《13/Stefanielle》That Friday.
Stefania greeted Danielle at the door of her apartment wearing only a fluffy pale blue bathrobe and a wide smile. Danielle held a dozen red roses in her hand and leered appropriately at her as she stepped inside.
—You're glowing,— Danielle said as she handed over the flowers.
When Stefania took them, Danielle eased an arm around her waist and drew her in for a brief kiss. —Absolutely glowing. And you smell good, too.—
—Thank you. I'm nice and clean.—
Danielle tugged on the belt to her robe, then discarded it on the floor.
She parted the terrycloth material and eased her hands inside to stroke Stefania's s. —I can see that. And I'm finding you very hard to resist.—
—Then my evil plan is working.—
—That it is.— Danielle moved her hands from Stefania's s to her bottom, giving her a firm squeeze. —Is this part of the second fantasy?—
—Actually, yes.— Stefania gave Danielle a coy grin. —I tried something new today.—
—What's that?— Danielle lowered her mouth to Stefania's neck and trailed tiny, sucking kisses across her throat.
—An enema.—
Danielle drew back and gave Stefania a look of shocked uncertainty.
—Excuse me?—
—I wanted to be clean,— Stefania explained. —For tonight. For the second fantasy.—
—And what, pray tell, is the second fantasy?— Danielle kept her hands on Stefania's , gripping and releasing each cheek in turn. —I hope like hell it doesn't have anything to do with giving me an enema, too.—
Stefania chuckled. —Oh, it wasn't that bad. I feel immaculate.—
Relaxing into a wicked smile, Danielle backed them farther inside, steering Stefania toward the couch. —What do you want me to do with that pristine , darling?—
—I want you to it,— Stefania said. Her lips twitched when she saw a flash of heat in Danielle's eyes at her quiet words.
—With my fingers?— Danielle's throat worked, and she exhaled shakily.
Stefania shook her head as she sank onto the couch. Been there, done that. Now was the time to try new things. She pulled Danielle down onto the cushion next to her. —With a dildo. I actually bought one for the occasion.—
Danielle looked at her with a mixture of lust and awe. —Really?—
—Really.— Stefania trailed her fingertip along Danielle's jaw, then her collarbone. —I've always fantasized about having anal sex involving more than a finger, but I've never tried it before. I've never had someone I wanted to try it with.—
—Am I supposed to——
—Wear it,— Stefania said, guessing what Danielle's question would be.
—I want to feel you against my body while you're inside me.—
Danielle shivered in her arms. —Are you nervous?— she asked.
—Somewhat. I'll be honest, it's a little intimidating.— She gave Danielle a meaningful look. —But I trust you.—
—Even though I've never done this before?—
Stefania held back her giggle at the tentative question, sensing the emotion behind the words. —That just makes us even,— she said. —Have I managed to come up with another fantasy that makes you nervous?—
Danielle dropped her eyes. —I——
Stefania put her hand on Danielle's cheek, and slid it down to cup her chin. —Don't be embarrassed to tell me when you're uncertain aboutsomething.—
Danielle lifted her gaze so she could look into Stefania's eyes. —Again, I just don't want to hurt you.—
—You won't,— Stefania said. She'd anticipated this and was prepared to respond. —I won't let you hurt me. We're going to go slow, use lots of lube, and talk to each other.— Slipping her hand into Danielle's, she added, —If it hurts or I don't like it, I'll stop it. I promise.—
—Quicksilver?— Danielle's half-smile didn't entirely disguise her apprehension.
—I promise,— Stefania repeated. —Please trust me on that.—
Danielle gave her a sage nod. —Okay. Will you give me five minutes to get ready?—
Get ready? Stefania tried to decide what Danielle needed to prepare and wondered if she simply needed some space to gather herself. Pulling the two halves of her robe together and retying her belt, she left her lover with a throaty murmur. —Don't take too long. I've been thinking about this all day.—
—Why don't you go lie down and think about it some more?—
Danielle raked her eyes over Stefania's body like she was on display. —Get yourself wet for me.—
Stefania was well aware of the slickness already coating her upper thighs as she walked toward the door. —That won't be a problem.—
—Just don't make yourself come,— Danielle called after her.
Stefania escorted Jeff from the bedroom and closed the door. She threw open the lid of the wooden trunk next to her bed and took out the still-boxed double dildo that had arrived in the mail just the day before.
That was cutting it close, she mused, and opened her new toy.
She tossed the box in the trash can and stooped to remove two condoms from one corner of the trunk, and a large bottle of lube from the other. Supplies in hand, she went to the bed.
She lay on the bed with the toy next to her on the nightstand, her robe spread open beneath her, and her hand moving between her thighs, Stefania started worrying about what Danielle was doing. It had definitely been five minutes since she'd come in here. Maybe even seven.
Was Danielle really that scared? Was she trying to avoid this?
Stefania didn't want to force her into anything she found distasteful. Or frightening.
Sitting up on the bed, she tried to decide whether to break down and go find Danielle or give her another minute or two to get ready. Thirty seconds later, Stefania went back into the front room, decision made. If Danielle had reservations about this, she wanted a chance to change her fantasy before the evening was spoiled and the mood destroyed.
Cross-legged on the couch, Danielle was hunched over Stefania's laptop computer with a look of intense concentration on her face. She'd turned off the lamps in the room, and the glow from the screen lit her up in a way that made Stefania sigh in appreciation. She stood and watched Danielle read for almost twenty more seconds before Danielle looked up and blinked in surprise.
—Hey,— Danielle said. She dragged her gaze up and down the length of Stefania's nude body. —I'm taking too long, aren't I?—
Stefania nodded and crossed the room to stand in front of Danielle.
Those languid green eyes were just about level with the dark patch of curls Stefania had trimmed for the occasion. Danielle immediately set aside the laptop and reached up to grip Stefania's in both hands. She brought her mouth between Stefania's legs and gave her a wet kiss.
—I'm sorry,— Danielle mumbled. She nuzzled into Stefania, pushing her nose between slick folds, grazing her swollen . —I was just about to join you, I swear.—
—What are you doing out here?— Stefania asked. She ran her fingers through Danielle's thick auburn hair, holding her face close. She was rather enjoying the intimate apology.
—Research.— A silky, repentant tongue lapped down and up her labia; lips sucked at her . —About anal sex.—
Stefania groaned. —Online?—
Danielle nodded and spread her with gentle fingers. —Frequently asked questions.— She played the tip of her tongue over intricate folds, sending a shuddering thrill to the tips of Stefania's toes. Pulling back, she said, —I learned a lot.—
—Oh, yeah?— Stefania lifted one foot and planted it on the couch beside Danielle's hip, opening herself up to the mouth that was still engaged in slow exploration. Her hand continued to stroke Danielle's hair.
—Feeling more confident now?—
Danielle gripped her calf with one hand and spent some time moving her mouth up and down in worship; she laved her tongue over a swollen , pressed inside her opening, then farther down, teased the tight ring of puckered flesh. The foot that remained on the carpet began to tremble, and Stefania's legs shook at what Danielle was doing with her tongue. She tugged on Danielle's hair, pulling her away.
—I need to sit down.—
—I need to lick you until you come,— Danielle countered. She growled and nuzzled her patch of dark hairs with her face.
—Can we compromise?— Stefania giggled. When Danielle brought her mouth back against her and shook her head, emitting a pleased hum, Stefania pitched to the side with a little squeal.
Danielle caught her around the waist and helped ease her onto a warm lap. —Okay, okay. Compromise. Let's go to the bedroom and I'll lick you.—
—Aren't you going to tell me what you've learned?— Stefania asked.
She watched Danielle's hands stroking her bare boobs. She leaned into the caress, feeling her boobs harden against Danielle's palms.
—I'll tell you on the way to the bedroom,— Danielle said distractedly.
She stared at Stefania's s with a look of intense hunger, as she often did.
I'm not sure I've ever seen a woman so in love with the female before, Stefania mused. She wasn't even sure she'd had that many male customers at the strip club who had so thoroughly devoured her chest with their eyes. She ran a hand through Danielle's hair and smiled when both of her lover's hands squeezed her firmly, thumbs making circles around her tight boobs.
—You know, your boobs were the first thing I noticed about you,— Danielle said.
Stefania erupted into giggles. —How romantic, honey.—
Danielle gave her a helpless shrug and a sheepish smile. —What can I say? You shoved them right in my face as soon as we met. I couldn't help but notice.— Bending forward, she caught a between her lips and sucked.
Stefania kept her hand on the back of Danielle's neck. —I could tell you liked them,— she murmured. —I was turned on, dancing for you. My boobs were so hard.—
Danielle nodded and kissed over to her other boob. —Loved them. Most perfect boobs in the world.—
As much as she didn't want to lose the wet heat of her mouth, Stefania had to forcefully disengage Danielle from her task. At this rate, they would never make it into the bedroom. —Darling, the bed?— she gasped as Danielle leaned in for another nibble to her areola.
—Right,— Danielle mumbled. She helped Stefania to stand, and rose behind her so she could wrap strong arms around her stomach. Kissing the back of Stefania's neck, she whispered, —The first thing I learned is that I'm going to have to get you very wet and excited. Very ready.—
Stefania walked them to the bedroom with Danielle still wrapped around her middle. —That sounds like fun.—
—I think it'll be a lot of fun,— Danielle said. She closed the door behind them, giving Stefania a smoldering grin.
Stefania turned to face Danielle when they reached the bed, raising her hands to unbutton Danielle's white dress shirt. Danielle was wearing the power suit minus the jacket, and she looked deliciously sexy. —You already had dinner, right?—
—I grabbed something on the way over,— Danielle said. She allowed Stefania to undress her with a lazy smile on her face. —I thought that hopping right into bed sounded like an excellent way to end the workweek.—
—An excellent way,— Stefania echoed. After pushing Danielle's shirt over her shoulders, she reached around and took off her bra with both hands. She nodded over to the nightstand as she moved to unbutton Danielle's pants. —Did you see what I bought?—
She watched Danielle discover the toy with a widening of her eyes.
—What do you think?— Stefania asked. She knelt on the carpet as she pulled Danielle's pants down her legs and helped her step out of them.
Kissing her soft belly on the way back up, Stefania slipped her hands into the back of Danielle's black panties and held her in a loving embrace.
—Look interesting?—
—This does seem to be the night for trying new things,— Danielle said.
She pulled away from Stefania so she could retrieve the double dildo from the nightstand. Pointing at the more bulbous end, she asked, —This part goes inside me?—
Stefania cleared her throat and nodded. She knew the end that went in the wearer was a little larger than Danielle was used to accommodating, and she watched her carefully for an honest reaction. —According to the reviews I read online, you don't even have to use a harness with it.—
Danielle weighed the purple silicone object in her hand. —Nice,— she said, and raised her eyes to Stefania's. —Lie on the bed.—
Stefania obeyed without question. There was excitement shining in Danielle's eyes, pure and simple, and she saw it instantly. She knew she wasn't going to have to change her fantasy. That little bit of online research Danielle had sneaked in seemed to have injected her with new confidence, and so Stefania was grateful she'd taken the seven minutes to do it.
Danielle laid the toy back on the nightstand and climbed into bed.
Pulling Stefania into a heated embrace, Danielle managed to get her flat on her back before she knew what was happening. A hand rubbed down her side and over her hip before slipping between her legs.
—I love you,— Danielle growled. She rubbed her fingertips over Stefania's, then moved down to slip one finger inside.
—I've been daydreaming about this all day.—
—That must have made work fun,— Stefania said. She gave Danielle a playful smile, then a low moan when the thrusting started in earnest.
Danielle chuckled. —If my developers had any idea what I think about during project meetings——
—They'd be impressed,— Stefania said. —I happen to know that you've got quite an imagination.—
—Nah.— Danielle's thumb found Stefania's as her finger continued to work in and out of her slick opening. Pressing a second finger inside during one smooth thrust, she said, —I've just got a really kinky girlfriend.—
—I can't help it if you inspire me,— Stefania said. Then she closed her eyes and enjoyed how Danielle fucked her so perfectly it curled her toes.
—Just like you inspire me.— The hand left, fingers removed and thumb taken away, and Stefania groaned in disappointment. It turned into a loud moan a moment later, when Danielle's mouth replaced her hand.
Danielle was masterful at sex. Those times when Stefania lay with her legs spread and Danielle's tongue on her were like pure Zen, a state of perfection she had never attained with another lover. Tonight, she nearly died when the tongue that lapped at her suddenly moved down and hands spread her, and all of a sudden Danielle was licking her anus.
Stefania arched her back, allowing Danielle to pull her closer to her face. Her throbbed at the new sensation of being licked in such a sensitive place, and when Danielle pressed just the tip of her tongue inside the tight pucker, Stefania cried out in pleasure.
—Danielle, please—— she whimpered. She was so close her whole body was shaking. How did that happen so fast?
A gentle thumb found her swollen and rubbed in large circles, applying just the amount of pressure she liked as Danielle continued to lick at her anus. After a moment, all movement stopped and Danielle pulled away right as she hovered at the brink, causing Stefania to gasp her alarm.
—It's okay, honey,— Danielle panted. —I just want you to turn over. Butt in the air.—
Stefania moved quickly, eager for Danielle to touch her again and send her crashing into orgasm. She was ready, body slick with sweat, wet and open. She thrust her into the air and laid her face on the pillow, moaning into it when Danielle pulled her open with one hand and moved the other to her. Exposed, she whimpered when Danielle began licking her anus once more.
It didn't take her long to come. Only thirty uninterrupted seconds of her lover's fingers on her and tongue in her butt, and she was moaning and trembling and falling onto the mattress to recover. Danielle moved up on the bed and gathered her into a loving embrace as she collapsed, hugging her close.
—That was another thing I learned online,— Danielle said, and kissed her face. —To relax and stimulate you, get you nice and open. I was going to do it before I ed you, but I got impatient and wanted to try it now.—
Stefania managed a dazed chuckle. —I'm glad. I enjoyed that a lot.—
—I could tell,— Danielle said, and shot her a confident grin. —Should I try to put that toy in me now?—
Sitting up, Stefania leaned over Danielle's chest to grab the double dildo from the nightstand. —Let me.—
Danielle propped herself up on her elbows, looking down at her own body. —God, I'm already so wet—
Stefania's mouth watered at the thought. —No good,— she said, and snagged a condom. —This thing is supposed to stay inside you. We don't want you too wet.—
—Oh.— Danielle shifted on the bed, squirming beneath Stefania. —Um, should I——
Stefania crawled down Danielle's body and set the toy aside, then pulled Danielle's leg over her shoulder. She felt Danielle fall backward against the pillows. —I'll take care of it,— Stefania murmured. She dragged the length of her tongue up along puffy labia, pulling sweet wetness into her mouth. —Lick you clean.—
Danielle groaned and tangled a hand in her hair. She tilted her, brushing dark curls against Stefania's nose. —I think this is my favorite thing in the world.—
Stefania made a happy noise as she slid her tongue over slick, fragrant flesh. It was her favorite thing, too. Especially with Danielle, who made the best noises she had ever heard.
By the time Danielle's pale thighs trembled and her intimity began to thrust against Stefania's mouth, the air was filled with breathy, wanton moans and whimpers, and Stefania was nearly ready to come again just listening to her. Stefania teased her opening, then moved back up to suck at her . She stroked the swollen shaft with her lips, flicked at the tip with her tongue.
Danielle came with a loud cry. Her back arched and her heels dug into the mattress, nearly dislodging Stefania from her spot between her thighs. Stefania hung on and lapped at her until she calmed, relaxing boneless on top of twisted sheets.
—Holy shit,— Danielle said, when she finally spoke. She pushed Stefania's face away with a gentle hand. —Honey, you're going to wear me out before I can fulfill your fantasy.—
—I wouldn't want that,— Stefania said. She grabbed the dildo and covered the more bulbous end with the condom, then pressed it against Danielle, who was as wet and relaxed as she had ever seen her. —Are you ready for this?—
—Definitely,— Danielle murmured. —Go ahead.—
She took the toy easily. Stefania was a little surprised by how smoothly it slid in, and by the way Danielle spread her legs wide and accepted it with a loud groan of pleasure. She settled it into position, so that the longer, slimmer shaft jutted out from between Danielle's legs.
—Nice.— Stefania slid her hand down the length of the toy. —How does it feel?—
Danielle gave her a lazy grin. —Very good. May I for a minute?—
Stefania scooted up on the bed so she could lie at Danielle's side, then spread her legs. Playing with new toys always made her a little giddy.
—I love a girl with initiative.—
Danielle set a time record for rolling a condom onto a dildo and settling into position between Stefania's thighs. The hard length of the toy pressed against Stefania's labia, and she planted her feet and rubbed her up and down over it. Knowing that the other end rested inside Danielle's body, that they would soon be joined so intimately, was making her so hot she could hardly stand it.
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فرشته گیر افتاده ✨
جانگ کوک پسری که از ۵ سالگی خانواده خودش رو بخاطر جن گیری از دست داد و قسم خورد تا با جن گیر ها کار کنه تا انتقام خودش رو بگیره قسم خورد تا اون جن رو گیر بندازه و انتقام خانواده بی گناهش رو بگیره چی میشه اگر جانگ کوک مراسم رو اشتباه انجام بده و فرشته ای رو اشتباه به این دنیا بیاره ؟#کوکمین. #بی دی اس ام #هپی اند #تخیلیوضعیت : پایان یافته
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