《A Special Someone for Christmas》Part 15: Insanity


Jungkook's POV

When Tae leaves to the bathroom I can't help but to watch his perky ass walking away. Damn he's hot. I feel overwhelmed with all that has happened today. But mostly I am overwhelmed by something so beautiful. And that is Taehyung. With a blink of an eye, I spill my deepest secrets as if he is my oldest and most trusted confidant. I'm usually quite confident but being with him alone pushes me way outside my comfort zone and has me freaking out.

When Yea sat with me on the plane, she said somethings I was not able to process in the moment. She said everyone is redeemable. She even said she sees love, and happiness in my future. I just dismissed her as being a nice elder that gives her advice. But she told Tae about having visions that have all come true. She had a vision for me but was not able to share it yet. I wonder if she saw something for Tae too. I could tell that Tae has every confidence in her. Maybe she was right. Maybe there are good things coming for me. I never could have imagined that before I boarded flight 1225 to LA. Suddenly, my limbs tingle and lightness fills my chest. I am hopeful.

Tae is oblivious to the power he has over others. As he moves across the room he is in his own world as both men and women do a double take because he is so gorgeous. His beauty is the first thing to catch your eye, but there's far more. He is simply regal in the way he carries himself and radiates confidence. My desire to be close to him in any way that he would allow is strong.

I need to find a way to let him know I have interest. Let the chips fall where they may. I will take my shot when he returns.

As I eagerly wait for Tae, I see someone waving at me moving through the crowd. It's Troy. How nice of him to come and check on us. What good service they provide, here. I will have to give this place a good recommendation and speak to the owner about this young man. What respectability. He's a nice guy. Oh, he has a friend. Probably his boyfriend. What a handsome couple they are. Good for Troy. I like Alaska.

"Hi Jungkook!" He has a very friendly smile. He says something and I don't understand much. I hear him say Taehyung's name and I point towards the bathroom.

"Taehyung, uh, bathroom." Luckily, I know about twenty words in English. I must think positive. When Tae is my boyfriend, I will ask him to help me with my English. But I'm doing quite well, I think.

I nod as he tells me his friend's name is Taylor. We shake hands and I continue to nod a lot giving the impression I understand more than I do. It is the polite thing to do.

Taylor is also a very nice guy. Troy says 'dance,' and points to the dance floor. I really only want to dance with Taehyung but he's a nice guy and I am enjoying myself, so I nod, and he follows me to the dance floor.

We dance as his friend stands by our table and waits. Troy is not a good dancer, but he seems to be having fun and smiling a lot. He says some things to me, and I'm not sure what he is saying. I understand a few words like, snow, fun, and hot. He says the word hot a few times and points to me. I nod yes. Of course, it's hot, we're dancing. I just don't know why he needs to keep telling me. Probably an American cultural thing. I just enjoy the music and move.


I soon see Tae standing by the table and Troy's boyfriend is talking to him. Tae does not look happy. I immediately feel a burning in my chest. Just as I decide to go to the table to make sure Tae is okay, he walks onto the dance floor, and I am unable to contain my smile. He is so beautiful, and I look forward to having some time alone with him. I plan to make the most out of the time I have with this lovely man. I'm going to let him know that I like him. I may wait until tomorrow to ask if he will be my boyfriend. We should probably know each other 24 hours at least. I chuckle to myself. But he will know my interest tonight.

I tell Tae that I am having fun and he smiles at me and nods. He then tells me he wants to tell me something. After the song ends, we go back to the Table. I'm surprised that Troy and his friend sits at our table. I hope they will not be with us for long. He's done his job and now he should go. He is a good guy, and I will have a drink with him. I tell the waiter to bring drinks for us all. I use my English. I am doing quite well.

I tell Tae I am having a very good time. He says he is having a fun time also. Troy asks if I am having fun and then makes another comment about me being hot. Whatever.

He and Tae appear to be having a delightful exchange as they are both smiling. His boyfriend is laughing too. Yes, we are all having a wonderful time. What a fun evening this is.

Tae has me thinking about dancing again. Maybe I can join a dance group. I can't believe this is happening and I am very happy. He's so positive and seems to always bring out the best in me.

Tae looks uneasy and I am not sure what is going on. I then notice Troy's boyfriend is quite focused on Tae. He looks at him in an indecent way. I don't like it. He is clearly flirting with Tae and right in front of his boyfriend! This is not good and quite disrespectful. Poor Troy.

Wait a fucking minute! They are not boyfriends. That bastard is interested in my new man to be! Tae however seems quite disinterested in him. I feel my jaw tightening. Even though I know Tae and I are not a couple. Yet.

Troy has a big grin that is a bit too friendly and then I think he must be interested in Tae too. But then I notice his friend pulls his chair closer to Tae. What? Maybe Troy and Taylor both like Tae. I bite down on my lip as I feel the rage of jealousy building with more intensity as my hand tightens into a fist. Tae is not mine. We aren't even friends. I have no right to him, but I can and will protect him.

Out of the side of my eye I see that Troy has moved closer to me and I suddenly feel he is in my personal space as he lightly touches my arm and I quickly move away as he immediately says something. All the while he is smiling. Oh God, have I nodded and agreed to something I should have not. Fuck!

Suddenly, I feel Troy's hand on my arm as he lightly messages my muscle. I pull away and he says something. Oh, shit he is into me? Fuck! I'm into Tae and not him. I turn and shout. "Fuck no, Troy!" I then see his friend place his hand on Tae's mid-thigh. Tae shouts and says two words that are in my limited English vocabulary. I certainly understand fuck and asshole as Tae pushes Taylor's hand off his thigh and the prick laughs. Oh, hell no! No one dishonors my Tae! I immediately stand and the next thing I know my fist is attached to the asshole's face. Troy turns swiftly and he takes one look at the rage in my eyes which requires no translation. He rapidly gathers his friend and leaves.


"Oh God, Kookie are you okay! "

"Me Tae! He put his hands on you! That's not allowed I-I think that Troy may not have been as nice as I thought he was. I think he might have had some hidden motives. The hell with his gratuity!" My voice elevates as Tae lowers his head a bit and I am curious.

"Tae what's wrong? I'm sorry I overreacted!" I touch his arm.

"Kookie, no. I-I should have told you I'm sorry I wasn't honest. I'm so sorry."

"What? You had nothing to do with this situation. It's not your fault. They are both pricks!" I exclaim.

"Kookie, Troy told me he liked you earlier. And he asked if I would inquire with you regarding your single status. I said I would. But I could not." His chin falls to his chest.

"What? Why Tae?"

He goes silent for several very long seconds and nervously rubs his hands together.

"I-I was jealous Kookie. I'm s-sorry but that is the truth. Now I just feel ashamed." His head remains lowered as he slowly shakes it.

"W-What? You like me Tae?" Tae slowly brings his eyes up to mine. His eyes are sad and wet. For the first time I see his eye without the light that makes them so special. I don't like him with sad eyes. My chest feels heavy and empty without his light. And for the first time I realize fully that the light that is him, his eyes, his boxy smile, and his laugh nourishes me. He is what makes me happy and alive in a new way. I now get it. I need Kim Taehyung. He is the Awakening.

"Yes Kookie. I like you. I-I wanted you to myself. I am so selfish. I did not want to share you. For the three days that we have together I wanted it to be only us. We would be free together for those three days. That's what I believed, and it was a lie. The truth is that I like you more than as a friend. Yes, Kookie I am attracted to you. It was wrong and I know it. We just meet and now I'm so ashamed."

I move closer as his eyes get wider and I start to stroke his cheek gently with my thumb as he leans into my hand like a cat seeking to be petted. It is such a soft touch that creates a craving for more connection and contact with him. I open my hand and softly stroke his face. I move closer as my eyes focus on his perfectly plump lips. I move forward as he parts his lips, and my lips press into his.

It is a very tender kiss. I slowly swipe my tongue tip across his lip, and he yields his mouth to me. Gently I push my tongue in and start my exploration of his deliciously wet and hot oral cavity. God, he tastes good. I lightly grasp on to his slender waist and move him closer as he moans into the kiss. I have an urge to touch him, but I don't want to offend him. He then places his hand lightly on my mid-thigh. I helplessly moan into his mouth as our fever builds. Our hand roam all over each other, rubbing, grasping, and pulling. We are completely oblivious to everyone and everything swirling around us. We are in our own world. I no longer hear the music only our moans. Tae suddenly pushes away as I fear I have gone too far.

His eyes are lustful as he looks at me. His chest falls and rises rapidly with heavy breathing as mine does the same. Slowly he speaks.

"K-Kookie do you like me too?" He has doubt and is so adorably vulnerable in this moment. I smile softly and chuckle.

"Yes Tae, I like you. But I don't want to spend 3 days being free with you..." Before I can finish his head plumets downward. I lift his chin and look deep into his sad eyes as they again lose their light.

"Baby, I want to be free with you for more than 3 days. I want to be with you." As Tae eye light up in a way I've never seen and suddenly joy invades my hallow space.

"Tae, this is insanity, but I'm going to say it, at the risk of scaring the shit out of you and having you run away from me as fast as you can. I want to be free with you, forever. I know it's crazy, but I can't hold back anymore. I want to be with you. There it is Tae. My truth."

His eyes are lit and wide as his smile slowly spreads across his beautiful face. It is big and boxy.

"Kookie, I suffer from the same insanity?"

"Oh my God, Tae!"

"Yes, run free bunnies. Be free together forever! Tae yells.

"Yes, Tae. Let's run free together like those bunny rabbits." He claps his hands, bounces on his bottom, and laughs that amazing laugh.

He then lunges forward, and our lips immediately lock. My tongue is deep in his mouth as he sucks hard. My body quickly heats up as my pants tighten as my stiff dick pushes hard against the fabric.

Tae then pulls back and starts to suck on my earlobe. Fuck he is driving me crazy.

He pulls back slowly and whispers. "I want to feel your dick in me Kookie."

Wow, words I never thought I'd hear from him.

"I'm going to fuck you so good. But uh, we need to get out of here. Give me a minute to settle down a bit I tell him looking down at my erection.

"Teehee. Uh, I have the same problem." He says with the cutest giggle and all I can think of loving this beautiful man. My man.

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