《(Y/N) and the Amulet- a MLP:FiM Fanfiction》Chapter 10 (g/fem)


You hear Spike and Twilight talking that night, while you're in your temporary room, ready to call it a night. Or, dare you say you're ready to hit the hay. With that bad pun aside, you listen intently to your friend the dragon and Twilight talking, most likely about her worried spell earlier about your dimension jumping and how her world, to you, is merely a television show. You must've really worried her.

However, you fall asleep, even though you're worried for the princess.

Morning comes, you rise out of bed and trot into the kitchen area. Spike is sleepy, hovering with hooded eyes over a bowl of cereal he can't seem to eat. You decide to skip the breakfast- now, before Fluttershy shows up to see if you want to do anything today, would be a great time to talk with Twilight about her worries.

You walk through crystal corridors, navigating to the library.

"Twilight..?" You ask quietly as you crack open one of the two doors to the entrance.

"Yes-? Come in, come on in." She responds rapidly, and you follow her order.

You watch her bound across the library, her magical aura levitating a stack of books at her side. "Are you-.." You begin to murmur. "Are you alright?"

"Never better!!" She almost shouts, looking over at you. You've watched enough episodes to know she's going through one of her spells, where she obsesses to the point of insanity over something she doesn't understand. This makes you feel partially- no, very- guilty.

"Twilight.. Can we talk? Just for a minute?" You ask, walking to her.

She pauses, as you slowly touch her shoulder. Her eyes come into focus, and she gulps, before nodding and sitting the books down.

Quietly, the two of you walk to one of the tables in her large library and sit down. You think quickly on what would be the best thing to say.


"You're worrying a lot about what I said." You begin.

"Why wouldn't I!?" She exclaims immediately, violet hooves quickly clattering on the table top, a single time, but enough to make you sit straight in alarm. "Our whole world, as you know it, is a.. a television show.. I was born, (Y/N), and I felt growing up every day, and I remember my brother and Cadence, and meeting my friends.. Was that all episodes to you?" She asks with a cracked voice. This was much worse than you expected- she was seemingly having an existential crisis.

"W-well, yeah, I saw it as an episode, but.." you stare at her, her tired eyes quickly flickering across your face for some sort of answer.

"Twilight, you know that there are unlimited possibilities for universes- that's how you found me," you begin, getting your bearings together.

"Yeah.." she murmurs.

"Well who's to say I'm not in an episode in my universe? Who's to say I'm not just a story that other people- er, ponies- are reading right now?" You continue. She relaxes, and your heart lifts.

"You're right, you're absolutely-.." she sighs, "Sometimes I forget our universes can intertwine in some pretty odd ways. Thank you (Y/N). Thank you so much." She says with a grin, gently placing a hoof over your's. You grin and nod softly.

Leaving the library with Twilight at your side, you bump into Spike.

"Hey! You're out of the lab- are you feeling better?" Spike asks the purple alicorn. She nods, "Yes, I'm feeling much better. Please excuse me, I'm sure I'm backed up on my princess duties," she purrs, and trots off without another word. Spike gives you a funny look when she leaves.

"What did you do?" He asks suspiciously.

"Hm?" You're oblivious at first, then realize what he means, "Oh. I just.. Talked to her." You smile at him.

He pauses, crosses his arms, and grins.

You ask, "What?"

He shrugs, "You're getting pretty good at this friendship thing, you know?"

You pause as the realization dawns on you, and you nod, "Yeah.. I guess I am."

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