《(Y/N) and the Amulet- a MLP:FiM Fanfiction》Chapter 4 (g/male)


After the milkshakes, and- uh, the bathroom- Spike and Fluttershy lead you back to the sidewalks. Apparently your agenda has just become filled! Soon you would be to Rarity's home and then a party of your own from the town's one and only party pony. The only problem was- well, you had nothing to do now.

"Spike," you say.

The purple Dragon turns to face you. "Yes, y/n?"

"Do you know a, uh.. Rainbow Dash?" you ask.

Of course he did, and so did Fluttershy. Sadly enough, you came to this world as an earth pony- probably because you didn't have any special powers back home, either. So the chances of meeting Rainbow Dash would have to stay on the ground.

You just nod it off, sighing. Fluttershy looks around, then to you. You glance toward her curiously.

"Spike." Fluttershy says. "He can meet Applejack, right?"

Spike paused. "Well.. Yeah. That'd be okay." he said.

You smile. Well, that takes care of that.

The three of you walk to Sweet Apple Acres. The whole aroma of fresh apples makes your stomach growl, even if you just had a milkshake. Those looked great.

You knew Applejack already, so to make it less suspicious, you must pretend you know nothing about her.

You pass the gate and look at a male pony, easily recognized as Big Macintosh. Well, a fellow male pony. Isn't that nice for once?

You look away from him as Fluttershy trots ahead and knocks on the barn door. "Um.. Applejack..?" the timid mare said softly. Spike followed her to the door as it opened, and out stepped the orange mare with the blonde mane, pulled in a ponytail and hanging off her right shoulder. Her emerald eyes glimmered above her white freckles. You felt your face get hot.


"Howdy Fluttershy, Spike." she nodded to them. "Who's yer friend?"

"This is y/n. He's.." Fluttershy looked to Spike for an answer.

"He's new. He'll only be here for a little while." The Dragon quickly concocted a lie.

"Ah! Yeah, I know you." said the earth pony.

Spike, Fluttershy, and you all tense up, shooting eachother worried glances.

"Yeah, you're the stallion that Pinkie Pie sent an invitation about, right?"

"W-wow, she already got that to you?" you ask.

"You'd be surprised what that crazy mare can do." Applejack replied.

You let out a chuckle- the first in a while.

Spike smiles, relieved your cover wasn't blown. "Yep, that's him."

"So you ponies here to try some a' Granny Smith's famous apple pie?"

"Apple pie?" you look to Spike. It was a bit annoying, since you had to rely on your every move to the young reptile. You were older- and according to My Little Pony logic, the higher species.

"We'd love to, but you should bring the apple pie to y/n's party!" Fluttershy suggests with a soft smile.

"Yeah, that sounds about right, but if ya' need a healthy snack, just walk o'er there and get an apple." Applejack points to the lovely orchard of apples, rows of trees as far as the eye could see.

But that meant you would have to leave the pretty country mare at the barn.

You nod, but before you can say anything, spike chirps, "That sounds great! See ya later AJ!"

After walking through the endless rows of apple trees, Fluttershy gets an apple for each of you. Spike chose a yellow one, you choose a green one, and Fluttershy got a red one.

You leave the apple orchard as you eat the fruit, walking to Rarity's boutique. Maybe now, she can make you a handsome suit, one that might make a mare look at you a different way- other than looking at you like the new kid at school.

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