《MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 1)》Chapter 6: Apples and Griffons
At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack and her big brother Big Mac, who has a cast around his sides since he got an injury, are looking at the apple orchird. Big Mac had a brilliant amaranth coat, moderate sap green eyes, a brilliant orange mane and tail, his hooves were a light yellowish gray, and his Cutie Mark was a green apple showing the core of it.
Boy howdy! I got my work cut out for me. That there is the biggest bumper crop o' apples I ever laid eyes on.
Eeyup. Too big for you to handle on your own.
Come on, big brother! You need to rest up and get yourself better. I haven't met an apple orchard yet that I can't handle.
Applejack accidentally touched Big Mac's injury on his body which made him glare at her to stop.
Oops, sorry. I'll take a bite out of this job by day's end.
Biting off more than you can chew is just what I'm afraid of.
Are you sayin' my mouth is makin' promises my legs can't keep?
Why of all the. . . This is your sister Applejack, remember? The loyalest of friends and the most dependable of ponies?
But still only one pony, and one pony plus hundreds o' apple trees just doesn't add up to. . .
Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue! I said I could handle this harvest and I'm gonna prove it to you. I'm gonna get every last apple out of those trees this applebuck season all by myself.
Big Mac just sighs and walks away while Applejack gulps at how much apple trees she needs to buck.
She's definitely in over her head. I better ask for some help. Hmm. . . maybe (Y/N) can help with this year's applebuck season.
(Y/N) was currently in his house practicing some combat magic spells on a test dummy.
Okay, just a bit more practice and I'll probably be able to learn some more advanced spells.
A knock was then heard on (Y/N)'s door.
Who could that be?
(Y/N) goes to his front door and opens to find his friend Big Mac in front of him. He then notices the injury he had around his body.
Hey, Big Mac. . . whoa! What happened to you?
I see you noticed. I got injured recently from stopping a runaway cart from almost running over into a group of foals.
Ouch! Well in a way I guess the injury was worth it.
Eeyup, anyway I came to actually ask you something.
Sure, fire away.
It's applebuck season at Sweet Apple Acres which is harvest time for our family so we harvest all of the apples and get them ready to sell. I can't buck any trees because if I did, then my injury could get worse.
I see. So, you want me to help out?
Eeyup, but there's something you should also know. Applejack is the only one to be able to buck the apples off of the trees since Granny Smith is too old and Apple Bloom is still a little young to help out just yet. Applejack told me that she plans on doing this years applebuck season on her own and I'm afraid she might have bitten off more than she can chew.
Applejack? Against an entire orchid of apples? She's insane.
Eeyup. That's what I told her. So I thought maybe you can convince her to get someone to help her out since your about as strong.
Sure thing Big Mac. Leave it to me.
Thanks (Y/N).
(Y/N) arrived at Sweet Apple Acres and went over to the apple orchid to see the dozens of apple trees that needed to be bucked. (Y/N) had a worried look on his face about Applejack.
She definitely can't do this alone. I better help her out before she hurts herself.
(Y/N) walks around the orchid to find Applejack and he eventually saw her walking through getting ready to get to work.
Well I better get kickin'. These apples aren't gonna shake themselves outta the trees.
Hey, Applejack.
Applejack turned around to see (Y/N) which surprised her.
(Y/N)? What are you doing here?
Big Mac came to my place and told me that it's applebuck season.
Applejack narrowed her eyes at (Y/N).
He did, did he?
Yeah, and he wants me to help you out.
No thanks (Y/N). I don't need help from anypony.
Applejack, are you serious? You against hundreds of apples?
Don't you go using math against me like Big Mac did! You think I can't do this alone?
Well. . . yes.
Applejack got irritated by (Y/N)'s simple statement.
Wha?! Now ya listen here mister. I'm an Apple-
Yes! A fruit I care about very much.
Applejack blushed a little at that statement before shaking it away.
Listen Applejack, both you and I know you can't do this alone. That's why I need to help you out with all of this, so we can get the job done faster.
I'm telling you for the last time (Y/N). I don't need help at all.
Applejack turns around and walks off leaving a confused (Y/N).
Geez, Applejack is as stubborn as a mule. How can I convince her for me to help her. . .
(Y/N) got an idea in his head as he changed his tone to a guilty voice.
Oh, I get it. You think I'm going to be a burden, don't you?
All I wanted to do was just help out my best friend, but I guess your saying you don't need my help at all as in ever.
W-What? N-No, sugarcube ah wasn't saying-
I completely understand, I won't bother you again.
Applejack got a little sad seeing that she hurt (Y/N)'s feelings a little before she decides to swallow her pride in and let (Y/N) help her out.
*sighs* Okay, sugarcube. You can help me out.
(Y/N) turns around with a surprised look on his face.
Yeah. I'm sorry if I made you feel like that you weren't important.
(Y/N) then ran and hugged Applejack surprising her before she returned the hug.
Thanks Applejack, your the best!
*chuckles* You're welcome. Now how about we both get started taking those apples down from the trees.
Sure thing. But let's make it interesting.
Whaddya mean?
Whoever get's the most apples done by this evening wins?
Applejack smiled with a determined look.
You're on.
Alright, let's go!
(Y/N) and Applejack both worked hard around the apple orchid for a few hours until a loud rumble made the ground shake confusing (Y/N) while Applejack knew what it was.
What's happening?
Stampede! Them cows are heading towards Ponyville.
Oh no! Are you going to take care it?
Ya darn tootin'. (Y/N) stay here and continuing harvesting the apples while ah take care of the stampede.
Sure thing. Leave it to me.
*whistles* Winona!
A dog then barks and runs up to Applejack that was brown and white with a red collar around it's neck. This was Applejack's pet and work dog, Winona.
Come on girl, we got a stampede to round up.
Ah see ya in a little bit (Y/N).
Alright then, be careful Applejack.
Don't worry, this won't be a problem.
Applejack and Winona then run off to contain the stampede of cows that were heading towards Ponyville and (Y/N) stays behind to continue harvesting the apples in the orchid.
By the time it was evening, Applejack and (Y/N) were finished with harvesting all of the apple trees. Applejack ended up winning the little competition they had since (Y/N) wanted to be fair and he didn't use his magic to cheat by getting multiple trees at once. They were both now sitting at a picnic table resting from all of the hard work they did.
Land sakes! That was sure pretty rough.
Yeah it was.
I'm glad ya came to help me out (Y/N). You were right about me not being able to do all this alone.
I'm always happy to help Applejack. Besides, it wasn't just about the farm, it was also about you too.
Huh? Whaddya mean?
I was actually really worried that if you did this all on your own, then you would probably hurt yourself or maybe worse. That's another reason why I wanted to help out.
He was worried about me?!
Applejack blushes a little before hugging (Y/N) which he returned.
Thanks a lot (Y/N). Ah don't know what ah would do without you around.
It's no problem at all Applejack. I'm always there to help my friends no matter what. Say, how about we invite the others to drink some apple cider with us tomorrow?
That sounds like a great idea, (Y/N).
(Y/N) then get's off of the picnic table ready to go home.
Well, I'm going to head home now. I'll see you tomorrow, Applejack.
Hey wait a sec, (Y/N). Before you go I want to give ya something real quick.
What is it?
Applejack blushes as she walks up to (Y/N) and did something that he wasn't expecting at all. . . Applejack gave (Y/N) a kiss on his cheek. He blushes profusely when she did that.
That's for helping me out, today. I'll see ya tomorrow (Y/N).
M-Me too. Bye, Applejack.
(Y/N) then flies off back to his house, but he couldn't stop thinking about the kiss Applejack gave to him.
That. . . kiss Applejack gave me. . . was something. Does she like me?
Afterwards, it was nighttime and (Y/N) doze off to bed while thinking a little bit of Applejack. The next day went on as planned as at first Applejack was rewarded for stopping the stampede which everypony of Ponyville cheered for her and then in the afternoon, the Mane 7 spent their afternoon at Sweet Apple Acres eating delicious apple-themed foods or drinking apple cider.
(Y/N) was walking through Ponyville until he saw Twilight and went up to her.
Hey Twilight.
Oh hey (Y/N). How's it going?
Nothing changed, but the weather you know?
Twilight raised an eyebrow at (Y/N)'s metaphor.
Sorry, I just wanted to say something besides nothing much. You get it don't you?
Well, yeah you're right. Most ponies do say that.
Anyways, how are you doing Twilight?
I'm doing fine. I'm currently heading towards the bookstore. There are actually some new books there I want to check out.
Mind if I come along? Now that I think about it, I also need to get some more spell books.
Not at all. Follow me.
(Y/N) and Twilight were now heading towards the Ponyville bookstore and as they both do, Pinkie Pie appears asking anypony if they've seen Rainbow Dash anywhere.
Hey (Y/N), hey Twilight, have either of you seen Rainbow Dash anywhere?
Rainbow Dash?
Isn't she right up there?
Twilight points up and they all see a familiar rainbow tail sticking out of a cloud.
Rainbow Dash!
Rainbow Dash heard Pinkie's voice as she looked around panicking before flying off in a hurry with a rainbow streak behind her. Pinkie then happily hops off following Rainbow Dash.
I wonder what Pinkie could want with Rainbow Dash.
Who knows? But if Rainbow Dash is trying to hide from Pinkie, then she's going to fail big time.
What do you mean?
Pinkie's a master at hide and seek knowing what she can do with surprise parties. So she can most likely find Rainbow Dash anywhere.
Well, despite Pinkie's randomness, how about we go in and buy our books together.
Sure thing.
Later in the day, (Y/N) was still walking through Ponyville until he saw Rainbow Dash moving a cloud above a building's entrance while Pinkie was looking through a window.
What are those two up too?
(Y/N) then sees Spike exit the building carrying a heap of scrolls in his arms while humming to himself. Pinkie then gives a signal to Rainbow Dash who kicks the cloud and loud clash of thunder came out of it. The loud sound startled Spike which led him to getting the hiccups and this made (Y/N), Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie laugh.
Oh Rainbow Dash, we startled Spike into getting the hiccups.
*laughs* That was a great prank. Pinkie, never change.
Thanks (Y/N).
*chuckles* Good one, Pinkie *hiccup* Pie. *hiccup* You're always pulling a fast one *hiccup* on me.
Spike then tried to pick a scroll he dropped, but he accidentally hiccuped which made him breathe out his magic fire and sent it to Princess Celestia.
Oh no, you're not hurt are you?
Neh. *hiccup* don't be *hiccup* silly, dragons are *hiccup* fire-proof.
Oh, okay, good.
Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and (Y/N) started laughing again while Spike continued to try to pick up the dropped scrolls, but he ended up sending all of them to Princess Celestia.
I wish the same thing *hiccup* were true with scrolls.
As we speak of Princess Celestia, she now has a pile of scrolls that dropped all around her in Canterlot. But anyways, back with the others.
Have you ever seen anything more hilarious? *laughs*
(Y/N) then get's a smug look on his face before facing Rainbow Dash.
I can think of one thing. Hey Dash.
(Y/N) gestured for Rainbow Dash to kick the cloud again which she did and it scared Pinkie which she then got the hiccups too and started laughing again. (Y/N) laughed harder than he did the last time while Rainbow Dash smiled and flew down towards the two.
I didn't take you for a prankster, Pinkie Pie.
Are you *hiccup* kidding? *hiccup* I love to pull pranks. It's all *hiccup* in good fun, and Pinkie Pie *hiccup* loves to have *hiccup* fun!
You know Pinkie Pie, you're not as annoying as I thought. You wanna hang out.
*hiccup* That'd be *hiccup* I'd really *hiccup* When do *hiccup* I mean *hiccup* When would you *hiccup*
Pinkie's hiccups made her bounce all over the place until (Y/N) decided to stop her.
Calm down there Pinkie.
And a simple nod will do.
You two can count me in as well. I'd love to pull some pranks on our friends.
Well then, welcome to the club (Y/N).
Let's get to pranking.
(Y/N), Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie went to the joke store and bought a few items for some pranks and decided to prank the other members of the Mane 6, starting with Rarity. They put a bouquet of flowers at the doorstep of Carousel Boutique while hiding behind some bushes.
Is she even home?
Beats me. I hope so.
This is gonna be gold!
The front door to Carousel Boutique opened and Rarity looks around to see no one is around before she looks down to see the bouquet of flowers on her doorstep. Rarity sniffs the flowers before a powder got on her nose and she started sneezing uncontrollably.
Bless you!
Rarity turns to see (Y/N), Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash who is holding a can of sneeze powder laughing. (Y/N) and Rainbow Dash run off dropping the can of sneeze powder which lands and spreads to Pinkie who accidentally sniffs it and sneezes as well which sends her flying. Rarity just gives out a smirk at the prank that they did.
In the Golden Oak Library, Twilight is experimenting with some chemicals and while she is focusing on the chemicals, Rainbow Dash quickly snuck in and poured some invisible ink into Twilight's ink and quickly got out. Twilight then turned around and used her quill to write down some data on a scroll before returning to her work, but when she turned back to check on the previous data she wrote down, everything she wrote down was gone and while she was too busy being shocked, she didn't pay attention to her chemicals which made a tiny explosion that barely did any damage.
You can't read what you can't see!
Twilight heard (Y/N)'s voice as she looks out to see him, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie laughing as she see Rainbow Dash holding a bottle of invisible ink. Twilight just smirks and rolls her eyes at the prank.
At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack is bringing out a cart from the barn when she froze stunned at what she saw next. All of the apples in the orchid have been changed into various colors and patterns.
Land sakes!
It's a work of art, isn't it Applejack?
Applejack turns to see (Y/N), Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash wearing berets and holding a palette of paint and paintbrushes. She then throws a bunch of apples at them making the three run off, but when Applejack threw one that landed in a barrel of water, she noticed that the apple was painted on as the paint washed off and the apple returned to it's normal color. Applejack then chuckles with a nervous smile as she realized that it was a joke.
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