《Unpredictable | Wilbur Soot Angst》Revelations


After 4 hours of editing, lots of encouragement from Phil, stalling, and zero sleep, it was ready. He then spent another thirty minutes perfecting a message to send to his friends. After he was finished, Wilbur, shakily, logged onto Discord.

Wilbur Soot is typing...

Techno was streaming on the Dream SMP when he got a message, "One second, chat, someone just texted me."

"Oh me too, we are so popular, am I right?" Ranboo responded sarcastically.

Techno chuckled, "Is it Tommy? If it is, tell him to solve his own problems."

"No it's not, actually you should probably look at this, it says not to read it out loud if you're streaming."

"OK, gimme a sec." Techno answered, opening Discord. When he saw the message his eyes widened. Wilbur? 'The message read: "If you are streaming this please don't read this aloud, 3 days from now, 12:00 my time, I will premier a video on my channel. The rest of the internet will find out tomorrow, but I figured you guys deserved to know first." That was it, no explanation. No justification for his year and a half absence. No apology, no nothing.

"We should probably go..." Ranboo suggested, so they both wrapped up their streams, and started a call. The text was sent to everyone in the Dream SMP (for plot purposes we are just gonna say no one new has joined), and already there were texts on it asking what happened, where he had been. No answer had been supplied so far.

"Do you think he is OK?" Tubbo asked, as soon as everyone was there. Well almost everyone, Phil being the most notable absence.

"I hope so." Quackity responded, "He hasn't been on in like two years."


"A year and 66 days. Tommy supplied.

Silence filled the call, so Techno decided to ask the obvious question. "Do you think he's gonna explain where the heck he's been?"

"I hope so." Tubbo answered. "I mean I respect his privacy and all but we deserve an explanation, I feel."

"Well we should let him do whatever he feels is right, whatever that may be." Niki defended.

"I suppose." Tubbo acknowledged.

"I really hope that muffin is alright."

"We all do." Dream comforted.

"Well I have school tomorrow, I should really get to bed. Bye guys!" Sapnap explained, before leaving the call.

"I need to go too actually, it's like 1 AM." Tubbo said with a snort.

"Goodnight Tubbo!" Tommy offered, before saying his farewells, and departing as well. Slowly, the numbers dwindled, until it was just Techno and Ranboo in the call.

"Well I guess we will find out more later, because didn't he say that it would be premiered?" Ranboo asked.

"Yeah I suppose." Techno responded. He was worried of course, but it wouldn't do him any good stressing about it...

Though that is exactly what he did when he left the call.

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