《Unpredictable | Wilbur Soot Angst》Denial


The call was filled with silence as the screen faded to black, "That can't be the end, right? Surely not. Surely not, right?" Tubbo said in disbelief. His fears were proved incorrect as Wilbur faded back into view.

"Um, hey guys... I'm sure you all have a lot of questions, um, and I'll answer them. Uh, soon, probably in a video or something. I- I really appreciated all of your guy's support, um, please, um, please respect mine, and Phil's and everyone's privacy. Um, I'm safe, I'm recovering, and yeah I- I think I'll leave it at that."

The video ended and the computer asked if he wanted to play the next one. Clicking the "Cancel" button, Tubbo slowly tried to absorb all of the new information.

"I- I don't understand." George stuttered. "Wh-what happened?"

"Surely not, right? That's not what it sounded like, right?" Tubbo denied, "He wasn't- he wasn't... right?" None of them wanted to say the word.

"Well he said he was safe, right?" Tommy asked. Tubbo rewinded the video, rewatching the last part.

"Yeah, yeah he did." He confirmed.

"Is he living with Phil? Is that why he mentioned him? And why he has been all- been all gone?" Tommy tried to understand.

"That's what he said." Techno verified.

"I can't believe this, Wilbur was- was, I can't believe this." Tommy faltered. They were all in shock. How could Wilbur, their happy, laughing Wilbur, get into such a bad situation? It was all so surreal. Tubbo held his head in his hands as he continued to process everything. He still couldn't fathom it.

"Um, I'm gonna end my stream, for now, um, are- are you guys gonna do the same?" Tubbo asked. They all answered with some form of affirmation and muted to say their goodbyes to the chat.


"I still can't believe this, this- this is a dream right? I'm gonna wake up any second and this was all a dream, right?" Tommy cried, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Tommy, deep breaths, OK? He said he will explain more soon, and if there's one thing that I know about Wilbur, it's that if he is serious, he will keep his promises, OK?" Techno comforted.

"I- I still can't believe this." Tubbo repeated. "Wilbur- Wilbur was just taking a break, right? He wasn't- he wasn't- I can't believe this." Tubbo stuttered, trying and failing to keep his voice from wavering.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright, OK? He said he was safe." Techno continued to console the youngest members. Normally when he was in a call with them it was like they were in the room together. Now the ocean between them had never felt so big. He wasn't a very huggy person, but he knew that Tommy and Tubbo needed someone, they were so young. So is Wilbur. His brain unhelpfully reminded him. Wilbur is only 17.

"Do you wanna try to call him? Or Phil?" Ranboo jumped in, saving Techno from a breakdown.

"I- I would like that." Tubbo answered. So Techno quickly found Phil in his "Friends" list, and hit "Call". The phone rang for a bit, and then the man answered.

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