《Signed /Dream Team/》7


I had been sleeping for what felt like decades. The air was cold which made sleeping under the warm blanket snuggled close to a cat ten times cozier and more enjoyable than it had to be.

I'm a heavy sleeper but sometimes I can feel when things around me are out of the ordinary. Now see, I was sleeping, yet my brain kept telling me that there was something unusual happening and I should open my eyes to check. I like to think that it was actually my brain and not my bladder telling me that, cause saying that I can sense things in my sleep sounds way cooler.

After fighting the urge to wake up a few times, I slowly open my eyes involuntarily. I'm surprised to see that the room is still dark. I thought it was already morning.

I blink a few times to adjust my vision to the lightning. It doesn't take a good vision to spot the person sitting on the armchair. I'm surprised that I don't get scared even though I don't recognize the person immediately. It's just the fact that I'm 99% sure it's Clay, and also the person is asleep which is comforting enough. Nobody can attack me in their sleep.

I get up to take a closer look. It's indeed him, sleeping with his head supported by his arm. I wonder why he didn't take the squeaky bed, I think his low patience would be perfect for it.

Anyways, I see that his position is not suitable for sleeping at all. Should I wake him and tell him to go sleep in the room? He doesn't even have a blanket, this looks uncomfortable.

Okay, I'm gonna wake him. I know that he's gonna get pissed and scream at me but I'm doing him a favor, he'll get backpain for days if he sleeps like this any longer. And don't get me started with the temperature in this room, he's about to freeze his lungs off.


I get closer and lean down to his face level to see if he's really sleeping. He is. I should poke him.

Awkwardly I stick a finger out and gradually move it closer to him. It's about to touch his shoulder when his eyes pop open.

"What are you doing?" He asks casually, making me jump away from him.

I probably should've tried to say his name once and then try the poking method if he didn't wake up from the first one.

"I just wanted to say that the second bedroom is free," I speak quietly, trying my best to not wake anyone up.

"Go sleep there then," he sounds oblivious to what is happening.

"I was saying you could g-"

"Goodnight, Anastasia."

I don't get to finish my sentence. He leans his head back on his hand and closes his eyes again.

I've been a babysitter for two years, and communicating with this guy reminds me of that job. Except the kids were far more tolerable.

I sigh and go to the said room, grab my fuzzy warm blanket that smells amazing and come back with it. I know he's still awake, yet he's keeping his eyes closed. I approach him, cover his body with it and go back to my bed- I mean my couch.

Not even a second later Clay gets up and starts folding the blanket. He puts it on the chair and slouches back once again, proceeding to sleep without any cover.

What a jerk...

As if I care. Well, I did care but now I don't. I'm just gonna go back to sleep.

If he lets me of course.

"What are you doing?" I frown, seeing that he's approaching the cat, which mind you, is still asleep under my blanket.


"Rescuing my cat."

The audacity-

"Excuse me?" I sit up before he can get his dirty hands on this pure creature.

"She doesn't like sleeping with people," he states, "she has her own bed."

"I'm pretty sure she likes it though," I shrug, "maybe she just doesn't like sleeping with you."

The way he took in a breath should've been a warning for me to stop talking to him and let him take the cat. He's on the verge of exploding again.

"Who are you to tell me what she likes?" His voice is not even close to a whisper now. He certainly doesn't care that there are people sleeping in the other room.

"Who are you to tell me what she doesn't?" I should probably stop running my mouth.

"I don't know, her owner maybe?" Clay shrugs.

Oh, I forgot that. Maybe he has a point. But as I said, I don't care and he's being a jerk to me.

"If I'm being honest, this cat is smart enough to own you and she knows what she likes better than you do."

And that's it. That's the line I shouldn't have crossed. He raises his brows and chuckles, parting his mouth.

"You're such a fucking bitch."

"Did you just call m-"

I stand up and am about to do more damage to his smug face than the hairspray did, but the door swings open and someone turns the lights on.

"Whoa, chill out, what the fuck?" It's Nick, and he's quick to step in between us and push his friend back.

I don't see how George appears out of nowhere and stands infront of me, blocking my view of that asshole.

My adrenaline levels are too high for me to focus on anyone else but the blonde piece of shit who's still running his mouth, so I try to push George away.

"Get the fuck out of my way," I scold the poor guy, forcing my way towards the next obstacle - Nick.

"Ooh, what are you gonna do? Offer me a blanket? Be nice to me for no reason at all? I'm so fucking scared," the way those words come out of that asshole's mouth makes my blood boil. I don't even think twice before speaking.

"No, you're apparently not used to that, I'm gonna treat you like shit just like your girlfriend did, maybe then you'll be grateful."

I see the horror in Nick's eyes as he was the one standing infront of me. I don't get to see Clay's face, but I already regret my words. I feel George's hand on the back of my arm pulling me back gently and standing infront of me as if they both were trying to protect me from what's about to come.

Yet the room is silent. I don't hear a single more word from Clay's mouth, I just hear footsteps and see Nick disappear into the darkness of the hallway, supposedly following him.

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