《MAFIA || KTH x JJK》☘︎ 4 ☘︎


After eating.....

Jimin: Hey Jungkook, do u want to play with me?

Jungkook: Sure hyung

Jimin: Yeay, let's go to the park


Jimin: Yes! it's pretty cool right?

Jungkook: It's WONDERFUL hyung!!

Jimin: Haha, okay...what are we waiting for? Let's go

At the park.....

Jungkook: Hyung, can I ask something?

Jimin: Ofc kook

Jungkook: Taehyung, he won't kill me right?


Jungkook: why are u laughing?

Jimin: no no... it's nothing

Jungkook: So, will he?

Jimin: No kook, ofc not. He only kills our enemy

Jungkook: Do we have many enemies?

Jimin: Yup, that's why we have to be very careful. Or else, we might be killed

Jungkook: Hyung, i'm scared....

Jimin: There's no need to be scared, the others will protect us

Jungkook: okay...

They were chatting about their lifes to get closer and Jungkook actually ask a lot to Jimin. suddenly the sky became dark, the clouds starting to drop waters

Jimin: Oh no! it's raining, we have to run back to the mansion!

Jungkook: Let's go hyung! we might get sick!

Jungkook and Jimin were running as fast as they could, but the mansion and the park isn't near each other.

Jungkook: Finally we've arrived....

Jimin: Yeah, hopefuly we didn't get sick. I think the others are waiting for us kook, let's go in

Jungkook: okay

In the mansion......

Taehyung: Jungkook, where have you been? I was searching for u!

Jungkook: Sorry H- ACHOO...*sniff*

Jimin: Uh oh, this isn't good

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