《Brave》Chapter 4: The Bad News



Merid pushed open the door that lead to the kitchens, (Y/n) following behind him.

"Good day prince." One maid greeted.

Merid grabbed an apple and tossed it over to (Y/n) before grabbing one for himself. He then paused in his tracks when he saw a giant plate of sweets. He stuffed the apple into his mouth and swiftly swiped the tray and hid it behind his back and brought it back around once he was out of the kitchen. (Y/n) raised her eyebrow quizzically at him and he sent her a wink. She just smiled and rolled her eyes at him.


The two entered the dining room to hear King Fergus telling the story of how he lost his leg for the hundredth time.

"And then, out of nowhere, the biggest bear you've ever seen!"

Merid tossed his apple core over his shoulder and glanced at (Y/n) to see her glaring at him.

"What?" He asked, surprised.

"You realize I'm going to have to be the one to pick that up right?" She huffed, crossing her arms.

"Relax, I'll get someone else to do it. No need to get pouty." Merid teased.

"I'm not being pouty!" (Y/n) defended.

"Awe, don't be embarrassed love. I find your pouty face adorable." Merid pinched her cheek.

The girl swatted his hand away and tried to cover the blush that made its way onto her face.

"His hide littered with weapons of fallen warriors. His face scarred, with one dead eye." King Fergus was telling the story to the triplets who looked like they were about to fall asleep.

"I drew my sword and..."

"Whoosh!" Merid interrupted, making the boys jump. "One swipe, his sword shattered. Then "chomp"! Dad's leg was clean off. Down the monster's throat it went."

"Oh, that's my favorite part." Fergus whined.

"Mor'du has never been seen since." Merid continued, sneaking around the king's chair. "And is roaming the wilds waiting his chance for revenge."

(Y/n) was walking by him when he snagged her around the waist, making her squeal, and made some fake bear noises. (Y/n) laughed and wiggles out of his embrace, playfully jabbing him in the arm.


"Let him return. I'll finish what I huddled in the first place." Fergus promised.

Merid pulled out (Y/n)'s chair for her and she sat down, and Merid placed his bow on the table.

"Merid, a prince does not place his weapons on the table." Queen Elinor reminded him.

"Mum! It's just my bow." Merid whined.

"A gentlemen should not have weapons in my opinion." Elinor replied.

"Leave him be. Gentlemen or not, learning to fight is essential." Fergus butted in.

Merid placed his bow around the back of his chair before glancing at (Y/n). She subtly motioned for him to talk to his mum.

"Mum? You'll never guess what (Y/n) and I did today."

"Hmm?" Elinor hummed.

"We climbed the Crone's Tooth, and drank from the Fire Falls." He said.

The boys looked up in surprise.

"Fire Falls? They say only the ancient kings were brave enough to drink the fire." King Fergus informed them, an impressed look on his face. "Nicely done lad, you too lassie." He winked at them.

"What did you two do dear?" Elinor asked, not paying attention.

"Nothing, mum." Merid sighed, disappointed.

(Y/n) frowned and placed her hand over his underneath the table. He smiled at her and squeezed it.

"Hungry aren't we." Elinor chimed in, glancing at the plate of sweets.

"Mum!" Merid complained.

"You'll get dreadful collywobbles. Oh, Fergus, will you look at your son's plate?"

Fergus paused from taking a bite from his food and glanced at Merid's plate.

"So what?" He shrugged, before his two hunting dogs jumped into his lap.

"Don't let them lick..." Elinor sighed and turned to the triplets. "Boys, you're naughty. Don't just play with your haggis. Och, how do you know you don't like it, if you don't try it? That's just a wee sheep stomach. It's delicious." Elinor said, smacking her lips to try and encourage them.

Just then, a maid named Maudie enters the room carrying three envelops on a tray.

"My lady." She bent down and showed them to her.


"Thank you, Maudie." Elinor responded.

"Psst." (Y/n) whispered to the boys. They all turned to look at her.

She gestured to the plate of sweets Merid brought in and slipped it onto her lap, letting it slide down her legs and onto the floor under the table. The boys smiled and quietly slinked under the table.

"Ah, from the Lords Macintosh, MacGuffin and Dingwall. Their responses no doubt." Elinor said, in a hurry to read the letters.

Fergus was still fighting off the dogs while the boys were under the table stuffing themselves.

"Stay out of my food you greedy mongrels!" Fergus shouted.

The boys looked over at their fathers leg and one held up a rope while the others nodded in agreement.

"Chew on that, you manky dogs!" The dogs had started to chew on Fergus's peg leg.

"Fergus." Elinor called out to her husband, making him pause and look at his wife. "They've all accepted." She whispered in excitement.

"Who's accepted what mother?" Merid asked.

Elinor glanced at her oldest son before turning to her younger ones.

"Boys, you are excused." She said.

The triplets got up from their chairs and ran off. One of them tripped and fell, making some sweets fall out of his shirt and onto the floor, which made the dogs run over.

"(Y/n), you may retire to bed early." Elinor told the girl.

(Y/n) hesitantly stood up. She didn't want to leave but she couldn't deny an order from the queen. She tried to walk away, but Merid grabbed her upper arm.

"What did I do now?" Merid hesitantly asked.

"Merid, this-this is really a conversation for the three of us." Elinor told him.

"It's fine, I don't mind." (Y/n) reassured, trying to walk away again, but Merid wouldn't let her go.

"I'm not staying unless she does." Merid insisted.

Elinor sighed, but gave in. "Very well. (Y/n) dear, you may sit back down."

(Y/n) lowered herself back into her seat and Merid released her arm.

"Merid. Your father has something to discuss with you." Elinor said.

Fergus was totally surprised from being put on the spot like that, and spit out his drink.

"Fergus." Elinor said firmly, gesturing to Merid with her eyes.

Fergus cleared his throat. "Er...Merid..." He was struggling to find the words.

"The Lords are presenting their daughters as suitors for your betrothal." Elinor said for him.

"What?" The (Y/n) and Merid said that the same time, eyes widening in shock.

"The clans have accepted." Elinor said cheerfully.

"Dad!" Merid exclaimed turning to his father.

"What? I-I-I-I...You...She...Elinor?" Fergus stuttered.

"Honestly Merid, I don't know why you're reacting this way." Elinor confessed.

Merid knew why. It was because his heart already belonged to someone. That someone was the beautiful girl sitting next to him with her head down looking distraught.

Fergus knew too. He had seen the small intimate interactions that occurred between the two on a daily basis, and he felt sorry that his son couldn't be with her. He thought (Y/n) would've made a good Queen.

"This year, each clan will present a suitor to compete in the games for your hand." Elinor explained.

"I suppose a prince just does what he's told." He yelled, slamming his fists on the table.

"A prince does not raise his voice." Elinor said firmly. "Merid, this what you've been preparing for you're whole life."

"No, it's what you've been preparing me for my whole life." Merid snapped, standing up. "I won't go through with it. You can't make me." He shouted, grabbing his bow and (Y/n)'s hand and dragging her away from the table.

"Merid!" Elinor called. She glanced over to her husband gesturing him to do something.

"Merid!" Fergus stood up and tried to follow, but the rope around his foot caused the table to flip over. "Boys!" He shouted in anger.


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