《13 Reasons Why》Justin


Justin's POV •

I walked the shitty halls of this hell hole of a school. My best friends aka the whole basketball team at my sides, It felt as though everyone's eyes were burning right through me. They all think I'm this perfect heartthrob but no one really knows what's going on.. Just like Hannah. No one knew how hard it was for her, neither did I until a box of tapes showed up at my door. From that day on I've tried to be more aware of my actions, it never works. Things are rough at home but I can't tell anyone. It will make my reputation suffer and no one can know that ‭‭The Justin Foley has feelings. Everything was going so well until I heard those tapes. I had the most beautiful best friend anyone could ask for. Her names y/n, we were so close up until Hannah's death but I kinda pushed her away. I had to prepare myself, how did I know she wouldn't leave me when she found out about the tapes? On queue y/n appears in front of me. "Hey" she smiled. Im surprised she hasn't given up on me yet, I've been ignoring her for days now. "Just go, y/n" I mumble continuing to walk on. I look back, she's still staring at me blankly. I sigh and turn around preparing the fake smile that I would wear for the rest of the day.

Your POV •

"Hey" You smile at Justin.

"Just go, y/n" he mumbles as he continues to walk the halls as usual. You sigh in frustration. Justin's not okay (I promise... mcr anyone? No? Okay) He's got bags under his eyes and he doesn't light up when he sees you anymore. It went from being perfect to absolute shit in a matter of days. 'Did I do something wrong?' You think to yourself. Little did you know how hard things were for Justin at the moment. You were seriously worried about Justin, whenever you tried to talk to him he would either ignore you or barely say a sentence. You sighed and walked to you first class, which happened to be with Justin. You were determined to put things right, even if it was the last thing you did.


The bell rang and you sat at your table with Alex and Jessica. Jess was about to go on some rant but you couldn't help looking at that lost boy that sat 2 tables away from you. All you wanted was to here that he was okay, of course getting your friendship back was a priority but just making sure he was taking care of himself was a start. Justin was laughing hysterically, One of the boys must've said something to him. God he was beautiful, you couldn't help thinking that maybe he was ignoring you because you weren't good enough for him. You had missed seeing his smile, what you loved was that you used to be the reason he had smiled. For a split second Justin's eyes met yours and seconds felt like years. Unfortunately your gaze was short lived as he turned back to talk to the guys. Yet again you let out a sigh.

'Y/N are you even listening?' Jess interrupted your thoughts by waving her hand in front of your face.

'Y..yeah, I'm sorry' you replied immediately acting involved.

'What did I say then?' She asked. You looked at Alex for help but he just shook his head and giggled.

'You know what? Forget it, you're more important. What's up? You've been acting.. different lately' she asked, clearly concerned.

'Yeah Y/N, we're actually worried about you.. especially after the Hannah thing' Alex whispered the last part whilst placing his hand on your arm.

'I'm fine, I just need to do something' you mumbled. They both sighed at your reply and began to whisper to each other. You decided to write a note

'Meet me outside school Xx' you folded it and passed it to one of the more popular girls on the other table. "Give this to Justin, pretend it's from you, thanks" you said to her. She smiled and nodded before you walked back to your desk. You watched the girl pass the note to Justin and his reaction after he read it. He nodded and put the note in his pocket. You began to get anxious, since when did a boy make you this nervous? Since the boy is Justin Foley.


•End of school•

The bell rang and you immediately raised from your seat. You grabbed your bag and walked to the front of the school. You sat on one of the benches waiting patiently for Justin to show up. 'What if he doesn't show up?' Your mind kept repeating this same sentence. This was the last time you would try and talk to Justin, he's made it pretty clear that he doesn't like you anymore, you just want to know why. Soon enough the boy with the mop of brown hair and dark circles showed up. He gave you a confused look before looking around for the girl that had gave him the note. 'I wrote the note Justin.' You sighed. He groaned before turning around to walk off. 'No!' You shouted. He stopped quickly before turning around to give you. You stomped up to him before shouting. 'You do NOT get to walk away Justin Foley. Not this time! I have tried and failed so many times to talk to you. What happened?! Did I do something?! Am you that embarrassed of me that you decided to cut me off completely?! I thought we were friends Justin. Best friends. I thought we told each other everything but apparently not. I know you're not okay, Justin. You're not the guy that I would talk to until 2 in the morning, not the guy that would hug me and tell me everything is okay when I was feeling down. Not that guy anymore..not my Justin. I'm going to go now but I just want you to know that I will always be there for y-'

You were interrupted by Justin. 'Shut up' you gave him a confused look before he brought one of his hands to the back of your waist and kissed you softly. You were about to pull away, still shocked by his reaction when his other hand tangled in your hair and pulled your face closer (if that was possible.) You decided to give in to the kiss, after all you've just got your best friend back and this clearly wasn't what you expected, you're not complaining though. You soon pulled away for air, you rested your forehead against his.

'I love you, yunno.' He whispered. You smiled.

'I love you too, don't make me regret it' you replied suddenly serious.

'I won't I swear. I'll be the guy you talk to until 2 in the morning, the guy that hugs you and tells your everything's gonna be okay.. I'll be your Justin... I promise.

The rest of the night was filled with smiles, pizza, Justin explaining to you about the tapes and lots of cuddling.

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