《(Y/N) and the Amulet- a MLP:FiM Fanfiction》Chapter 8 (g/fem)


"So, how do you know what we are?"

You almost choke on your breakfast- which is quite simply, oatmeal- when Twilight asks this question so suddenly.

Fluttershy looks up from serving Spike; she had been nice enough to make breakfast and bring it to the castle for the small group.

You lower your head, clearing your throat several times.

"Twi', maybe we should wait for a better time to ask this." Spike replies for you, in a quiet tone. He seems scared to find out about how you are seemingly all-knowing of their dimension.

Twilight looks straight at you, not missing a beat, "You've come from Earth, which is where we are- but an alternate universe. A human one. How do you know about us? Is your technology that advanced to see other dimensions? If so, why haven't you visited us sooner?" she's immediately pouring question after question on you, before you even had the chance to catch your breath.

"H-hold on a minute," you reply, clearing your throat.

She stops.

You thank the gods.

"Humans haven't come across any sort of dimension-traveling technology. None of us know that you're real," you shake your head.

"Then.. How did you know our names?" Fluttershy pitches in, timidly.

You shuffle in your seat.

"You.. You're all.. Make-believe, in our universe..?" you say, and by the end of your explination, you're asking the question yourself.

The three just stare at you at the end of the large, crystal breakfast table, rather shocked.

"Yeah, f-for us, you're kind of.. Uh.. Like a cartoon, that many of us watch.. No human would ever expect to find out that you guys are real." you say.

You frown when Twilight begins to twitch. "Our whole world.. Is just a cartoon.." she mumbles, touching her hoof to her chin.


Spike glances warily towards you, then to his boss, touching her shoulder. Her wings flutter out in surprise at his touch, before she scoots out of her chair.

"Twilight," Fluttershy begins, but you hear a faint chuckle in her timid voice.

"I-I have to go to the library. You guys have the day off, I guess." Twilight says. "Goodbye." she murmurs, and walks off.

You feel just awful. Maybe you piled too much on her.

But Fluttershy and Spike just start laughing, and you look to them. They giggle towards you.

"It's okay, (Y/N). Twi' does this a lot. I'm sure she'll be fine when she figures all of this out," Spike assures you, and you sigh in relief, smiling down at him.

"Where do you want to go in the meantime?" Fluttershy chimes in, her big teal eyes sparkling at you.

A whole day to just relax in Ponyville, apologize to your new friends, not worry about your fate here- where could you even start?

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