《Princess Freckles》27. To Hold
"Long live Princess Chammielle!"
Someone was toasting her for the eighteenth time this banquet.
It was tradition after the wedding to have as many days of feasts as there were maidens in the bride's house. If it was only the one girl, they'd have one. But because of the triplets they'd have three more days after this. She felt sorry for the Palace treasury. More so if Will had chosen a Phlox.
He sat beside her looking perfect and charming. His embrace during the wedding had caught her off guard. He was incandescently happy, that much was clear. So why did he look worried?
She reached up onto the table and touched his wrist. His head turned to her instantly, and those dark steely eyes spiraled into focus.
"Yes, my Princess?"
She blushed and watched that teasing dimple surface.
"You seem worried. Is something wrong?"
He sighed, but continued his smiling. He whispered to her while still facing the crowded grand banqueting hall.
"I thought I'd lost you last night. I suppose I'm still worried you might disappear."
He was worried about her?
"I wasn't the one shot. Yes, I was the target, but we've caught her and her assassin."
He shook his head slightly and his dark curls tickled her cheek from their proximity.
"No, when Aster was shot...I thought you'd hate me. Because I couldn't protect her from a flimsy attempted murder. You left and wouldn't even look at me. I thought I'd never see you again."
She laced her fingers with his. Gripping them to pull him from his dour thoughts.
"I'm sorry, but you're perfectly wrong. Your own sister was kidnapped once. I thought mine had died, and I was grief stricken. Surely Alfrina told you what I was up to?"
He shook his head and seemed to shiver even as he smiled.
"My what a Queen you'll make. I've never been one for public beatings or executions. Shall I expect to hand those over to you from now on?"
She kicked him under the table and he laughed. Biting at his own hand while still holding hers in it.
"I tease. They're gruesome things, though necessary at times. We never need attend them but for special occasions. And even then we can delegate that."
She chewed her tongue but couldn't help the smile on her face. If this was the way he wanted to lighten the mood, she'd be game.
"Such elegant outings we shall have together. I'm sure the other ladies would not be so jealous of my marriage if they knew what sort of dates we shall keep."
"Yes, I'm quite the romantic am I not?"
She just couldn't help herself.
"Shall I expect one of those fancy jewel encrusted guillotines for our anniversary?"
He'd been about to take a sip of champagne but narrowly escaped spraying it over his plate.
"I am not going to get a moment's peace with you, am I?"
"I should think not."
The laughter and chatter throughout the long dining tables continued. Chammielle could hear several times someone or other going and congratulating her father for having so many daughters. The commentary on her appearance it seemed had all been in her head. Or perhaps the guests were simply too afraid to say anything. Either way, she was glad.
Tulip came up to their table and sat next to her. A large helping of cake on her plate, and a frosted smile on her face.
"I'm so happy you're staying here with us! Will is getting me three ponies, and you'll have to see them!"
Her hand went to her chest before she grabbed a napkin for the child.
"I do love ponies. What are you going to name them?"
"Pippin, Tuck, and Chauncey."
"Those are all good names. But what if they are mares?"
Her eyes went wide and she stuffed another large bite of the cake into her mouth.
"Let me get back to you on that."
She hopped from the chair and scurried off. Possibly to find more sweets or a maid to help her think of more names.
"Are you hungry? You were eyeing that cake and the courses that have been brought out so far have been small."
She nodded, scraping the bowl of the last of the soup course. It seemed the food would be brought out just a little slower than she'd like.
"I've had nothing but crackers since waking, and yesterday I hardly ate."
He waved over a waiter.
"I think we'll skip the paté. Could you bring out the main course?"
"Yes, your highness."
She wondered how often he got away with going out of the premade order of things. Then again, he was the Crown Prince. He could jump ahead if he liked.
"Would you like a piece of cake now as well? I'd hate to have you faint on me before the night is through."
She was about to say she wasn't a little girl any longer, but a thought stopped her in her tracks.
Wedding night.
"It's a lovely cake, though not as rich as the one you made this week. Lots of honey flavor...what do you call that?"
"Will, about...tonight..."
"Yes? What about it?"
She began to feel perspiration accumulating on her upper lip and in her hairline.
"We...um...are we..."
He raised a thick black eyebrow at her and leaned on one elbow, coming closer to her.
"Are we...?"
She felt like she wanted to back away from him, but couldn't knowing she'd need to whisper so as not to draw unwanted attention.
"Tonight...wedding night...um...we must..."
Chammielle was finding it increasingly difficult to speak. Her voice choked in her throat and she stared at her empty dish wishing there was something for her to nibble on so she didn't have to talk about this. She looked to him for help clarifying the subject at hand, and saw his devious smirk.
"Do not make me say it aloud."
"Oh! But you were struggling so beautifully! Come on, I'll pretend I don't understand again. You can do this."
She kicked him again though she would have rather pulled his ear.
"Oh, you are too fun. Shall I supply? You're asking if I shall play my fiddle to Venus' honey pot? Goat's jig? Geschlechtsverkehr? Taking a tour of Eve's custom house? Dip my sugar stick? Enjoy a little rumpy pumpy? Beast with two-"
This time her hand shot up and covered his filthy mouth of its own accord.
"Yes, damn you. Where on God's green earth did you hear such things?"
He reached up and held her hand to his mouth, a kiss to her palm and a devilish look in his eye that sent a cold shiver down her spine and a hot one into her belly.
"Careful, dear. We are still in public. Smile."
She tempered her features but grit her teeth.
"Dear...where did you hear such things from? The Duke perhaps?"
He chuckled and he was all good humor once more.
"Alfric? Nonsense. He's as innocent as a lamb."
"Then who?"
Her jaw fell.
"She was tipsy and appeared in my office after a particularly trying case. She decided I needed to know what my role as a husband would be and I couldn't call the guards in time."
Her face paled and she grabbed for the goblet of red wine as it was coming. Her meal was placed before her and half the wine was gone before the Prince had his set in front of him.
"Easy, easy. You know how you get when you drink..."
"Yes, but perhaps it will help. I don't know...if...if...I...can..."
Will pulled the cup from her hands and set it further from her. He leaned in and captured her ear with a soft voice.
"I am patient, Princess. We'll take our time. All the time you need."
She sighed and felt chastised.
"Sorry about your leg..."
"I'll be fine. I quite enjoy being disciplined by you. Your wit and your violence are not entirely independent of each other."
He gave her another teasing smile and she wondered at his change in demeanor with her.
"You really do enjoy teasing me so. Such patience I shall have to learn."
"And I with you."
"What do you mean?"
"Any time we share a bed. I shall be working very hard upon my limitations."
She rolled her eyes at him and struck him lightly with the back of her hand on his arm.
"You jest."
"You're very enticing and lovely. I don't think you understand yourself. When you drink you become very open to my advances and I am sorely tempted."
She blushed once more and stabbed the food before her, not sure what it was but needing to eat it all the same. It tasted like beef.
"My husband, I shall put a civil tongue in you yet."
"So long as it's yours."
Her knife slipped and the waiter came and picked it up for her, going to retrieve a new one. A few people were staring at them.
"I do believe we are attracting attention. I'll quit teasing you for now."
Her face was flush and she accepted the new cutlery with as much grace as she could muster. It felt like they were fighting over something, but at the same time it felt so titillating. And aggravating.
"Will...why do you like me?"
His hand slipped below the line of the table and came between her back and the chair, coming to rest at the small of it and applied soothing small circles there.
"I just do."
"But what? What exactly is it about me that you like?"
"I could name any number of things. Your wit, your fearlessness, your tenacity, your tastes... physically I'm quite in love with your eyes, your hair, your skin, and your mouth."
He leaned in like he was going to whisper something and planted a kiss deeply upon her neck below the ear. It may have been the wine and how quickly she drank it. It may have been the noisy chatter that lead her to believe no one would hear her. But she moaned.
"We-we're in public."
"If you make that sound again, then I won't stand on ceremony any longer. I'll take you to our suite this instant."
He lay another kiss behind her ear and she bit her lips.
"Will...what do you mean our suite?"
He backed off and she could breathe again. His eyes were so focused and he smirked to himself and dragged a hand down his face.
"Make a face like that and my patience will be defenestrated."
"Will, what did you mean?"
He pushed himself back into his chair and chuckled in spite of himself.
"It's the room for newlyweds. Or the shared room to be exact. Your room rests beside it and has a door into it, and mine on the opposite side. It is the suite for the Royal couple."
She pondered the information for a moment.
"So we have separate bedrooms?"
"Yes...and no."
The waiter brought over another tray full of desserts and offered them some. A toast went up and cries rang out for long live the royal couple. Long live Prince William and long live Princess Chammielle were recited with equal enthusiasm and number. They chose some delicious looking cakes and she nibbled at hers waiting for it to become quiet again. A smile on her face to appease the banquet hall.
Finally she could hear herself.
"You said and no. But what do you mean?"
"Your room and mine have not been decorated or furnished yet. It'll take a week once we've met with interior decorators, and of course your room has to suit your tastes. But they've been bare since my father passed away. Magnolia had them cleaned out and her things moved to the East Wing of the palace. There isn't even a couch in either of our rooms."
She mulled this over and took several bites of her meal.
This meant they would be sharing a room tonight. A bed together. The last time she'd shared a bed the girls had listened to a street play about the plague and couldn't be alone in their beds. And now she'd be sharing one with the Prince of Garten?
She looked at him and felt like she was wearing a rosey veil over her eyes. His features were handsome, his hair demanded she touch it, his lips many kisses, and his arms seemed like they wanted to hold her as he continued administering the comforting circles on her back. He was entirely at ease and all at once seemed coiled and ready to pounce. Her nerves would be the death of her.
Half the glass of wine still before her, she took it and sipped more slowly.
The night had just begun.
"Will you be needing anything else, your highness?"
Chammielle had to look twice at the maid, forgetting once again that she was now a princess.
"No, thank you. You're dismissed."
"You're getting good at that."
She glanced back and saw William removing his coat. Her eyes went back to the door.
"Good at what?"
"Giving orders. Though you could ask for anything you want whenever you feel like it."
She could hear the rustle of fabric and kept her eyes towards the corner opposite him.
"Seems a waste of their time. I'm sure she has any number of duties to complete before she can also retire for the night."
"True, but we have a special number of staff for these events. It won't be long. If you do want something, all you need do is ask."
She nodded her head, her fingers playing with the tulle of the second gown she'd been changed into for the banquet after the wedding ceremony. It looked similar except the sleeves were three quarter and opaque without her shoulders fully exposed. And without the train and the veil to make it excessively grand. The skirt was less voluminous, and this time she wore a short sleeved chemise under.
She had wanted to change out of it but was informed his highness would be assisting her tonight. Another tradition.
His steps were so light she'd nearly missed them, but she felt him behind her.
"Shall I help you with that?"
His voice seemed composed but held a deeper undertone.
"Please. Bodices are so uncomfortable if you sleep in them."
He chuckled and then she felt his fingers at the lacing on her back.
"M-maybe not just yet..."
"You can trust me. We won't do anything tonight. The bed is large enough we don't even have to touch. You must be tired."
She nodded, and after a moment he started again.
Her bindings loosened and she grasped the front of her dress so it wouldn't fall altogether to the floor. Her lungs expanded with the newfound freedom, but were once again captured by two gentle arms.
"Let me just hold you a moment. Don't think about it. I'm being silly, but I want this moment to last longer."
Her arms were pinned to the front of her, but her hands were free to brush over his forearms.
They had fine dark hairs on them. Soft to the touch. The only time she'd seen a man's arms were when they were laborers or kitchen workers rolling up their sleeves for the task at hand. His seemed muscular but not massive. They were slender from swordsmanship and long hours of writing.
She could feel his heart beating through her back and into her chest. It was strong and loud. But as they stood together, a minute passed, then another, and it seemed his heart had slowed and her own with it. It was serene.
He let out a breath into her shoulder and hmm'd.
"Thank you. I'll let you finish, then come to bed."
He stepped back and she felt cold overtake the space he'd just occupied. Her gut churned at his absence, but her heart beat steadily. Perhaps it was all the food.
She heard the rustle of the blankets and let her dress fall to the floor. Chammielle couldn't look at her husband. She stepped out of it and carried it over to the small couch at the foot of the bed, draping it over the arms. She took a breath and held it.
Turning, she saw him lying under the covers on the right side. She walked quietly, hearing her blood pumping in her ears. Pulling back the covers she couldn't even see him. But she did note that he was not all the way to the other side of the bed. He occupied the right side of the middle.
She settled somewhere between him and the edge of the bed.
"Good night."
"Good night."
She closed her eyes, and felt exhausted.
Very tired indeed.
Worn out really.
But she couldn't sleep.
If there was a clock in the room it would have read it was well past eleven at night. Perhaps even now it would be ticking that away to show midnight. Still, she couldn't get to sleep.
"Will?" She whispered into the dark.
The bed shifted and she felt those warm arms slip through the covers and encircle her waist and head.
"Go to sleep. I'm here."
Her heart thudded then eased into a low and steady rhythm. The sound of his own heartbeat overtaking her own. She wouldn't fight him. This was the only way she could relax with him there. Not so far away, but close.
His fingers brushed against the fabric at her abdomen and gripped her lightly at her side. Her hand came up and brushed his hair from his face, but her fingers stayed woven into it. She twirled her index finger deeper into a curl and luxuriated in the feel of his silken mass. He sighed and buried his face into the pillow under her cheek.
"Shh, go to sleep..."
And finally she could.
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