《Princess Freckles》23. The Ball
The ballroom was entirely immaculate, and filled with an air of mystery at night.
The pale pink walls that stretched two stories high were draped in midnight blue velvet and dashed with diamonds to look like the night sky. Low candle light barely lit the room, and the sound of violins and cellos and piccolos gave the room a sumptuous feel. As did the smell of food.
"Maestro, I do feel faint. Might we get something to eat sooner than later?"
He patted her arm, beaming at everyone around since he was able to attend without a prior invitation as her escort.
"Patience my dear, patience. One must not eat at these kinds of things until polite conversation has been made with two or three parties. But I shall retrieve a goblet of punch for you."
"Please. I'd rather die from an assassination than do their work for them. It'd be a waste of Ammorettallia's money."
He chuckled and bowed to her before leaving her near to the one side of the ballroom.
People were milling about, and she swayed lightly either from fatigue or the music. Whatever it was, she felt unsteady yet calm. People glanced her way and whispered, but she held her head high.
"Lady Kuchen..."
She turned and saw Jacob's wide eyes as he stared at her with something like admiration.
"Sir Rose, how nice to see you here. Please, it's Chammielle."
"Chammielle...you look..."
"Different? It's a gorgeous gown."
"Wonderful. I haven't seen your sisters arrive yet, but I saw you here and thought I'd come say hello."
She glanced about the ballroom, hoping he was wrong. They were running late.
"I hope they're alright..."
"Oh, don't worry. Princess Violet told me they had received last minute gifts and needed to change. Complements of their secret admirers it would seem..."
He had a happy twinkle in his eye and something clicked.
"Rose...and a blonde girl waiting for her father..."
"I'm sorry, did you say something?"
She smiled and wished she had a fan. The few she had didn't match the bold and daring colors of this dress. She kept her face neutral as best she could.
"No no, don't mind me. Gifts from suitors, such an interesting tradition. I wonder why we never heard of such things out in Kuchen..."
He smiled, his eyes darting around occasionally, clearly looking for the young woman he'd come here for.
"Yes, it's one of the many secrets hidden in the ceremony of choosing the Prince's bride. As a knight I've been made privy to several of them, but none are so widely known as the brotherhood of secret admirers."
She started.
"It's a brotherhood?"
"Oh yes, the brotherhood inducts young noblemen of all ages and helps them to win the favor of the Queen or Dowager Queen for the hand of the lady they love. But when it's the year of a Prince of Garten's twenty-first birthday, the elders of the brotherhood share the secret of the gifts."
She chewed the inside of her cheek, wondering how a vile man such as Bram Godfrey had been inducted into such a brotherhood.
"That...is fascinating. Are there any here tonight you recognize, Jacob?"
He glanced about, a smile here and there along with a wave to two young men heading towards the punch table.
"Most...but there are three present I do not know. And I don't think they are part of the brotherhood at all."
She was about to ask him which ones but Maestro returned then with her punch and she saw her sisters heading their way.
They were startlingly beautiful.
Ianthe wore a deep purple strapless gown with silvery blue satin water lilies popping up from the ruching that looked like ripples. Black gloves went above the elbow nearly touching her shoulders. She wore her earrings along with an aquamarine jeweled drawstring bag on a silver chain. Her buttery blonde locks were coiffed dramatically so that half of her hair fell forward to cover part of her face. Her purple eyes shone, the one peaking out through the strands and she stared straight ahead. She looked daring and lovely, like an ancient goddess of the pagan pantheon.
Chryssia looked like a darling little princess. She wore a baby pink tulle ball gown, and the whole of the skirt looked like an overflowing bouquet of rose ruffles. Her sleeves were lightly puffed and sat just off the tops of her shoulders, and white gloves up to her elbows sported the two rose rings and a simple crystal bracelet. Her hair looked fluffy, and was pinned up so that she looked like she had bobbed hair. It was youthful and suited her rose pink lips as her eyes darted around trying to guess who her secret admirer was.
Aster was angelic. She wore a white dress, all lace. It was tiered moved with her like it was flowing. The palest pink blossoms cascaded down one hip into thousands of increasingly deeper pink petals. Sun stones were in every piece of jewelry she wore, and it seemed her secret admirer had gifted her more than one piece. It wasn't as many as Chammielle's, but the pieces were lovely and complemented her golden hair. Her eyes seemed unsure until they met hers.
The girls walked lightly up to her, a little quicker, and she felt proud of them for remembering to not run within the palace.
"Sister! It seems ages since we last saw you!"
She held Ianthe's hand and spun her.
"You look beautiful. All of you."
Aster stepped forward and circled her.
"Oh my, Chammielle... Why have you not told us your secret admirer is so rich?"
She nearly sighed but grit her teeth. They were in a public place.
"It has been too long since I've been able to talk with you. This piece arrived with my dress."
She looked to Chryssia and sipped her punch to stem the questions her sisters would raise, and saw it in her violet eyes.
She knew Jacob.
And they were in love.
"Sir Rose, I wonder if I could bother you to escort my sister Chryssia to get some punch. I think she seems a little parched."
The two seemed startled, but Jacob smiled widely and offered his arm to her. Chryssia blushed madly. Ianthe and Aster watched the two walk away, a look of confusion on their faces. Maestro chuckled beside her.
"It seems spring has indeed arrived."
Her sister all had their fans out and once again Chammielle felt a little lost without hers.
"Lady Kuchen!"
The three young women turned and there was a youthful lad coming towards them with a soft face. Chammielle would have thought he was a teenaged boy but she easily recognized the ash blonde hair and milk blue eyes. He was actually Gladys' older brother. His Knight's cape gave away his true age being greater than eighteen. Otherwise she would have guessed it to be fifteen at oldest.
She smiled gently.
"Sir Rosenblum, we finally meet."
His smile was as bright as his sister's and he had a rosiness in his cheeks that lent to his boyish looks. To his credit, knight training had melted away the baby fat so he didn't quite look like a tall child.
"Augustus Rosenblum, at your service, my lady."
Ianthe and Aster hid their smirks but not their suggestive eyes with their fans as they looked between them. She quenched the urge to roll her eyes at them. It seemed she was still exhausted from her training the day before. Enough to feel childish.
"You forget your title, Sir Rosenblum. I hear you were knighted only last year."
She spied the surprise on her half sisters' faces. They understood he was nearing nineteen at least.
He grinned sheepishly and scratched at his short cropped hair, it looked sandy and a bit shaggy sticking out in different directions. He made it look good.
"Yeah. I thought I'd never make it. I was late getting my knighthood. Well, later than the ones that made it. I thought I'd wash out for sure."
The orchestra changed songs to another light piece and she spied two other young gentlemen heading in their direction.
"Oh! Ralph! Xavier! Good to see you!"
The now Sir Augustus Rosenblum was clearly a very bold and happy go lucky sort. He waved the two men over and Chammielle itched to hold a fan so she could smile secretly at all this romantic attention her sisters were receiving. Instead, she smiled simply and clasped her hands before her.
"Sir Rosenblum..."
The young man he'd refered to as Ralph was Lord Ralph Cicero of Central Garten in the country's second largest city. He dealt heavily in trade and it seemed he was doing quite well for himself. The Cicero family owned many hotels throughout the country and several other allied countries. The young lord was only twenty and building twenty new luxury resorts to expand their empire along the coast, and to celebrate his coming of age.
He rubbed his elbow to the young Knight's shoulder.
"You rascal, you must remember to use titles while you're here. The lovely Ladies Kuchen...such an honor to be in the presence of such famed beauties."
He bent at the waist and the three of them curtsied in response. His friend behind him also bowed.
Lord Xavier Applebalm was himself a quiet and unassuming man. He was already a doctor and working in the field of discovering new medical treatments, and it was clear from his lack of confidence in his weak attempt at a smile that he preferred to be in his books. His glasses hung down to the end of his nose, and he had a hard time looking at any of them. Save Aster, who he stole two glances of in the span of a minute.
The poor thing. Chammielle couldn't help but feel sorry for him. With Aster marrying the Prince in the morning, and his difficulty holding his eyes on anyone for more than three seconds, she feared he'd never get the chance to speak to his unrequited love.
"Did someone say Kuchen?"
A deep and gravelly voice spoke behind her and Chammielle turned.
A tall man with raven black hair and piercing blue eyes smiled down at her. He had striking features, a strong chin, and broad shoulders that seemed to require additional expensive red velvet to cover them.
The color of her dress.
He smiled at her and a chill went down her spine. She did her best not to shiver in front of him.
"Chammielle...it's been a long time."
Memories of secret pinches and grabbing her to drag her off and dye her hair seared through her mind. She narrowed her eyes and let her features fall into a decidedly contemptuous look. Her lips pinched together in a firm line.
"Lord Godfrey..."
She turned on her heel and painted a fresh smile on. Sir Rochester was smirking at her and she gave him a light nod before turning her attention to the readily available knight.
"Sir Rosenblum, I find I'm quite famished. Would you be my knight in shining armor and escort me to the buffet table? The palace chefs have outdone themselves."
"I'm hungry myself!"
He hooked his arm gently with hers and walked just a little too quickly towards the smell of food. But she was not complaining. Anything to be away from that man.
"I take it you and that Godfrey man have a history?"
She caught the glint in his creamy eye and realized he was a lot like his sister in some respects.
"A childhood bully, all grown up to antagonize me more it seems."
He chuckled lightly.
"I spoke with him earlier. Seemed more like he was here on business than for dancing. I'd hate to fight him, but if it's for you I'll do my best."
She noticed for the first time Augustus was actually quite brawny himself. Not nearly as large as Bram, but he was equal with Jacob. Perhaps he could hold his own against him.
She dashed the thought away with a light laugh.
"I don't think that will be necessary, but thank you for the offer all the same."
He dished them up two plates of roasted meats and fruits. A buttered crust of bread accompanied her own and several piled onto her Knight's. She did her best not to look like she hadn't eaten in days.
"I hear you and my sister are on good terms, even calling each other by your given names."
She paused a moment and smiled at that.
"Yes, I suppose we are. I do feel terribly for her though. There was an accident a few days ago and I wasn't able to help much. ...I think someone may be bullying her."
His face seemed startled at the news, and his ears turned red.
"Who'd dare touch my baby sister..."
He seemed furious and thoughtful. She'd never had a brother, but could tell Augustus and Gladys had an excellent relationship. He was loyal and quick to aid someone in need. Very chivalrous indeed. She wouldn't be surprised if he arose to the ranks of the order of the daffodil in the next few years. They were quite elite and could use another stout heart.
The herald called out and everyone went quiet.
"Her majesty Dowager Queen Magnolia! His highness Crown Prince William IV! Her highness Princess Tulip of Garten!"
Every lady curtsied and every nobleman and knight bowed in deference to the royal trio. It seemed Violet would be avoiding the festivities, and Chammielle couldn't help but wonder why. At least it appeared planned. There were thrones set up on a platform. Just two, as the Prince was expected to dance the night away.
The Queen and Tulip sat, no food but champagne and a lemonade were brought to them. It seemed the royals had eaten beforehand. Chammielle was jealous. Her stomach grumbled at her slow pace of eating.
The Queen gestured to the orchestra and the music stuck up again. An elaborate reel and waltz number with a lovely tune played. It seemed it was time to dance.
"Lady Kuchen..."
"Don't mind me."
She felt a hand at her waist and her plate was removed from her hands.
"Be a good boy and hold this."
She was whisked to the dancefloor and felt her knees go weak. Her feet were spun away so she was facing the partner who'd stolen her. She looked up at her kidnapper and scowled at him.
"Oh, don't look at me like that, Chams. Admit it, you're happy to see me after all these years."
She smiled for the throng of people around them and moved to the music, stepping lightly and allowing him to hold her hand.
"I dare not lie to a gentleman, but if it's you Bram, oh I missed you so."
He chuckled and lead her around, parting only to weave between the other dancers.
"You've always been the clever one... You used to tease me so, and I'd get so riled up I just had to put my colors on you."
The black of his hair sent a dry feeling down her throat. Was that his sick reason for emptying her inkwell whenever they met? Making her to match him? What a detestable child he'd been.
"You're taller than I thought you'd be after ten years. All this time I had hoped you'd grow up to be a bald short man."
He laughed and pulled her closer as her feet seemed to give out. The music allowed them to dance closer at certain parts, but she hated being held by him. And at the same time she felt grateful she wasn't falling in front of everyone.
"My, you're far more delicate than I remember. You really are a lady. And a stunning one at that."
She wanted to struggle but let him lead her. He was practically carrying her. And despite the desire to go lie down somewhere, she remained attentive and ready to leave his bulky arms at a moment's notice.
"Funny, you're almost exactly as I remember you. But perhaps with a slightly different occupation...more notorious."
His icy eyes narrowed imperceptibly.
"Good. Now that that is out of the way, I have some information for you."
He'd become serious, but he still held that devil may care grin about his red lips. Chammielle did her best not to vomit being so close to him.
"Then out with it, Bram. And let us be done with this little dance."
It came to the part where the men dipped the women and she lay in his arms unable to hold herself up if she could.
And then she saw them.
The Prince was dancing with Aster. The very first dance and he was showing off with the most beautiful girl in the room. His form was excellent, his mouth in a good natured smile. They were chatting and he was making her laugh as he dipped her. It was everything she pictured it would be. And it sank like lead in her belly.
She was raised back up and the movement changed to separating the partners. This was a long song, and they were hardly a third of the way through it. Her feet did not want to carry her, and she wondered how she'd survive the entire dance.
It must have shown in her face.
"Allow me. I cannot say I care to part with you just yet..."
He swept her through the dancers, circling and prancing through them with ease. Lord Godfrey was very good at this. Far better than she would have imagined a man of his ilk.
They were out of earshot but catching a few eyes. He smirked and lowered his mouth to her ear. The surprise on her face seemed appropriate and she didn't dare lie with her features to make this seem desirable to her.
"There are two unknowns in the crowd tonight. My sources say they're here because of you. What exactly did you do, Chammielle?"
He drew his face back so she could look him in the eyes. They searched her, daring her to come up with an explanation that made sense.
She smiled politely and acted like she was laughing.
"Oh, nothing really. I may have thwarted and threatened the noble house of Aconia. Ammorettallia specifically. And she may or may not believe me to be the future Queen of Garten holding a good deal of blackmail over her head."
His eyes went wide and he laughed, swaying them back and forth. He drew up to his full height and seemed to be trying to guess if she was telling the truth or not.
"You're kidding."
"Not at all. And I suppose I do have damning information on her. Quite explosive really. If I were to expose her, and I intend to, her title may be stripped from her."
He smiled and it looked so devious.
"It really is so good to see you again, Chams. I don't think you know just how much I used to like you when we were children."
It was like a punch to her stomach and she grit her teeth behind her smile.
"I really don't. You were horrible."
"True. Such a shame it took me this long to learn the error of my ways... But at least now I can be useful to you."
He continued holding her and swaying so that they had to look from side to side. He lowered his voice but kept up the appearance that they were only making polite conversation.
"The man beside her, he's not a spurned suitor. If you watch their lips they're talking. His name is Peter Cotter, and he never tried to court Lady Aconia. He's actually her right hand man. The other one who's gone off somewhere is Count Derrigold, and he actually did love her before she turned him down. He asked her to dance earlier but she refused thinking his mighty highness was going to dance with her first."
She snickered at that and could tell Bram was enjoying this as well.
"What are they saying? Do you know?"
"Reading lips is a special talent of mine... She wants to know who I am and why I'm dancing with you. Hmm, seems she thinks I'm either handsome or a threat. She's right either way."
She couldn't deny he was, but scoffed at him nonetheless.
"If I'd known when we were younger you'd grow to be so arrogant, I'd have pushed you in front of a carriage."
He chuckled deeply.
- In Serial57 Chapters
My Bodyguard Can't Fight Girls!
Clere Sigrun was a regular schoolgirl who was born into an extraordinary family of secrets. Her family safeguarded secrets and gathered intelligence throughout the world for authorities and organizations. One day, her mother informed that Clere was going to have a personal bodyguard because a criminal syndicate was out to kidnap her. That bodyguard turned out to be Gale Gainsborough, a new mysterious transfer student in her school and he had a strange weakness where he becomes physically weak whenever he had to fight girls! What would happen if the enemies were girls? News snippet - 4th December 2019 Read my latest update: Tempus Fegit. It's already Feb! Schedule Release Page: https://lemuelmoo.com/schedule-release/ Next Chapter Updates: I have decided to reward all pre-released chapters at Patron. Updates will be bi-weekly as usual. I have about 20 chapters ahead of the what is currently available but I have not done any proofreading or editing on them yet so they are not ready to be published. It will come speedily. As we head to the wuxia portion of the novel, I have included my own glossary of terms here: Glossary of Terms Release Schedule This is my part-time gig, and I will be using much of the time to develop the story, get illustrations etc. For the public: Once every 2 weeks, each update usually above 3000 words. For Assassins (Patreon): Access all pre-released chapters at Patreon! Access all artwork exclusively at Patreon! All updates will usually be made during office hours at Sat EST.
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What if everyone in the world was blind? Kirk is a city where the monarchs that ruled over them had sight but the population was blind. The sighted gene would pop up in the population every so often, about every 100 years, and the monarchs would take those children and raise them as their own. They write in Braille using boulers, they're like fountain pens only with glue cartridges to create bumps instead of ink.
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