《Making Love to The Alpha》Chapter Seven:


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"Allie Cat, c'mon down!" Ruby screamed as I hurridly tied my white chucks "Coming!" I called, adjusting my scarf in the mirror before running down the stairs and bumping into a very happy Ruby. Her smile was bright and enviting, only adding to my curiosity.

"What?" I asked, feeling my stomache tighten like it always did around Sam. "I need my car back, and you need one too.." She trailed off, pushing a Vera Bradley lanyard into my hands. There where two keys on the end, a car key and a house key. "I wanted you to have a house key. So you'll always know where your home is" She said kindly, kissing my cheek "Head to school, kiddo" She finished.

Smiling, I thanked her and turned. Running to the garadge, I covered my mouth and stared excitedly at the brand new, adorable, black Volvo was parked. Screaming, I jumped up and down and fist pumped the air before climbing in and pulling out, giddy the entire way to school.

The Volvo drove smooth, and I was in love with the radio. I almost wished I could just ditch school and go on a drive in this thing. Well..almost. Pulling into a parking spot, I fixed my mascara that smudged a bit and climbed out, ignoring the jocks who where wolf whistles at me. Giving them the finger, I hurried over to Andrew, Sam, and their friends. I coulden't see Gray, Jess, or Ammi, so I thought'd be okay to be around Sam.

"Hey" I said breathlessy, after speed walking to get away from the boys "Hey! How was the party? Did you get lucky?" Andrew shot, as I was going to answer a low growl filled the silence "Uh..no. After I made Sam dance with me Gray, Jess, Ammi and I went out for ice cream and then I went home" I said, and all the boys laughed. "Andrew said you where super drunk" One of them said and I nodded.

Even being in the presence of Sam drove me crazy, I wanted to kiss him, and I wanted to do so much more. But standing next to him, seeing the rise and fall of his chest, the way he shifted his jaw, the way he and Andrew got in heated arguments over football, It made me happy. Hearing Ammis laugh, I turned and saw the three of them all standing around the fontain. "I..uh.. have to go" I said quickly, pulling away from the group and running over to them.

"Hey" Ammi said weakly, still suffering from hangover symtoms. "Hi" I asnwered, looking over my shoulder at a angry looking Sam. "Alpha A-hole is staring" Jess said and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "Alpha? What does that mean" I asked curiously, making all three of them share nervous looks "..It's a Oklahoma thing. You call the biggest jerks Alpha" Gray quickly explained. Giving her a funny looked, I shook my head.


Walking to 3rd hour, I hadn't seen Sam since this morning. It worried me, but made me slightly happy. I wanted to be with him, to feel his hot breath on my neck, to hold me. But I was happy. I didn't Gray or Jess to find out, they'd be mad that I disobeyed their warnings. I couldn't pick between them. Chicks before d*cks. But the thought of losing any of them, expesially Gray and Sam, made my stomach churn and burn.


Walking into the bathroom, I walked over to the mirror and adjusted my hair. Hearing a few moans and groans, I turned back to the stalls carefully. The sound seemed to be coming from the third stall to the left, so carefully I walked over and gripped the handle.

Opening the door, I screamed at the sight.

Andrew was pressing Ammi against the side of the stall, her legs where around his waist and her arms around his neck. They where kissing, and I could see Andrews hand snaking up her leg. "Oh..my..God" I gasped. Andrew dropped Ammi, and pushed her behind him before snarling at me, teeth and everything. "Andrew, its me" I said, but he snapped his teeth and growled again.

Ammi tried to stop him, but he seemed extremley angry that I interuped his make out session with Ammi. It was weird, Andrew wasn't off limits but Sam was. They where brothers, family. "Stop it Andrew!" Ammi yelled, trying to pull him back. He growled again, lunging forward and knocking me onto the ground.

My butt burned and I was honestly scared. Cute little Andrew who was nice to me the first day I moved to Oklahoma and told me I was beautiful, was not trying to rip my throat out. Suddenly the bathroom door opened, and Jess and Gray walked in. Trying to warn them, Gray walked over to me while Jess walked to Andrew.

Grabbing his ear, she pulled him away from me and pushed him against the wall, whispering things in his ear. "Are you okay!?" Gray asked and I nodded, knowing my butt'd be covered in bruises by tommorow "Why did he do that?" I asked, as Ammi came to my side "Ammi, get out of here" Jess said over her shoulder sternly, applying more pressure to Andrews neck. "But he's my m-" Ammi started but Jess just cursed and told Ammi to leave.

Gulping, with the help of Gray, I stood up. Andrew seemed to calm down, and a look of worry flashed over his eyes "Allie" He exclaimed, pushing past Jess and running the short distance over to me. He tried to help me, but Jess grabbed his arm and pushed him away. "Don't touch Allie. Go help Ammi" Gray spat and he nodded quicky "Ammi" He said, eyes wide. Turning to Jess, she pointed her finger out the door and Andrew sprinted in that direction.

"What was wrong with him" I said, breathing heavily. I felt warm and tingly inside, the same way I was around Sam. A minute later, he walked in with black eyes and steam practically blowing out of his ears. As soon as he saw me, his gaze softened and he cleared his throat "Gray. Jess. Your..parents.. are here" He said quietly, and I gulped loudly as they slowly left.

"Did he hurt you?" Sam asked, lunging forward and taking both of my small hands in his "No" I lied. He gave me a look and I huffed loudly "When I fell I landed hard on my butt" I whispered and a devlish smirk played on his lips "Can I see?" He asked and I blushed, feeling my cheeks heat up. "N-no" I stuttered out nervously, causing his beautiful lips to curve up into a smile.


A image flashed through my mind of us kissing, and I had to reisist not throwing myself on him. I was not that type of girl. Maybe he only did it to pity me. I am a ugly drunk. "What happened to Andrew?" I asked cautiously and he gave me a look "What?"

"He's had a crush on Ammi for a while.."

"But the whole Gray and you thing is in the way?"

"Yes. But he shoulden't have gone after you. There was no reason for him to touch you"

"He didn't"

"Go after you?"

"No, touch me."

"Well all the same, he needs to keep his anger under control."

I nodded, and Sam wrapped his arm tightly around me "Let's go get some food" He suggested and I shook my head, but my stomach growled. "Ok.. under one condition" I said, remembering my brand new, shiny, black Volvo. "What?" He asked nervously, leading me out of the girls bathroom. "I get to drive" I said happily, pulling the lanyard with the two shiny keys on the end out of my purse and swinging it around my finger as we walked "Hell no".


"Stop!" Sam screamed as I drove dougnuts around the field. We where driving to a burger joint Sam told me about, and I saw this field. The tires needed to be tested, yes, thats my excuse. "Yayyy!" I yelled, starting another dougnut and smiling so hard my cheeks where hurting "Stop!" Sam screamed again and I groaned, pulling to a stop.

"Big bad Sam doesn't like going fast?" I asked, fakly pouting "I like going fast. When I'M in control" He yelled, pushing his hand over to my thigh and yanking the key out of the ignition "I drive". He climbed out of the car and walked over to the drivers side, opening the door and bending down to look at me. Taking a second to admire his beautiful face.

He really was gorgeous, and even after a week of staring at him I was mezmerized by his beauty. I wanted to jump into his arms and kiss him and be held by him forever. He was that gorgeous. And the way he made me feel was pure pleasure, kinda like hearing your favorite song for the first time in a long time, only it was better.

"Hop out, cutie" He smirked and I pouted. "C'mon baby" He said again and I whimpered. "But.. I want to drive" I said firmly, convincing myself "And this is my car" I told him with a smirk, unbuckling my seatbelt and climbing out so I was at his height. Er.. well.. as close as someone my height could get. "And if I want to go fast, then oh golly Ms.Molly I will" I said, trying to hold the laugh that wanted to escape.

"Sweetness.." Sam growled, and I leaned in like I was going to kiss him before grabbing the keys and climbing in. Slamming the door shut, I locked the doors and stuck my tongue out at him as I started the car "Allie" He warned, but I pressed the gas and shot forward slightly.

"Princess" Sam angrily said, walking around and trying to open the door "Try again" I told him, unlocking the doors and locking them quickly before lurching forward so the doorhandle was slightly out of his reach. "Allie!" He screamed angrily. Even through the tinted windows, I could see his playful smirk was gone and replaced was a angry, clenched jaw. His eyes weren't the gorgeous green, they where a frightening black that made me want to crawl into a hole.

Slightly pressing the gas, I reved the engine as a challange. He growled and stepped infront of the car. "Don't test me, Allie. Unlock the car" He screamed and I knew he meant buisness. He usally called me 'Princess', 'Sweetness' or 'Baby'. Not Allie. Gulping, I unlocked the car and got out, running past him and crawling in quickly.

Sam had always been in control, and him acting so..so scary had me;

A) About to burst out in tears

B) About to attack his beautiful face

He climbed in swiftly in a fluent motion, speeding out of the field and back onto the lonley highway. After a minute, he opened his mouth to speak but closed it just as fast. This happened a few times before he decided he found the right words "I never meant to yell at you"

"I know"

"No, Allie.. Princess.. I didn't mean it, alright? I was link-I was replaying a conversation in my head" He said quickly, and rubbed his jaw as he drove. I gulped and looked at my feet "I'm sorry I made you mad" I whispered and he chuckled, sliding his hand onto my thigh as we drove. "You will never ever make me mad, Sweetness" He said, rubbing slightly.

Even though I was still mad at him for yelling at me, the feeling of his warm hand inching closer to my wetness has me breathing heavier and ready to forgive him. He was a man, a fully grown (At least I hope he was fully grown. He did not need to grow any more) man, and with his looks could propbaly have any girl in the world. Yet, he kissed me. He made sure I was alright after his brothers little.. moment. He hugged me in the middle of the dance floor at Gracie Maags party and told me I was special. And now, he's taking me to the middle of no where to go to a burger joint.

Please tell me this gorgeous man isn't going to try and kill me.

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