《MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 1)》Chapter 18: Party of One
It was the late evening in Ponyville and (Y/N) was just flying around finishing up patrolling the town.
*sighs* Well, another glorious day for all of the ponies. Looks like everypony's A-OK and happy.
As (Y/N) says that however, he looks down at the ground at sees Spike down at the ground walking away clearly with a sad look on his face and carrying a bindle on his shoulder and he flies down to him.
Hey, what's up Spike? What's the matter?
Hey (Y/N). Twilight hates me is the matter.
Hates you? Spike, there's no way in all of Equestria that our friend Twilight Sparkle hates her own dragon assistant.
Spike then turns to (Y/N) with an annoyed look.
You're telling me you haven't noticed? All of you clearly appreciate Twilight's new owl Owlowiscious way more than me. It's like you all think I've gotten old from being Twilight's assistant.
Spike, that's not true at all. You do know what Owlowiscious is, right?
Yes, an animal that's clearly taken my reputation as Twilight's number one assistant.
(Y/N) gave Spike a "really" look and facehooved.
Ugh, no. Owlowiscious is an owl. Duh!
Yeah, he's an owl. So what?
Spike, when Twilight introduced us to Owlowiscious, she told us that this would be really helpful for her since owls are nocturnal.
Yeah, owls sleep during the day and they stay up all night. Twilight's not replacing you at all, Spike. She's giving you your proper rest so that you won't have to stay up all night doing her chores.
Spike looked up in the air for a second to think before he all of a sudden realized that (Y/N) was right.
You're right, I can't do all of my work at night.
See? Doesn't it make more sense? Twilight would never want to replace you Spike. She told me that you're actually are her number one assistant.
Yeah, besides what gave you the idea that Twilight hates you?
Spike then get's a sheepish look as he rubs the back of his head.
Uh. . . I may have accidentally sneezed and fried one of her books without telling her.
Spike, why didn't you tell Twilight when you did do it?
I didn't want to disappoint her.
Spike, accidents happen. If you learned anything from us like Applejack, it was best to tell the truth to her. Sure, she may have still been a little disappointed in you, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't understand that it was an accident.
Spike then looks down feeling guilty.
I feel so stupid. I was so jealous of Owlowiscious that I was missing the point of why he was there in the first place.
(Y/N) then walks up to Spike and puts his hoof around him to comfort him.
Everypony makes mistakes, Spike. And jealousy is normal for everypony as well. All you have to do is tell Twilight what's wrong and she'll be sure to forgive you and understand why you were jealous in the first place.
Spike looks at (Y/N) and smiles.
Yeah, you're right (Y/N). I need to tell Twilight how I feel about all of this.
Come on, it's getting dark. Nopony is normally out at this hour.
Spike nods as they both walk back to the Golden Oak Library.
At the Golden Oak Library, Twilight is seen organizing some books with Owlowiscious right beside her and helping her out. Owlowiscious is an owl with pale, light grayish amber body with grayish amber wings and dark grayish amber eyes.
The door to the Golden Oak Library opens as Twilight turns around to see both (Y/N) and Spike.
Hey, (Y/N). What brings you here so late at night?
I found this guy walking around in Ponyville and I believe he has something that he wants to say to you.
Spike then walks up to Twilight twiddling his claws with a guilty look on his face.
Twilight, I'm sorry that I burned the book without telling you and also I'm sorry for trying to frame Owlowscious earlier. I thought that with him around, you didn't need me anymore.
Twilight then smiles and puts her hoof on Spike's shoulder.
Spike. Sure, I was disappointed, but you are my number one assistant! And friend. And you always will be. It's just that sometimes I need some help at night. I can't ask you to stay up late. You're a baby dragon and you need your rest. Owls are nocturnal. So I asked Owlowiscious to help. But not to take your place. No one could ever replace you, Spike. Not even when you are being a jealous numbskull.
Spike smiles as he hugs Twilight which she returns.
I'm sorry, Twilight. I never should have been so jealous.
And I'm sorry too, Spike. I should have been more sensitive.
(Y/N) smiles at the scene Spike and Twilight were having as Owlowiscious lands on his head which made him chuckle.
It's great to see you too, Owlowiscious.
Oh, that's right.
Spike breaks the hug with Twilight then turns to Owlowiscious who was sitting on (Y/N)'s head.
Owlowiscious. . . I know now that you weren't out to take my job. Forgive me?
Me. Forgive me, Spike.
Spike looks at (Y/N) and he has an extremely confused look as he shrugs his shoulders. (Y/N) just rolls his eyes.
Spike, "Hoo" is the sound an owl makes. And also by the sounds of it, he forgives you.
Oh! Okay then.
You know, this may be a great letter for Princess Celestia to read about what happened today.
Spike nods at this as he goes over to a table and pulls out both a quill and a piece of paper.
I'm ready when you are.
Hey, Twilight. I've got an idea, why not let Spike write down his own letter to Princess Celestia. I think he learned more about friendship today than you did.
Great idea (Y/N)! Spike, why don't you write to the princess?
Really? Why, that's a big responsibiilty!
I know. But nothing my number one assitant can't handle.
Spike then begins writing down his own letter while speaking about what he learned.
Dear Princess Celestia,This is Spike, writing to you about my adventures. This week I've learned that being jealous and telling lies gets you nowhere in friendship. I also learned that there's plenty of love for every friend to share. So from here on out, I promise, that I, Spike, will. . .
Spike then all of a sudden falls asleep mid-sentence from how tired he was and both (Y/N) and Twilight just chuckle at him.
Oh, Spike.
Who? Spike! You kno-
Twilight. . . owl. . . "Hoo!"
Ohhhh. . . *giggles*
We both should probably get some sleep as well. I'll see you tomorrow Twilight.
Sure thing, bye (Y/N).
(Y/N) and Twilight wave goodbye to each other and (Y/N) leaves the library to go to his house, which was only slightly next door of the Golden Oak Library. He then goes inside to go to his bedroom and he immediately just lays on it and falls fast asleep.
The very next day, (Y/N) woke up and he goes to his kitchen to get himself some tea before someone knocks on his door, so he walks there and opens it to Pinkie Pie and Gummy in front of him.
Hey, Pinkie. How are-
Before (Y/N) could get another word out of his mouth, Pinkie starts to sing to him.
(Y/N) was surprised by the sudden song, but he then smiles and gives a small applause before speaking.
That was great, Pinkie. Of course I'll come to Gummy's birthday party today.
Pinkie hugs (Y/N) tight for a second before letting him go.
As usual it'll be at Sugarcube Corner this afternoon.
Got it. I'll be there for sure.
Great, now I have to sing the song to our other friends!
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at that.
You plan on singing that song the same way to all of our other friends?
That's right!
You sure you'll have enough energy to do all that?
Of course! This is Pinkie Pie you're talking to! She never get's tired when it comes to inviting friends to parties.
(Y/N) just smirks at that.
Okay, if you say so.
I've got to go invite our other friends (Y/N). Gummy and I will see you this afternoon.
Okay, I'll see you and the birthday alligator later.
Gummy then hops on Pinkie's tail by biting it and Pinkie happily hops off to the Golden Oak Library. (Y/N) just watches Pinkie hop off with a smile on his face.
If there's one thing that we all love about Pinkie Pie, it's that she makes the best parties ever.
Later in the day at Sugarcube Corner, the Mane 7 were all at Gummy's birthday party as it went on as expected. Twilight and Pinkie were dancing to music, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were bobbing for apples, Rarity and Fluttershy were conversing with each other, and (Y/N) was eating some of the snacks laid out for the party. Applejack dips her head into the barrel of water and she pulls out an apple with her teeth and she eats it.
Nice one! Now, let me show you how it's really done.
Pinkie then approaches the two.
Hey, girls!
Hey, Pinkie Pie!
Just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you could make it to Gummy's party.
Are you kiddin'? I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Me neither. When Pinkie Pie throws a party, I am there!
Rainbow Dash then bobs her head in the water and she lifts it back up to also catch an apple in her mouth.
Aw! It's just a boring old apple. Don't worry, there are plenty of other surprises in there.
Rainbow Dash and Applejack get excited faces at that as Rainbow Dash spits her apple out.
What kind of surprises?
I can't tell you that, silly. Then it wouldn't be a surprise.
Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash then instantly puts their heads back to try and find the so-called surprises that Pinkie had inside. When Applejack pulled her head back out, she got pranked by a fake apple that was in the barrel and her head got pulled back down into the water which got her face wet. When Rainbow Dash pulled her head back up, Gummy was on her face biting her and she just shakes him off. Applejack just chuckles at the pranks that Pinkie had laid out for them and Rainbow Dash rubs her nose.
Meanwhile, Rarity was drinking some of the punch that Pinkie had laid out for the party and Pinkie refills it for her.
This punch is simply divine. Is this the same recipe you used for your "Spring Has Sprung" party?
Nope! Something new.
Pinkie and Rarity turn to the punch bowl to reveal that Gummy was inside it and that some of his saliva must have been in the liquid. Rarity sees this and she instantly spits it out, out of shock.
It's Gummy's favorite.
To try and not be rude, Rarity gives a forced smile and reluctantly drinks more of the punch from her cup, but she doesn't swallow it. When Pinkie walks off and wasn't looking, Rarity spits her drink out once again in a plant.
Pinkie then approaches (Y/N) who was eating some of the cake slices that was laid out.
Pinkie, you make some of the best sweets ever. This cake is amazing.
*giggles* Thanks (Y/N). But it wasn't just me who made the cake for the party, Gummy helped out as well.
Really? I didn't know Gummy was quite the baker.
No, no silly. Gummy wasn't the one who was baking, he actually picked out what flavors he wanted for the cake.
What are they?
Strawberry icing, vanilla bean, and finally. . . a hint of mud.
Hearing the word mud made (Y/N) gag at the cake piece that he was chewing as his face turned green and when he swallows it, he gives Pinkie a forced smile to try and tell her that he likes it. Music starts to play as Pinkie hears it.
Ooh, this is my jam!
When Pinkie walks off and when (Y/N) saw that Pinkie wasn't looking, he wipes his tongue with his hooves to get the taste of the cake out of his mouth due to Pinkie saying that mud was in it.
Pinkie then rushes over to dance to the music along with Twilight and Fluttershy.
Having fun?
A blast!
You always throw the best parties, Pinkie Pie.
They're always the best parties 'cause my best friends are always there!
Pinkie then bumps into Twilight and Fluttershy so hard that they both ended up crashing into some of the walls, however they were okay as they still joined everypony else on the dance floor.
C'mon, everypony! Gummy wants to dance! Go, Gummy! It's your birthday! Go, Gummy! It's your birthday!
Gummy wags his tail along with the music to show that he was dancing.
Later, it was nighttime and the party ended as everypony had to go home and they all walked out of Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie look out at them from a window above.
Hoo-wee! I am beat! I haven't danced that much since. . . Well, since your last party. Thanks again for the invite!
See ya later, birthday alligator!
Bravo for hosting yet another delightful soiree.
It's been lovely.
You sure you don't wanna stay? There's still some cake left.
Uh, I think we're gonna pass.
Yeah, I mean we all partied up there to our limits. But still it was a great party.
Yeah, we should do this again soon.
As (Y/N) and Twilight along with the rest of the mares walk off, Pinkie heard Twilight's sentence as she gasped and got an idea.
We should do this again soon!
Twilight and (Y/N) were walking back to their respective homes while conversing to each other.
Can you believe Gummy's birthday party was actually today? I honestly can't wait to celebrate the party tomorrow.
Me too. I talked with the rest of our friends and they said that tomorrow they'll get all of the supplies that they need to celebrate tomorrow's party.
However, there is one part that will be challenging for us to make happen.
What's that?
Make sure Pinkie doesn't know about it at all.
Why would that be a challenge?
Because if we know Pinkie Pie, she can do all sorts of her Pinkie Pie stuff to possibly find out about the party.
I see. You have a point. What should we do then if she get's suspicious?
Just try and make excuses, but be subtle about it.
Got it.
Twilight then arrives at the Golden Oak Library which (Y/N) sees her go towards the door.
Well, I'll see you tomorrow Twilight.
Me too. Good night (Y/N).
The next morning as the Sun came up, (Y/N) was still asleep in his bed until some loud knocking was made on his door so he instantly wakes up, straightens up his mane and tail before arriving at his door and he opens it to see Pinkie Pie. On the outside, (Y/N) had a warm smile on his face, but on the inside he was extremely nervous that Pinkie was right in front of him.
Heya (Y/N)! You know Twilight just said that we should do another party again soon, and it's soon so here's your invitation!
(Y/N) takes the invite that Pinkie had with his magic and he opens it up to read it.
"You're invited to Gummy's 'after-birthday' party. This afternoon at 3 o'clock."
All our bestest friends are invited, and there's gonna be dancing, and games, and cake, and ice-cream, and punch!
(Y/N) was then surprised by the sudden invite.
Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait! This afternoon?
A-As in. . . "this afternoon" this afternoon?
You got it!
Uh. . . well. . . I can't make it today. A-Apparently the mayor wants me to look after the town today from day to night. I don't think I'll be able to skip that?
(Y/N) then gives Pinkie a forced smile.
Y-Yep, you know me. (Y/N), the Hero of Ponyville. Always have to make sure that the citizens are always safe.
Pinkie raises an eyebrow at (Y/N)'s excuse, but she then just smiles.
Okie dokie lokie! A party is still a party, even with only six guests. Stay safe out there, (Y/N).
W-Will do.
A Gentleman's Curse
Living a normal, content blue-collar life in the States, MC hadn't expected his situation to change for a long time. When his soul is stripped of his body, however, his plans were thrown out the window. Thrown into a new world with regrets and the memories of a life that is no longer his, he can either embrace this new environment of magic and monsters, striving to make a new life here using his old knowledge, or suffocate under his past. Hey! Author here. Chapters post every other week and are anywhere from 3.5-6.5k words apiece. This'll be the first story I've ever written but I have a plot in mind and a plan in place. Just let me know if there's anything you'd like to see or if something about the grammar is bugging you. Thank you for reading! Please keep in mind there will be some minor adjustments made to the earlier chapters as the book progresses. I'm building a story chapter by chapter, so I may/will need to go back and touch up some things. If you like the story, please consider supporting me on Patreon!
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