《The Legacy { Blackpink × Bangtan } ✔》9


"So let me get this straight, you think you can just appear and drag us back to our so call home?" Jungkook asked.

"It is your home, it's this world that isn't why can't you understand that?" Poseidon said.

"Oh I don't know, maybe it's because you've lied to me all this time!"

"You're so god damn stubborn, why can't you just listen for once?!"

"How am I stubborn, you're the one lying to your own child!"

"That is enough already! The both of you need to grow up and work this out like men, or else neither of you are coming back!" Athena shouted.

"Lisa, can I please talk to you in the other room?"

"Um sure..."

"Poseidon please for god sakes, just shut up and listen to your son. I can tell he doesn't hate you, he just doesn't understand why you lied. Tell him the whole truth." Athena then walked away leaving the father and son.

"Listen I know I haven't been honest with you, but I have been apart of your life since the day you were born- The least you could do is hear me out."

"I'm listening." Jungkook said.

"It started before you were even born..."

"What's on your mind?"

"The fact that you're a god and my mom, I mean this is so confusing!" Lisa exclaimed.

"Well what do you want to know?"

"Well for a starters how are you so calm?"

"I'm not calm, I'm actually very nervous about this myself- But I know this must be harder on you. So how about you ask me whatever you want." Athena suggested.

"Ok first things first, who are you?"

"My name is Athena Minerva. I am the goddess of wisdom and war. And I'm also your real mother."

"Wow it feels good to hear you say that. Where have you been?"

"I've been living on Mount Olympus."

"It really exists?!"

"It does, it's where you were born."

"It's pretty cool... But how do I really know you're my mom? I mean you look so young." Lisa asked.

"That's because gods don't age but you do look a lot like me, if you haven't noticed. Also you have the birth mark of the owl, on the left side of your hip."

"I've never told anyone about that, how did you-"

"I know because I gave it to you when you were born, as proof of being my child and only gods and demigods can see it."

"That's so cool. Seems like you're really my mother. Why did you abandon me, was I not good enough for you?"

"Abandon you?! Baby I never abandoned you, what I did was to protect you."

"Protect me from what?"

"A long time ago there was a war, between the gods. Zeus and his brothers argued, because Zeus didn't want any relations between god and human. He wanted everyone in their own world, but it was too late for that because we had created the demigods."

"He was furious with us, we knew that none of the demigods were safe, so we sent you down to your human parents. Only problem for me was that your father was already dead. But I did find a perfect family for you, one that would raise you till I could come back. But I risked everything, just so you could live a life you deserved."


"I understand... It's probably wasn't easy for you to do that- But you did it for me and I couldn't be more grateful."

"Oh I'm so happy you understand, it means a lot to me Lisa."

"Thank you for protecting me." Lisa said genuinely.

"Anything for you baby girl."

"I have a question. So if you're my real mom, then where's my dad?"

Athena stood silence at the question.

"Did I say something wrong?" Lisa asked.

"No of course not dear. It's just your father died a long time ago...before you were even born."

"What?! How did he-"

"He was killed... But he's in a better place now."

"He must have been very special to you, right?"

"He really was one of a kind. You remind me so much of him, and he would have been so proud of his little girl."

"Another question, does this mean I'm a god like you?" Lisa aksed.

"Well yes and no."

"What does it mean?"

"You're considered a demigod, which means you have god like powers but you are also half human. Because you're my daughter, you have the gift or wisdom but you also have the strength to control others and win wars."

"That's so amazing!"

"It is, and it's a huge responsibility. Is there anything alse you want to ask?" Athena asked.

"No, I've asked everything I wanted to know. Well everything but one thing..."

"What is it?"

"What happens now? Are you going to leave again, and visit me like Jungkook's dad?"

"No Lisa, because I want you to come back with me."

"What?! Y-you mean live with you in Olympus?"

"That's exactly what I mean, I want you to come home to where you belong. There's a school there where you can study and train, so you can use your powers to your full potential. I know this is a lot to ask- I don't want to force you to leave if you don't want to, but I would love to have my daughter with me again."

"I want to go with you... But what about my family?"

"I will talk to Eva, don't worry."

"Okay..." Lisa then nodded excitedly.

"You're going to love it there Lisa, and you'll have your friends with you."

"I can't wait!"

"How about we go check on Poseidon and Jungkook, and see if they've ripped each other head off yet."

Both of them chuckled and went to the living room where the both males are in.

"I know you can't forgive me for lying, but I hope you can at least understand..."

"How are things going?" Athena asked.

"I think I made some progress, but tge rest is up to Jungkook- I won't force him to make any choices that he doesn't want." Poseidon said.

"Maybe we should give them both some space, they have a lot to think about." Athena suggested.

"Sure, let me show you out."

"Think about what I said alright, I'll handle everything else."

"Okay, thanks mom." Lisa told Athena. With that, Poseidon and Athena went back to Olympus.

"Are you okay?"

"I really don't know Lisa, I thought I could handle this better but- Now he wants me to go to some school in Olympus, how am I just suppose to leave?"


"I know, my mom told me about it too."

"What did you say?"

"Jungkook, I'm going..."

"Are you serious?!"

"Jungkook this is our life, we can't just ignore it and pass up this opportunity, you know that. You might not like it right now, but you're special and deserve to be somewhere special."

"It's just we've lived here for so long, I don't know if I can just pack up and leave everything."

"Then do it for me Jeon... We can explore this new world together with Rosé and Jimin, we'll all be together."

"Alright... As long as you're with me, then I'll give it a chance."

"You're the best." Lisa didn't think much a give a peck on Jungkook's cheek, causing him to blush.

"So uh... Do you want me to take you home?"

"Actually do you mind if I stay here tonight? I can't go home and face my parents right now, it's just too much for me."

"Sure, I'll show you the guest room." Jungkook then guide the way.


"I really hope he decides to come back."

"Don't worry, Jungkook is a smart boy he'll make the right choice. Besides I think Lisa will be able to convince him. Those two are so cute together." Athena reassured.

"They've been best friends for a long time, that's why. But Jungkook is so damn stubborn, i don't know where he gets it from."

Athena just stared at Poseidon, not saying anything.

"What is it?"

"You're joking right, Jungkook is exactly like you in every way. He looks like you and has your attitude too!" Athena laughed and Poseidon just rolled his eyes.



"I'll be out in a second."

"What's up- oh..." Lisa asked once she's out.

"Like what you see?" Jungkook teased.

"Actually I've seen better. I mean have you seen Jimin's body?!"

"Jimin's body?! But he's a damn marshmallow!"

"Oh my god, you get jealous so easily!" Lisa laughed.

"Yeah... Ha ha." Jungkook said annoyed.

"You love me." Lisa stated.

"Yeah, keep dreaming."

"So what do you want Jeon?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were settled in, nothing wrong with that."

"Jeon you do know I'm the daughter of the goddess of wisdom, I'm not an idiot."

"Okay well I just wanted to see you, are you happy now?"

"Very happy!" Lisa chuckled.

"So you never told me why you didn't want to go home."

"It's because I can't face my mom, even though I had a feeling I was adopted, it was still in shock."

"Well at least you know the truth right?"

"I guess so... I just don't know how she's going to take it, when she finds out I'm leaving."

"In a way, she's still your mom Lis- she's going to want what's best for you and that is it."

"It's easier said than done Jungkook, I just hope you're right."


"Dear I've been here with you, I-"

"W-what if something bad happened to her?! OH MY GOD, WHAT IF SHE'S DEAD?!"

"You need to stay positive Eva, she's probably sleeping at Rosé's house."

"Then why didn't she call me or something..."

"I don't want to anger you, but you might not be her favourite person right now."

"How could you say something like that, she's still my baby girl!"

"Actually she's my baby girl." Someone said.


"It's good to see you both again, it's been a long time."

"What are you doing here?" Eva asked.

"I'm here to take Lisa back home."

"What?! You are not taking Lisa anywhere, she belongs here!"

"I understand you're angry, but we agreed this was going to happen."

"NO, YOU'RE NOT TAKING MY BABY AWAY FROM ME!" Eva shouted and ran away.

"I'm sorry about her, but you can understand what she's feeling." Jaden said.

"I do understand- It won't be easy to convince her and I know that. But I came for my daughter, and I'm not leaving without her."

"By any chance do you know where she is, because she didn't come home last night."

"She's at Jungkook's house, she stayed at the guest room."

"Alright thank you..."

"No problem, I'm going to speak with Eva." Athena then walk away and find Eva.

"I thought I made it clear she doesn't stay over at a boys house. But why did I expect her to listen anyways..." Jaden sigh and mentally face palmed.


"I'm sorry, but I just can't let her go. I raised her since she was a baby, she's practically my daughter. How can I just let her go?" Eva was sobbing.

"I know how hard this is on you, believe me I do. If you're forgetting, I was in your place 18 years ago when I handed her over to you. What I did wasn't easy and it broke my heart, but I did it for Lisa. I wanted her to have the best life possible, even if it meant I couldn't be in her life. And I knew that day when I handed her over to you, that's exactly what she would get. I could never thank you enough for what you've done- But she needs to come home now, because this is what's best for her."

"I always knew this day would come, and that it was getting closer and closer. But apart of me never wanted it to come, I wanted her to be with is forever. And even though I don't like this- I do want what's best for her. Just tell her that I love her and I'm sorry for lying."

"You can tell her yourself, Eva. Because I won't take her away without bringing her back here."

"Thank you Athena, you'll be a great mother.

"I hope so..."


"I wonder if I can use magic to change clothes..." Lisa wondered.

"CHANGED! Okay that didn't work, maybe if I say something else."


"What are you doing?" Athena asked.

"I was trying to change my clothes, with magic..."

"Lisa we're not magically, we're gods."

"So we don't have powers?"

"Not a chance." Athena chuckled.

"I brought you some clothes to change into, we've got to make a quick stop before I take you back. So please change quickly, and don't try putting them on with magic."

"Got it." Athena then walk away.

Lisa is finding some outfits to wear from her wardrobe.

"Perfection!" Lisa said after getting changed.

"Aw what's the rush darling?" Someone said causing Lisa to jump in surprised. She turn around and saw Seulgi standing there.

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