《(Y/N) and the Amulet- a MLP:FiM Fanfiction》Chapter 1 (g/fem)


You wake up, your mind fuzzy and your vision slightly blurred. When your vision became clearer, you see bright pigments of color. All kinds of color. On the streets, the buildings, even the sky. It all had different, cartoon-ish lighting.

Actually, it looked very familiar. A familiarity that reminds you of happiness, joy, and.. Sanity. This was the town of Ponyville.

You try to stand up, but get a headache. You feel something move on your head. Ears? Why were your ears pointed? You move them around back and forth, then take a deep breath.

Everything feels out of place. You look down, to see an amulet wrapped around a fluffy chest, and hooves tucked under your chest cavity.

Oh my God.

I'm a horse.

You try to stand up, but feel sore and dizzy. This is all too much.

You see a pony fly down in front of you. "Oh my.. Are you alright? Ma'am?" It was Fluttershy.

Your eyelids feel heavy. You see spots, and then a ringing slowly begins to burst into your ears.

"Ma'am? Ma'am!" Fluttershy jumps forward, but everything goes black before you can talk to her.

When you wake up again, you're on a soft sofa. It's light red. You feel the warm, fuzzy siding. It's comfortable. But the stupid amulet wrapped around your neck isn't.

You look around the room. You're in a castle library. Twilight Sparkle's, to be exact.

"Oh, my! She's waking up!" Fluttershy gasps. You see her and touch your hand-... Your hoof to your head.

"Aufh.. What happened?" you manage to mutter.

Fluttershy's teal eyes are burning into your eyes. She's standing over you.

A little purple and green dragon, whom you know as Spike, stands beside you with a glass of water. You sit up and look around.


"Can anyone tell me what's going on..?" you ask.

"Don't you mean any ?" a voice asked.

You look up to see a lavender alicorn mare fly toward you. Fluttershy steps back as Twilight steps forward, her eyes narrowed as she studies you.

"Anypony from Equestria would know to say any instead of any

You feel slightly intimidated.

"Let me ask you a follow up question. Where'd you get that necklace?"

Your eyes widen. "I'm not from this world." you state bluntly. "My mom left a box in my room, and it had this in it. The next thing I know, I'm here." you say.

Twilight nods, her eyes sparkling with pride and excitement. "Then that means.."

"It worked.."

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