《[Adrift] WilburSoot X Reader》Chapter 2 - Shopping Trip



let's go almost spooky month :3




Wilbur smiles at her, and she smiles back at him.

"Wait- do you guys know each other?" Tommy questions.

"Yeah, we met at a cafe the other day!" Wilbur says happily; Y/n nods in confirmation at his words.

"Well it's not all about you, Wilbur," The shorter man with dark brown hair adds before walking up to Y/n, hand outstretched. "Hi I'm George, nice to meet you,"

"Nice to meet you too," She passes the camera to Tommy so she can introduce herself properly. "I'm Y/n,"

The blonde man comes up to her next, smiling warmly at her. "I'm Phil,"

"Old man!" Tommy calls in the background, earning him an elbow in the side from Wilbur.

"Nice to meet you too, Phil," Y/n tells him after shaking his hand as well.

"My name's Kristin," The raven-haired woman approaches her. Y/n gasps slightly in surprise.

"Are you American?" She whispers.

"Yes," Kristin smiles happily at her.

The younger girl claps her hands excitedly before giving Kristin a hug, which is eagerly returned by the receiver.

"Good, everyone here is friends now I guess," Tommy remarks. "Now can we go shopping please? I need new stuff,"

"Like what?" Y/n asks as she's handed the camera again to film.

"I dunno, whatever makes me look good,"

"We aren't going to find anything then," George snickers.

"Very funny George, I'm glad your new job as a comedian is working out," Tommy glares at him as the sarcastic tone escapes his lips. "Anyway, let's go this way first,"

"Has he always been like this?" Wilbur asks Y/n quietly. "When you would babysit him, I mean,"

"Unfortunately yes," She replies with an amused smile. "Nothing's really changed. Tommy has always been Tommy,"

"Guys they have creeper plushies in this store!" Tommy yells excitedly from up ahead.

Y/n and Wilbur exchange glances of amusement.


After they film the majority of the needed footage for the vlog, everyone splits off into their own little groups to do some side-shopping. Y/n ends up going with Kristin to Hot Topic.


She enjoys talking with Kristin. It was nice to hear her own accent for a while, even though they were just having small talk.

"So Y/n, are you seeing anyone?" Her friend asks after a while.

Y/n lets out a small laugh. "No, I haven't dated since my freshman year of college,"

"Really?" Kristin says in disbelief.

"Yes, "really"," She replies with a grin. "I spend all my time at home for my job,"

"But you did meet Wilbur on your own," Kristin points out teasingly. "What do you think about him?"

"What? No, we're just friends," Y/n says a bit too quickly. "Plus I just meet him, I hardly know the guy,"

"What if you knew him better though?"

"I don't like where this is going,"

"I'm just saying he's single," Kristin gives an innocent shrug.

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind while I continue to not search for a partner," Y/n replies sarcastically.

They leave the store shortly after to move on.

Meanwhile nearby...

"I'm just saying she's single," George points out.

"Hell no, you are not dating Y/n," Tommy glares slightly at Wilbur as he sips his coffee quietly nearby.

"Aw come on why not?" George asks.

"Because I don't want him dating my older sister figure," The boy grumbles.

Wilbur stays quiet as the two of them argue.

"You gonna say anything?" Phil asks him.

"I'm afraid to," He responds.

"Fair enough,"

"Hi guys!" Y/n skips up to the group, followed closely behind by Kristin. "Woah- why does everyone look so tense?"

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," Tommy says, trying to make himself sound happier. He smiles and goes to stand beside her, albeit putting himself between her and Wilbur.


Wilbur smiles fondly at the sudden thought.

"We should go get lunch," George suggests. "It's almost 1 o'clock and I haven't eaten since breakfast,"

Y/n gasps slightly. "Really? Same!"

"Are you mocking me?"

"No, I'm just hungry too. Now come on," She begins walking in the direction of the food court. "It's lunch time!"


"Yeah!" Tommy cheers while running ahead of her. "Last one there pays!"

"No way!" Wilbur retorts. "Phil can't run! His heart will give out!"

"I'm not that old!"

Tommy stops up ahead to wait for them. "Then, in my concern for Phil's old, weary, bones, I guess I'll wait for you guys,"

Kristin pats her husband on the back as he lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Is this always how it is?" Y/n whispers to Wilbur.

"Every single time," He chuckles. "You should have seen him the first time we all met up though, it was way more chaotic,"

"After today I'm finding that hard to believe," She smiles at him. "What do they have to eat here anyway?"

"Well there's a noodle place that's pretty good, we can go there," Wilbur suggests.

"I'll follow you then," Y/n says after a nod.

They split off from the others again as everyone chooses their own place to eat from. Wilbur leads the way, and they get in line for the food.

"I'll pay this time," Y/n tells him. "Since you bought me my coffee and breakfast the other morning,"

"You don't have to do that, really," He objects politely.

"Please?" She looks at him with puppy dog eyes that were hard to resist. "What? You bought me a coffee cause you liked me, now I'm going to buy you noddles cause I like you,"

Blushing, Wilbur eventually gives a begrudging nod. Y/n pays for their meals, and they return to the others afterward.

"Why is Wilbur all red and sh*t?" Tommy asks, when he arrives.

"I'm- uh- having a hot flash-" He replies awkwardly.

"Rightttttt," George grins as he glances between Wilbur and Y/n. "That's what's happening,"

"He bought me coffee, so I bought him lunch," Y/n tells them matter-o-factually before slurping up some of the noodles from her bowl. "That's what happened,"


"George shut up-"

"Guys look!" Kristin says all of a sudden to change the subject. She holds up a small, green, cookie wrapped in a clear package. "They had frog cookies!"

"Where?" Y/n gasps. "I wanna go get one!"

Kristin hands her the cookie she's holding. "You can have this one, here,"

The girl smiles happily at her. "Thanks!"

"I can show you where the bakery is later if you want,"


The topic of Y/n buying his lunch is dropped after that, to Wilbur's relief. A few times he steals glances with her, each time they smile at each other before looking away again.

He felt strange around her. Seeing her smile made his heart flutter, hearing her laugh just made it do so more. Wilbur did it best to make his embarrassment less obvious, but the grins he was getting from Phil by the end made him know he had been given away.

Before anyone knows it, the sun had begun to set outside. Wilbur didn't want to leave Y/n yet, it felt like they had hardly spent any time together even though it had been the whole afternoon.

As they're all saying their goodbyes, he gives her a hug.

"Call me tomorrow...?" Wilbur whispers to her.

"I will," Y/n laughs softly.

They pull away, and he can feel his face getting warm again. He smiles after her as she walks away beside Tommy.

"Why are you smiling so much?" Phil teases him.

"Oh he's falling bad for her," Kristin adds.

"What? No I'm not!" Wilbur objects immediately.

"Yes you are, we all noticed," George points out with a grin.

"I'm not in love, George!"

"Who said you were in love?"

Wilbur flushes red again, making the others laugh.

"It's not like that okay!" He calls over his shoulder as he begins to walk away towards his car.

"Goodnight lover-boy!" Phil shouts back.

"Shut up!"


qotd: what is your favorite breed of dog and/or cat?

a/n- for me, I like greyhounds cause they look funny but are also super cute. for cats probably scottish folds

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