《Unpredictable | Wilbur Soot Angst》Epilogue


"You ready?" Phil asked the anxious boy.

Wilbur took a deep breath, "Yes."

"Do you want me to stay, if you want me to I will."

The brunet pondered it for a second; on the one hand, he was really nervous and if something went wrong, it wouldn't be a bad idea for Phil to be right there, on the other, he wanted to prove to himself that he could do it.

"No, I'll be fine."

"OK, mate, it's gonna go great." Wilbur managed a weak smile, and turned back to face the monitor. Philza left the room, leaving the boy to start whenever he was ready.

You aren't prepared enough, fake Tubbo whispers.

Don't listen to him, it's gonna be fine! Techno protests

Oh come on, don't be a cry baby, man up! Tommy shouts.

Ignore them, mate, you got this. Phil encourages. The four continued to bicker, getting louder and louder. His heart pounded out of his chest, his breathing grew more and more rugged by the second.

No. He thought to himself, not now. He forced himself to inhale, slowly and deeply; then exhaled gradually. He repeated this a couple times, until it was quiet once more. Swallowing thickly, he summoned all of the energy and confidence he could muster, and clicked.

"WHAT IS UP CHAT!!!" He exclaimed, "Today we are... not going to be doing anything remotely exciting, but you are gonna watch it anyway, 'cause that's the type of people you are. I could stream a video of paint drying and still get 100K viewers. Don't try and deny it." he rambled. "Anyways, let's rewind a bit..."

Phil smiled as he listened to Wilbur stream, he sounded so happy. The boy had had his fair share of nerves beforehand, so it was good to hear him so confident. All of a sudden, his phone started to ring.



"Hey, Big Man, I saw that Wilbur was streaming." Tommy greeted.

"Yeah, it's great, I'm so fucking happy for him."

"Me too, how long did it take you to convince him?"

"I didn't, it was his idea, I just supported him." Phil replied honestly.

"You're a good person, ya know?"

"Thanks, mate."

"No problem... Dadza."

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