《Cocaine kisses》e p i l o g u e + a u t h o r ' s n o t e


Day's turn into weeks.

Weeks into months.

I haven't been with anyone since, but I've heard that you've found someone.

When we first started, I feared that you would leave. In the end, the person who left, turned out to be me.

I hope that you will treat this one with care. Make sure you whisper sweet nothings into her hair.

If you say those three little words to her too, make sure you mean it. I hope that your love will not be unrequited.

If I ever happen to cross your mind, know that I am now content. I have found my home.

I have found it in myself.

To me, you were like the hidden thorns on the stem of a beautiful rose.

To me you were a chapter of my life that has now come to a close.

Once upon a time, we shared our wicked blisses.

But in the end, they were nothing but cocaine kisses.


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