
To Mr. Smart ,

You can't blame me for falling, I was just a little boy. They say the heart wants what it wants and there is no logic in such thing. It's a little crazy, a bit hazy but fuzzy too , my love for you.

Sometimes it makes me so Happy and giddy ,it's like I'm a little boy on the sugar high or on some drugs. You make me feel like I can do any thing and I'm so happy to be with you.

You've lit up a fire in me and Now I'm burning in flames. Just when I think I get used to my love for you ,you'll do something so small and amazing. A little thing .Maybe you'll make me laugh or say something so smart,it makes me see the world in a new way and Suddenly there it is again.The rush of emotions ,of love that comes over me so swiftly it's like a fire in my soul.

-From your tubelight.

P.S I hope you know how much you mean to me. How much I love you and All your little things .


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