《The Legacy { Blackpink × Bangtan } ✔》4


"Uh what was that?"

"Lisa I love you, I've always loved you."

"What?! J-Jeon are you serious?"

"Very serious, it's always been you Lisa. No one can replace you."

"Jeon I..."

Suddenly Lisa was cut off by a beeping sound that sounds like an alarm.

"Omg, it was just a dream..."

💭But last night was real... Jungkook actually kissed me and I can't believe I kissed him back, what was I thinking~

A sudden knock on the door was heard.

"Come in." Lisa said getting out the bed. Her mom then walked into her room. "Um.. Good morning mom"

"I just came to tell you breakfast is ready." Then her mom turn around ready to leave.

"Mom... I'm sorry"

"Lisa, you have nothing to say sorry about."

"But what about yesterday, when I said those mean things to you?"

"Lisa... Just come down for breakfast whenever you're ready." Then her mom left.

"I must have really hurt her feelings this time, but she can't stay mad at me forever right?" Lisa mumble to herself. "Might as well get ready, considering Rosé told me she had a big surprise for me today." Lisa sigh.

"I'm so happy we don't have any classes today! FREEDOM!" Rosé exclaimed, hands off the steering.



"I don't know why I always get in this car with you, one day you'll get us killed."

"You stress way too much Lisa, I'm a good driver and you know it." Rosé chuckled.

"Sure..." Lisa rolled her eyes. "You know you never told me where we're going right?" Lisa added.

"We're going to the beach!"

"The beach?! But I'm not dressed for the beach!"

"That's because we're not going in the water, they opened an amusement park so I wanted to check it out."

"Aren't you a bit too old for that?" Lisa asked.

"Excuse youself, I'm still a kid at heart."

"Yeah right." Lisa chuckled.

"So you never told me how meeting Jerkook's dad went."

Lisa heart suddenly beat faster just by hearing Jungkook's name. She had a flashback of what happened yesterday. It was a magical feeling, something out of this world. The moment itself was just feeling perfect.

"YO EARTH TO LISA!" Rosé screamed into Lisa's ear.


"Girl you just zoned out on me." Rosé said.

"Oh... My bad."

"Okay, spill the details."

"What are you talking about?" Lisa act clueless.

"You just zoned out on me, so there's definitely something that happened."

Lisa was debating if she should tell her best friend the truth.

"I'm waiting."

"Geez, fine. We kissed."


"Is it a bad thing, will it ruin our friendship?" Lisa was over thinking too much.

"Are you kidding?! This is amazing, I always wanted you guys together!"

"Rosé it was just a kiss, it's not like we're together or anything."


"I guess so, but it must have meant something to you right?"

"I don't know if there's more to it or only just a kiss. What if he doesn't feel the same way..."

"Don't stress yourself out girl, I say give it time and eventually everything will work out itself." Rosé advised.

"Hey look, the girls are here." Jimin told Jungkook.

"Hey guys!" Rosé said.

"Hi girls." Jungkook replied.

"Rosé you look beautiful."

"Shut up Jimin, it's too early for your crap."

"So why did you want us to come here Rosé?"

"Because I live the amusement park!"

"How about I win a stuffed animal for you?" Jimin asked.

"That all depends what's the catch?" Rosé asked.

"No catch, I actually wanna have some fun on our day off. Besides spending some time with you is a huge bonus." Jimin winked at Rosé.

"Go ahead. At least you'll be with someone who enjoys this as much as you do." Lisa encourage Rosé.

"I guess it could be fun. But if you try anything, I will throw you in the dunk tank."

"Deal." Jimin chuckled.

"Have fun with Jungkook." Rosé then dragged Jimin away, leaving Jungkook and Lisa alone.

"Do you what to walk around and win stuffed animals too?" Jungkook asked.

"This really isn't my thing, I don't like all the loud noise."

"Well then how about we go somewhere quiet so we can talk."



"How is this for quiet?" Jungkook asked once they reached to the top of the mountain.

"It's perfect." Lisa released a sigh. "So um.. Have you talked to your dad?"

"When I got home he was saying bye to my mom. I was going to say sorry to him but then..."

"But then what?"

"When he look at me he looked hurt... For once in my life I saw pain on my dad's face, it was like there was something on his mind that he couldn't even talk about."

"Maybe he was just upset about what happened with you."

"No this was different, because when he walked up to me- He gave me a hug and whispered to take care of myself, there's someone watching you and your friends."


"But I don't know what he meant, because he just walked out afterwards."

"What if we're in danger?!" Lisa freaked out.

"Lisa don't worry about it, everything will be okay. Besides I wouldn't let anyone hurt you."

"I- I hope you're right..."

"So anyways how are you feeling today?" Jungkook tried to divert the topic.

"Pretty good... I guess."

"Alright what's on your mind now?"

"Are you really going to do this?"

"Do what?"

"Not talk about last night and- "

"Lisa, it was just a kiss... There's nothing to talk about."

"So you just randomly walk around kissing girls?"

"What?! Of course not!"


"So you just kissed me for no damn reason?!"

"You're making things complicated right now, when it's not meant to be like that." Jungkook protest.

"Did it mean nothing to you, was it just a kiss and nothing more?"

"Lisa you need to relax what I meant was, I don't want to put any pressure on you."

"What pressure?"

"The whole populars should date nonsense, I didn't want you to think it was something like that. But clearly I didn't do a good job at that, considering you're freaking out."

"I guess you have a point..."

"I really do like you it's just-"

"Don't worry about it..." Lisa said feeling down.

"Listen I have a surprise for you, but you'll have to give me some time to prepare okay?"

"Jungkook I- "

"You're going to love it I promise!" With that Jungkook ran away to who knows where.

"JUNGKOOK! I knew this was going to be a bad idea..." Lisa face palm herself.

"What are you doing here now Athena?"

"I was waiting for you to return."

"You do know I have a wife in the mortal world right?"

"Don't flatter yourself, I was waiting to know what's going on with- "

"I know, I was just joking around." Poseidon laughed.

"So I'm guessing everything went well with your son?"

"No he hates me even more, and probably never wants to see me again."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear..."

"It's okay I'm used to it, he's too stubborn to understand."

"So I'm guessing like father like son right?"

"Very funny..." Poseidon rolled his eyes and Athena just laughed.

"It's good to see you laughed again, it's been such a long time."

"It feels good to laugh again, but I feel so guilty being happy while Lisa is down there. By the way, how is she? Is there anything wrong?"

"Everything is fine just like I said. So enough with worrying, nothing will happen to them."

"Thank you Poseidon..."

"For what?"

"I know I've been a real pain lately, but um just feeling stressed out."

"Don't worry about it. I know the feeling. It's okay to worry about your child Athena, nothing wrong with that."

"I just want her to come home already, but I feel like she'll hate me for giving her away."

💭There's no way I can tell her that I felt evil down there, she would completely freak out~

Poseidon thought and released a big sigh.

"Is something wrong?" Athena asked.

"Uh... No of course not."

"Poseidon and Athena." Just then a fairy came.

"What is it?"

"Zeus had requested for the both of you to meet with him."

"What for?" Athena asked crossing her arms.

"I have no idea Queen Athena, he just told me to get you both right away."

"Alright we'll go right away, you may leave now."

"As you wish." The fairy then leave.

"What do you think he wants from us?"

"I have no idea, but it's never good." Poseidon rolled his eyes again.

"Let's get this over then."

"Get that one!"

"DAMN IT! Okay one last try and that's it, I'm done."

"YES YOU WON!" Rosé exclaimed.

"Have you guys seen Jungkook anywhere?" Lisa asked when she saw Jimin and Rosé.

"Wasn't he supposed to be with you?"

"He was but then he ran off, and I haven't been able to find him since."

"That's strange."

"Hey Lis, he said he's at the ferris wheel waiting for you." Jimin said after receiving Jungkook's message.

"Alright, thanks Chim." Lisa then left.

"Why did you tell her to go to the ferris wheel?"

"Because that's where he is duh..."

"Did you just duh me?"

💭Oh boy~

"Listen this isn't about me, it's about Jungkook and Lisa. Did you know he finally kissed her last night?"

"Oh my god yes, I really want them to be a couple. They would be just so perfect and cute."

"You still never told me when we can be a couple..."

"Win me a few more stuffed animals then maybe we'll talk."

💭Okay, Jimin said she's on her way~

"Hopefully this goes perfectly..." Jungkook mumbled.

"Hi there handsome."

Jungkook turned around and saw a girl around his age.

"Um can I help you with something?"

"Actually I seem to be a bit lost, and I could really use your help."

"I'm sorry but I can't really leave, I'm waiting for someone."

"But it'll just take a minute..."

"I'm sorry miss but the answer is still no."

"Okay well I'll make it worth your while, how does that sound?"

"Are you deaf or what, I said the answer is no!"

"Jungkook what's going on?" Lisa rushed to the scene.

"This woman here is trying to get me to leave with her."

"Excuse me but who are you and why are you harassing my friend?" Lisa asked.

"That sweetheart, is none of your business. But let's just say you and him have something that belongs to me."

"We've never seen you before in our lives, so how could we possible-"

"You both are so clueless about who you really are."

"Excuse me?!"

"I don't know who you think you are, but you have no right to speak to her like that."

"Oh Jungkook always trying to play the hero just like your daddy I see?"

"What the hell?"

"Listen lady whoever you are, you don't scare us so why don't you just leave?!" Lisa shouted.

"Ha and you're always full of wisdom like your mother, too bad you were never able to tell a truth from a lie. You and your friends should watch your backs because you don't even know what's heading your way."

With that, the girl disappeared.

"D-Did she just vanish into thin air?!"

"I think that was just fog..."

"But there was no fog there before, who the hell was that?!" Lisa freaked out.

"I have no idea... But why was she talking about my dad?!"

"I have no idea but we've got to warn Jimin and Rosé, something is definitely going on!"

"Wait Lisa I-"

"Come on, we can't waste any time!" Lisa was running away to find her friends.

"So much for my surprise..." Jungkook mumbled.

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