《(Y/N) and the Amulet- a MLP:FiM Fanfiction》Chapter 12 (g/fem)


"Pinkie Pie!" You laugh, breathlessly. Ahead of you, the sporadic party pony is bouncing along the trails between rows of apple trees, far too fast for you to catch up to. "Slow down!"

"Slow down? I'll slow down when I'm a Granny Pie!" She laughs ahead of you. At the barn doors, Granny Smith begins to bicker about how she could outrun all of you, if her darned hips weren't hurting from the fall weather.

You slow your pace, catching your breath. Your lungs are on fire, but wow, this is the most fun you've had in a long time. You hear someone trot to your side, and see Rarity, holding a handkerchief in her magical aura to wipe the sweat from your brow. You smile graciously, "Thank you,"

"Of course, darling." She smiles, winks, and trots ahead of you. You keep your smile, chuckling quietly.

Today, the whole group has decided to come build up stamina with Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres. Rainbow Dash and Applejack are chasing each other up the rows of trees, while Fluttershy catches up between you, Rarity, and Pinkie, just to trot along and talk with you.

Spike is with Big Mac and Granny Smith, playing checkers.

You feel someone nudge your side, and see Twilight Sparkle, who begins to trot with you.

Standing straight, you clear your throat, "Twilight, I didn't know you were- I mean- don't you have princess things to do-?"

"I can make time to enjoy the Running of the Leaves." She says calmly, smiling. "Besides, if I were to miss this bonding, I'd be a pretty bad princess of friendship."

You chuckle and nod, continuing to trot with her. "So.. I was.. I was wondering," you begin.

"Good. Wondering leads to discovering." Twilight chuckles. "What are you wondering?"


"When you want me to leave.." you murmur, your smile fading slightly. As if somehow you'd forgotten about the amulet around your neck- of course not. You knew one day you'd have to leave. Fun wasn't forever.

She pauses, and you watch her expression turn into one of thoughtfulness. "Me telling you when to leave isn't fair." She finally says. "I forced you to come here- I won't force you to leave."

"What are you saying?" You ask.

She smiles towards you. "I'm saying that when you want to take off that amulet, you can. If you never want to- well that would be just fine with me." She grins.

Your eyes widen slightly; you're unable to control your grin. "You mean that?"

"Mean what?" Pinkie squeaks behind you two, and Twilight chuckles, "I mean that (Y/N) is our friend, and is welcome here whenever she pleases."

"Well of course! You're our bestest friend (Y/N)!" The party pony grins.

"Oh absolutely," Rarity smiles as she catches up with your small group. "I'm surprised you'd even question it, darling." She purrs.

"Y' said it yerself, yer' happy to be here, and we're happy ta' have ya'" Applejack adds as she and Rainbow Dash slow down to join the conversation.

"Heh, you're pretty radical." Rainbow agrees.

You stop completely when Fluttershy lands in front of you, smiling, "We wouldn't want you anywhere else," she says softly, and you feel your heart in your throat, as your grin grows.

"Awwh! Group hug!" Pinkie yells, wrapping her arms around you, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Fluttershy joins with a giggle, as does Twilight. Rarity begins squealing about how sweaty they all are, Rainbow Dash playfully complains about how she's too cool for hugs, and you're just laughing in pure relief and happiness the entire time.


"You think we can all stay here?" You ask as Twilight leads you into the barn.

"Sure, it's been a while since we've all slept over," Twilight smiles. Outside, the sky was dark, and rain was trickling on the tin roof of the farmhouse. You smile and nod, "But is there enough room for the seven of us?"

"'Course there is. Applebloom can sleep with Granny Smith," Applejack assures you, ignoring the whines from her younger sister.

"But Spike'll have to sleep with Big Mac," she finishes.

"You don't have to tell me twice. I don't want to stay anywhere near your slumber party," Spike laughs, "Right Big Mac?"


"Aww, but let's give Spikey-Wikey a makeover first!" Rarity chimes, grabbing Spike in her hooves.

You laugh and watch your friend struggle in the hooves of the fashionista pony.

He frees himself, dashing off, and Rarity chases him with a happy, "Come back Spikey~!"

You laugh with the others happily- forgetting the amulet around your neck.

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