《A Special Someone for Christmas》Part 8: Go be free


Taehyung's POV

"Yes, I am a risk taker Jungkook. I have always been, someone that pushes the boundaries." I share as my smile becomes a bit wicked.

"What? How so Taehyung?" Jungkook asks seeking further clarification. Yea's smile widens as she slides to the edge her seat.

"I was always known as a troublemaker or rule breaker. I've never been one for heavy structure, confinement and even authority." I shiver with the thought of these things. I notice what appears to be an honest desire to know more in Jungkook's deep gorgeous brown eyes. He is turning out to be a most delightful surprise. The way he turned his apology into a hilarious mess was incredibly clever and quick witted. I'm not surprised he's clever or quick witted, however funny was highly unexpected. I consciously check off another box on my list. I love to laugh and have fun. I still don't trust him, yet I'm intrigued and want to share more of myself with him. However, my walls remain up and just slightly lowered.

"I almost failed medical school. Not because of my grades. I was always the top student in whatever I did. Math and science came easy for me. It was the shit I pulled that threatened to get me kicked out repeatedly, but I was always pretty sly and stayed one step ahead of my haters." I say with an amused chuckle.

"Tae tells us more," Yea says as her eyes sparkle and Jungkook nods as he sits up and listens attentively.

I recall a story and start to laugh.

"Okay I'll share one. I was taking an anatomy class and dissection of human body's is gory for most, however it is necessary for learning and understanding. I was okay because in death these former people had dedicated their bodies to science. One day our professor brought in an adorable tan colored rabbit that was terribly cute. He took the rabbit out of the cage and started petting it. I thought it was sweet until he said that tomorrow, we would be dissecting this little guy and 20 of his friends. I felt sick. He went on to say that in the science lab the bunnies are very noisy but that will end tomorrow morning when we kill them. He laughed as did my class. Well, everyone except me." I can still feel the sadness of that moment in my chest.

"I'm an animal advocate and I don't believe in the slaughter of innocent animals for sport, comfort or food. Well, I concocted a sinister plan to emancipate every bunny." I giggle as Yea and Jungkook chuckle.

"So, I leave a window unlocked in my classroom at the end of the day. Later that night I slip into the building and find the rabbits in the lab. When I got to the lab there were like twice as many bunny rabbits. All so cute. I unlocked their cages and told them to go be free. Well, I did not have much of a plan pass that. The rabbits were everywhere. It was a mangled mess of madness. Hahaha!" I laugh and lean over slapping my knee as both Yea and Jungkook are laughing loudly.


"That did not go well however many of the bunny rabbits did escape out of the building."

"Oh my God, Tae you didn't!" Yea shouts grabbing a fresh tissue to catch her tears.

"Hahaha, yes I most certainly did!"

"Stop you are killing me," Jungkook says as he is gripping his abdomen with one hand as I hear his beautiful throaty laugh. I too am laughing as I continue my story.

"Hahaha! The next day I went to class and pretended everything was normal as usual. It was utter chaos as some of the bunny rabbits were hopping on the desks, in the halls, and even in the bathrooms. They had to shut the science building down and cancel classes that day. However, I kept my cool and was laughing hysterically on the inside. Free bunnies everywhere! Bahahaha!"

"The next day I was called into the dean's office and shown a video of me climbing into the window. I had on dark clothes, a hat, and dark glasses, but my hair was red at the time, so it was a dead giveaway. I of course denied their evidence, although I was the only one in school with red hair. They weren't going to get a confession out of me. Bahahaha!"

The cabin roars with laughter. Yea is leaned over in her seat and Jungkook is nearly laid out on the floor.

"So, I was defiantly a rebel. I staged protests and did all kinds of shit over the years. The dean and others were happy for me to graduate since they could not legitimately kick me out. When I graduated and went on stage to get my diploma the dean shakes my hand tightly and says, 'Good luck and I hope to never see your ass again.' Bahahaha!"

Jungkook is laughing so hard at hearing my outrageous story that he is wiping away his flow of tears. I can't help smiling as in this moment he is incredibly beautiful. His smile reminds me of my cute little bunnies.

It takes several minutes for us to all settle down.

"Okay, Jungkook tell us about your rebel side," Yea inquires.

"Oh no, I-I haven't any funny stories like Taehyung."

"Jungkook, please don't leave me looking like the lone rebel," I say as he looks like a shy little boy being asked do something that will be embarrassing. He looks down at his hands and when he looks up with these big, gorgeous doe eyes I have the urge to hold him and tell him it is okay. This is not the same man that so rudely offended me hours ago. Did his experience earlier bring about such a shift in him? I don't want to like him, but I do. Slowly and without much force my walls begin to come down a bit more.

Just as Jungkook starts to speak Mr. Min begins to mumble. Yea quickly lowers herself to the floor next to him. I move next to Yea and watch his responses. I check his vital signs and they are good. He is improving. I think he will be okay, but he needs to have a full assessment and medical management.


"Song," Yea says in a breathy voice.

"Yea." He responds in a weak and raspy voice. He opens his eyes slightly and tries to rise. I immediately place my hand gently on his shoulder.

"Just rest Mr. Min. This is Kim Taehyung and I'm a doctor. You're on a flight to LA with a bit of a detour. You experienced cardiac arrest and soon you will be taken to the hospital. Your wife is right here."

He nods and is a bit confused. I softly exhale because this is a good sign.

"Yea, I heard your beautiful laugh." He shares weakly yet clearly. Yea place her hand softly to his cheek and gently smiles at him.

"Yes, my love I am here with all our new friends. Rest and we will talk later."

Just then Yeona returns.

"Ah Mr. Min. This is great and perfect timing." She quietly gasps bringing a hand to her mouth.

"Everyone the captain is making his decent and we will touch down in 20 minutes. Emergency services are waiting. I need you all to get into your seats and buckle in. Can Mr. Min be buckled into a reclined seat?"

"I can do that," Jungkook says as he quickly jumps up. Wow he's really fit. He has his jacket off, but I can't tell too much from the shirt he's wearing. My mind wonders for a moment to how fuckin hot he must look shirtless and then of course naked. One moment I could not stand his ass, now I'd certainly love a good look at his ass, literally. Okay Tae back to professional mode I tell myself as I swallow and refocus.

"That's if it's okay with the Doctor Taehyung?" I look up hearing Jungkook's response and struggle to switch gears as the space is quiet.

"Tae, did you hear Jungkook?" Yeona asks.

"Uh, yes sure, he can be moved. Let me help you."

"No, I have him. If you could get his seat in position that would be great." I quickly hustle to recline his seat biting my lip feeling a bit embarrassed being caught drifting off.

Jungkook walks over to Mr. Min.

"Mr. Min I'm a passenger on this flight and I'd like to help you, if that is okay."

Mr. Min nods as Jungkook leans in and in one swift movement pick him up and places him with ease into his reclined seat as a very grateful Yea sighs and lightly pats Jungkook on his back.

Yea tells how she and Song are simple shopkeepers and how they could never have afforded to fly to LA and definitely not a flight on such a luxury private jet with Choi Airlines. They won their tickets in a contest that Choi Airlines had. Yea tells she shares about the letter their daughter wrote to enter them into the contest. "The contest was called Someone Special for Christmas. If you could spend Christmas with someone anywhere in the world, who would it be and why?" Yea reports as we all quietly listen.

"My daughter actually saw it on social media and wrote the letter to Choi Airlines. She and my son-in-law surprised us on a video call 2 weeks ago. Song and I were so excited." Yea voice is filled with excitement as she clasps her hands to together and lovingly looks down at her husband. "Oh my, the letter that she wrote was outstanding and made us cry with joy. She wrote about our ancestors and how important it is that the grand parents are a part of the baby's birth. How special that tradition and transition is in the life of each child. She lastly wrote about us. And how special we were and asked Mr. Choi to consider us." Tear flow down Yea's cheeks as I clear my throat and cough to hold back my own tears. I look at Jungkook and he has the most peaceful look on his face. He is quite moved as am I.

"There were five winners, and the prize was a round trip ticket to anywhere in the world on a Choi Airlines private jet. It also came with a cash amount which was a surprise to us. We were able to purchase some very special gifts for our daughter, son-in-law and new grandbaby." As Yea breaths in deep Song reaches over and finds her hand and gently squeezes it. I nearly burst into tears.

"Mr. Choi is an amazing man. I did some research on him and learned that he is giving away much of his wealth. He is helping people in need around the world. Song says it has changed his thinking about the super wealthy and their greed." Yea chuckle as I nod in agreement.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry have if I offended anyone?" Yea raises a hand to her cheek as her lips slightly parts.

"Not me!" Yeona says. "He is a great employer. I'm able to give my daughter everything she needs and send her to the school of her choice. He really cares about others, and I am proud to work for him." Yea nods and softly claps.

"Not me either! I say tossing my hands up and not wanting to reveal too much about how I know Mr. Choi. Not yet at least.

Jungkook looks awkward and clears his throat before speaking. He has returned to his shyness it appears. It is a shame. His joy and laugher are healing. I'm certain he does not know that. I just think he is so far out of his element and this entire situation is a stretch for him. It must be confusing.

"Uhm, you have a right to your opinion, Yea. It's okay. I am in no way offended. However, I think you are right. It's just makes me sad. I hope to learn more about Mr. Choi and what he is doing." He softly smiles as the sadness is apparent in his eyes.


Run bunnies run. Go be free. We now have a better understanding of who Tae is.

Grab your coats, hats, gloves, scarves, long underwear and everything else. It going to be cold af in Alaska.

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