongue. My shirt came off, leaving me in my pink sports bra. His hand rubbed my ribcage before moving under my bra and rubbing my breast. Moving my kisses to his neck, I kissed and nipped at it and sucked it lightly.

His hand found my hip and he tugged at my sweatpants revealing my pink panties. He pulled his hand out of my bra and used it to pull my sweatpants down to my upper thighs, kissing my neck agressivly. "Tell..me.. if I go to..far" He breathed, and I nodded, silently begging him to continue.

I was wet beyond belief, and my body was begging him to continue, but the door flew open. "Carter!" Sam screamed, pushing me behind him. "Are y'all about to do it?" He asked. Sam growled, throwing a pillow at him and shielding me with his body while I pulled my pants up and slid my shirt back on.

"Leave!" Sam screamed but Carter just stayed put. "Wheres the candy stash?" He asked, smirking. "GET OUT!" Sam roared. Carter ran out of the room, his head bowed in submission.

"I'm sorry" Sam apologized, turning back to me and placing his hand on my cheek "It's fine" I whispered, pushing myself under the blanket and snuggling up to Sam. "I'll make sure no one ever hurts you" He whispered, clapping so the lights turned off. I felt his arm sling over me, remindind me of his words.


"Al, Al." A soothing voice said, waking me up. Rubbing my eyes, I felt the weight of Sams arm across my waist and his other arm under my head being used as a pillow. "Al, c'mon" The familar voice called.

Moving Sams arm, I stood up and followed the familar voice "Al, c'mon babygirl. Little bit farther" The voice said gently, and I heard footsteps leaving the dark room.

Who called me Al?

Thinking, I followed the voice out of the room and down the stairs. The voice was louder, in my ear "Al, baby, c'mon, little farther." It said, and I walked out the open front door. "Al"

Ian. Ian called me Al.

"Ian?" I asked, before he closed me in a hug. "I love you Al" He chuckled, but something about it was off. It felt like a dream, yet it seemed so real. Lucid dream, maybe?

"Ian, am I dreaming?" I weakly asked and he didnt answer "I love you. I'll keep my promise, alright? i'll protect you. Like I promised" He whispered, kissing my head and leading me back into the house "Ian, why are alive? Are mom and dad alive?" I asked and he shook his head "No. I am though."

"Here, lay down. You never saw me, alright?" He instructed, sitting me on the couch and covering me with a thick blanket "Ian, why did they tell me you where dead?" I asked. He didn't reply, just kissed my head and fluffed my pillow.

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