《Unpredictable | Wilbur Soot Angst》Stop


It had been a little less that an hour since Phil had last heard from Wilbur, and he was starting to get worried. That is why Phil had been standing outside of Wilbur's door for the past two minutes, trying to gain the courage to knock. Oh screw this.

"Will? Are you OK?" he called, rapping gently. No answer. "Hello?" No answer. "I'm gonna come in, OK mate? No answer. Carefully, he grasped the doorknob, and slowly turned it. There was no one there. "Will?! Where are you?"

The window wasn't open, that was the only other way into the room besides the door. His eyes landed on the only other place in the room Wilbur could have gone, the closet. Sighing heavily, Phil sat down cautiously. Now that he listened he could hear soft whimpers emitting from the small room.

"Hey mate, I'm sorry, I should have noticed sooner. This must be so overwhelming, I- I can't even imagine. What uh, what you've been through, so I won't- I won't pretend to. Um, all I know is that it was fucked up. No one should go through that. It's not your fault though. Uh, Tommy, uh Tommy and Techno, both of them have been talking about you, every day. They care about you mate. Uh, Tubbo tries his best to tell a story about you every time he streams. It's really sweet actually. Even the fans have been, uh, what's the word, um, endearing. They have been pretty supportive, and the ones that aren't? They practically get executed by Twitter. You do not want to mess with them." Phil paused, listening for any concerning sounds. He didn't hear any. "Oh gosh I don't even know what I'm fucking doing. I'm not prepared in the slightest. Maybe we can- maybe we can figure it out together?


Phil watched as the door opened warily. And a quivering figure carefully peeked around the painted wood. Phil opened his arms, offering a hug, Wilbur gladly accepted, sinking into his arms.

Even though Wilbur himself had initiated the contact from the hug. He still inevitably flinched almost imperceptibly. It had been forever since he had had comforting contact. And he welcomed it.

"Th-thank you." he whispered into Phil's shoulder.

"No problem, mate. It's what I'm here for." Wilbur didn't know how long they sat there. Whether it was hours or minutes. Neither wanted to move. The moment was unfortunately interrupted by a phone call. "Sorry." Phil apologized as he fetched his phone from his pocket.

"Really Tommy? I'm busy." There was an intelligible response that probably contained at least five curse words to which Phil responded with: "Tommy, there are more important things in life than women and Minecraft memes." Wilbur suppressed his giggle very poorly, and apparently Tommy heard him. Phil looked at Will, a question obvious in his eyes. He shook his head. "Nobody Tommy, just a friend, you wouldn't know them."

Even without being able to understand the boy through the phone speaker, Wilbur knew exactly what he said: "OK big man." They both smiled after the call ended, and soon dissolved into full out laughter, it felt good.

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