《(Y/N) and the Amulet- a MLP:FiM Fanfiction》Chapter 11 (g/fem)


".. Why are we here?" You murmur, looking over at the yellow Pegasus who has stopped at your side, the both of you standing on the threshold of the Sweet Apple Acres gate.

"You were invited to join the Running of the Leaves. Rainbow Dash and Applejack love this time of the year- Twilight said it would be a great bonding experience for all of us." Spike explains, a claw on your shoulder.

"I.. I'm not good at running.." you say sheepishly. You thought, about the Running of the Leaves episode, and realize you don't need to run fast, as long as you finish, you'd have won.

Spike corrects you anyways, "You don't have to make first," he says.

"Yeah, this is just for fun," Fluttershy purrs with her soft smile, that comforts you, even though you know for a fact that this race is beneficial for friendship rather than competition.

The three of you enter the orchard, going through a barn door and exiting the other side, to see a cerulean horse with a rainbow mane running beside her strong earth pony friend, her blonde hair fluttering in a ponytail- not a pun- behind her.

You stare in amusement, watching the two come to a halt when they see you.

"Well howdy do, Fluttershy, (Y/N), Spike," Applejack smiles as she approaches you, now in a slow trot. Rainbow Dash follows behind her.

"Well, we were thinking we could practice with you guys for the leaf running." Spike grins.

"Why sure!" The farm pony exclaims.

"You can train all you want; you won't be as good as us, though," Rainbow sneers in a good manner, stretching her wings.

Applejack roughly nudges her side.

After a while, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are running up and down the rows of apple trees again, while you and Fluttershy just jog the same route. Spike decided to hang around with Applebloom and Big Macintosh until you finish your practice.


Applejack runs by you suddenly, scaring both you and Fluttershy from your simple conversation when she almost runs you over. Before you can get over your shock, Dash speeds after her. Their hooves stomp the ground as they run ahead. You and Fluttershy exchange shocked expressions, before laughing it off and continuing.

And you continue to just trot around and build up your stamina until well into the evening.

You retire to the barn with the other girls, and when Applejack serves you all a nice batch of cider (not her best recipe that only comes once a year, of course). The five of you- five, after Spike reunites with you- sit down at a table, drinking up the cider to quench your thirst.

"So, where'd you say you moved from again, (Y/N)?" Rainbow Dash asks. You freeze. It had been a while since the last time you had to lie about your origins, so you're only able to respond in a dull, "Uuhhh.."

"Manehattan!" Fluttershy exclaims. Now, everyone at the table is shocked, not only by the timid pony's sudden outburst, but also at the answer.

You quickly get your bearings together to agree, "Y-yeah, I moved here after, uh.. after I lost my job as a- as a-" you lost your bearings again.

"As a horseshoe repair pony," Spike quickly retaliates.

"Yeah that," you agree.

Applejack stares at the three of you- and you three are sweating, grinning nervously, and trying to avoid eye contact with her.

"Alright, I'm just gon'na ask- what's up with all this? Ya'll are lyin', 'n so is Twilight. What'a'ya hidin'?" Applejack asks suspiciously.

You gulp. Spike is out of answers, looking down at his toes now in shame that he lied, and in guilt that he failed Twilight. Fluttershy is nearing a crying spell, hoping that the tension in the air will relax soon.


"Alright." You say suddenly. "No, I'm not from Manehattan.."

Spike and Fluttershy look at you worriedly.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack await an answer.

"I'm not from here. It doesn't matter. I'm here now. And.. I can't tell you why I'm here, but I can tell you that this has been the best trip of my life. You guys are.." you glance at everyone. "Amazing, to say in the least. So, uh.. Don't worry about the past. I'm here, and I'm glad to be." You say. And you hold your breath- will they accept that answer?

Applejack smiles suddenly, and you relax.

"I like that answer partner," she says, lifting her drink. "Cheers, to bein' glad to be here."

You grin, and the five of you clank your drinks together in a cheers to what you had said.

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