《Princess Freckles》15. Day Four
"Your highness, I need to speak with you."
William looked up from his books, surprised at his rarely seen cousin. She had appeared in his office without so much as the sound of a door or window opening. He glanced to Alfric and tried to discern whether or not if he knew the reason for this intrusion. True to form, he looked arrogantly clueless as usual.
"Come in, cousin. It's a mystery to behold the two sides of the Columbine Duchy at one time. How may I be of service?"
She glared at her twin as he lay lazily on the silk couch, and he simply returned it with a glib smile. The two didn't have a strained relationship, it only just seemed that way. Alfrina always in her forest green, utilitarian dresses, and Alfric in his most modern fashions and fripperies. They almost didn't appear to be related except for their features.
"You should have told me she was your choice."
Alfric sat up, putting both hands in the air to William.
"I said nothing!"
She glanced to her twin and then looked at him.
"There was never any need for you to do so. He's been leaving her gifts."
He smirked then. It seemed he'd given himself away.
"I suppose I was too obvious. But no crest or symbol to give away the house... How did you come to find it was me?"
"Pink. That's all it needed to be. Pink jewels."
"It's a very popular color. It means nothing in and of itself."
"And that's all it was, without any other hint of some noble family. All secret admirers submit their gifts intentionally. Yours you let slip into her possession. Leaving them in conspicuous places so she would find them. You even used Belladonna... which was very hard for me to find out by the way."
He waved off her insinuation.
"I've known her longer than you have. I give you my word she will never cross you if that's what you're worried about."
"You also have gowns being made for her by the royal dress makers. Or did you think I wouldn't find out about that? You're helping her dress the part and look like a queen before she's even your bride! Did you think that that would not draw attention?!"
She clasped her hands behind her back, her green day dress swishing behind her as she paced the room.
"You should have told me."
"Is there something wrong, Alfrina? Please drop the formalities here and get to the point."
She sighed and he could tell she was worrying about something. Whether it was a show for emphasis or real he didn't know. Alfrina always took things with the elegance of a thoroughbred chasing a fox, though she herself had such a sly side. One step ahead and confident.
The crease in her forehead was disconcerting.
"She's bold, but it's her willingness to put the target on her own back that worries me. Now more than ever. She's going to be Queen and she's playing the killdeer to protect her sisters. That little stunt yesterday at lunch...I'm afraid it drew some very unwanted attention. She's always been so careful before then... Now it's too late to go back. The pieces are set and they're closing in on her."
Too late...
No. She was here. She had something up her sleeve. This was something else.
"And what do you want me to do now? It's three days until the wedding. Surely you can keep them at bay for three days?"
She pinned her gaze on him. She never used that look with him. Not even the times they'd met privately to discuss assassination attempts. Alfrina wanted something. Something she didn't already have.
"Give me the Butcher of Leians."
Chammielle had only had two nights of training with Alfrina, but her body ached even now.
She stretched in bed, unwilling to remove herself from the downy comfort. Of course she knew moving would be better for her strained muscles, but she was wallowing. Too many things on her mind.
Alfrina had told her she would need to also practice on her own, and she had before last night. But not the night she was failing to remember. Last night she'd cut their training short for some errand or meeting, so she'd gone into the garden with Belladonna, a candle, and her notebook. The concert was today and she'd needed to finish her piece.
More than all of that though, she was thinking of Aster.
The Prince...no, William...was behaving crudely towards her. How could she tell her sister her future husband was an incurable flirt? It was a disturbing trait to her. Perhaps Aster wouldn't care so much. She gave her affections more than willingly to anyone. Still, she'd need to keep her eye on him to ensure there was no infidelity. That would break Aster's heart. And probably as much as it would if she knew how she had reacted to his attentions.
Her heart fluttered at the memory.
No! He was the Prince, and soon to be her brother in-law. What use was it to dwell on such things as his right dimple or the glint in his eye? No use. None whatsoever.
She catapulted herself from the bed. Sore muscles were better than feeling the guilty pangs of the heart. It was better to punish herself now than let these things fester for later.
She dressed in a chemise and was grabbing for a bodice when there came a knock at the door.
"It's time to--oh, what are you doing dressing yourself, my lady?"
She slipped the bodice over her arms as Belladonna entered the room.
"The concert is this afternoon and I need to practice. I have a feeling a few refrains need the timing changed. There's just a few tweaks I'd like to make as well."
She was lacing it loosely and felt the maid's motherly hands on her shoulders.
"That's nice and all, but you're forgetting Princess Tulip."
Her eyes went wide and then softened. The little girl wanted to hear a story, just the two of them with Violet. They were scheduled to have brunch in the solarium this morning in an hour. She was actually excited to see it, and the little princess.
"Of course. I don't think she'd mind if I dressed plainly though. It gives my bardic impression so much more if I'm dressed commonly."
She shook her head and it made her sigh. Of course anything to do with the royals would require a ball gown with a train that equaled the length of a full carriage and four horses. She wondered what sort of garments they slept in.
"The dressmaker had this in your size, and it will look beautiful."
She finally turned from her rosey brown skirt to look at what she'd brought and dropped the clothing in her hands.
"Oh my..."
It was soft white tulle and stitched all over. Trails of whimsical greenery and tiny daisies...no, chamomile! Along with bachelor's button and dianthus and blue and red songbirds. The waist was not excessively cinched and the bodice flowed into the skirt evenly like a sheath gown. It was so pretty and cute she found she actually wanted to wear it. It was exactly her taste.
"I thought you might like this. When I saw this one the other day and we went into the garden to hear that late evening bird song I just knew this was your taste. No one else will be at the brunch so you can even wear it for the concert."
They drew a bath and got her ready. Lavender scented talcum powder, and a deep orchid paint for her lips. Her hair they left half down with a simple satin ribbon tying the top of it up. The dress fit slimmingly and was incredibly soft and light. The skirts were so manageable it felt like she was wearing feathers. A large, billowing bow was tied at the back and she was sure she could fly.
"It's so comfortable I don't think I'll ever want to take it off."
"You look wonderful. Now for these shoes...they match the blue birds."
Silvery blue silk slippers with ribbons to bind them at the ankles. They looked so delicate. So easily ruined.
"I really hope I don't spill anything on this. Or scuff those gorgeous shoes..."
"I'll be at your side the whole time. And there's no chance of staining. It's just lemonade and champagne this morning."
The solarium was no ordinary green house. Tall windows on all sides held together only by spiraling black ironworks caged the place in, but it didn't feel like a prison. With the light streaming through the climbing vines, foliage, and blooming trees and dancing off the water in the fountain it felt like a cathedral. Grand, beautiful, and refreshing the soul.
The small snacking brunch was laid out casually. Tucked away in a corner unseen by anyone who was not looking for them. Sir Jacob Rose was attending the princesses as well as one doe eyed maid who kept stealing glances of him. Belladonna stood behind her as she sat with the two girls.
"I hope I haven't kept you waiting."
Violet smiled and it was too pretty for words.
"Whatever my sister says, you haven't."
"I wasn't going to be rude!"
Princess Tulip was dressed in a similar dress to Chammielle's. A pale pink with trailing forget me nots in an empire waist fashion. Princess Violet wore red velvet with pink blossoms embossed in the lush texture. They looked lovely, but also more casual than the expensive looking silks and outrageous volume of the ball gowns.
"I take it you've heard about my epic? Forgive me if it's not to your liking, your highness."
The littlest princess snatched a cream puff from the tiered plates and began munching.
"It's just Tulip. That's Jacob, and my maid is Cowslip. We can be ourselves here."
She sighed. All her training her whole life seemed only worthwhile in the presence of other nobles vying for the attention of the royal family. But really when you got to know them they preferred to be treated as common people. It felt both tiresome and relieving.
She reached for the champagne flute and caught the scent.
"What...is this?"
"Do you like it? I wanted lemonade but decided just lemons were boring. It has rose syrup and some crushed basil."
She sipped it and it was very delicious. But the scent was very familiar. What was it?
"It's wonderful. Yours doesn't have champagne in it though, I hope."
"Alcohol is disgusting."
Tulip stuck her tongue out and she could see some of the chewed bits of cream puff on it. It made her laugh. Violet reached over with a napkin and grabbed her tongue.
"That's rude."
"You're rude!"
"You two remind of my own sisters. Ianthe is a lot like you, Tulip."
The two shot each other looks and then Tulip smiled. Violet shook her head slightly and held a sheepish grin.
"I was afraid we'd be quite annoying. We called you all the way out here just to see us squabble."
She chuckled at that and felt her hair fall into her eyes a bit. Chammielle pushed the wayward curl away and felt like herself once more.
"It's refreshing actually. Shall we eat? I'm starving!"
"Oh yes! Jacob, Cowslip, Belladonna, would you care for any?"
Chammielle grinned and offered a plate to her maid. Violet had opened a door she didn't know could be opened. They were all friends here.
"Why thank you, my lady."
Cowslip took a cream puff and Jacob took two danishes and a slab of ham. Being a knight was certainly something that increased ones appetite. Chammielle smiled secretly.
"I suppose losing to the Prince makes one especially hungry."
Jacob smirked at her and Violet giggled.
"That it does, my lady."
She put a sweet to her lips but held it there as she looked up at him over it.
"Especially when you threw the match on purpose."
The whole party stared at her. The knight nearly choked on the Danish he'd stuffed in his mouth. She nibbled a bit then, enjoying their surprise.
"Chammielle, how did you know that?" Tulip asked.
Violet looked lost for words. Surely she knew. Chammielle swallowed the delicious morsel and reached for her glass.
"The duel was staged. The two of you didn't particularly choose any choreography that was boring to look at, only the finer and more bold movements. And just before you gave up you both turned so the victor's face could be seen by the audience. Couldn't have a sweaty prince entertaining noble ladies, now could you?"
Jacob laughed a full belly laugh that was deep and manly. The princesses looked impressed and she turned and saw Belladonna shaking her head like she'd known about the duel all along. It did make her wonder just how much the maid was privy to in the palace.
"I can't believe you figured it out just like that! This is going to be a great story!"
Brunch had been wonderful, but more than the cold cuts of ham and poached eggs and cream puffs and danishes and cakes, the storytelling had captivated Tulip.
The Griffen had befriended a girl, a nobody who went door to door to sell firewood, and had taken her away from the land below to his castle in the clouds. Each night she would disappear until it was noticed by the town, the guard, and finally the king that she was nowhere to be found. But in the day she would return and tell no one where she had been. The king called her to his court to ask her where she went and she told him of her friend who is the keeper of the castle in the sky. The king laughs at her and has her thrown in a dungeon, only to discover in the morning she is gone. The Griffen takes her far into the countryside, because the castle in the clouds can only hold guests at night when the air is denser with magic. There she meets a boy who is very sick, and she begins to care for him when nobody else will. She tells him about the Griffen and he loves hearing stories about the castle. Then it seems as if the boy will die and she cries. The Griffen asks her what is wrong and that is when the Griffen cannot bear to see his friend so sad, and he tells her of a tree in the innermost court of the castle. They go there in the night and she must figure out a puzzle, sing a song, and answer a riddle to get to the tree. When she does this she receives some water from the trunk that she gathers into a little bottle. In the morning she returns to the boy's house only to find he is gone! She searches for him for a year, traveling many places and helping many people but also escaping many dangers and then discovers he was kidnapped by the king who was searching for her. He kept him just alive to lure her back. She and the Griffen sneak into the dungeon and find the boy alive. The two drink the bottle of water from the tree and suddenly feel so incredible they laugh and dance together. The guards come and discover them, but they cannot see the Griffen. The girl and the boy are brought before the king in the morning and he demands to know where the castle in the clouds is and how he can get the tree of immortality. The children did not know it was a tree of immortality and look to the Griffen who stands behind them who they can see but nobody else in the king's court is able to. He confirms it is a tree of immortality, and they shall forever be healthy and strong and just as they are. Nothing shall harm them again. The king is outraged at not getting an answer and commands they be thrown off a cliff, but they are thrown and caught by the Griffen who carries them both away to his castle. Having drank the water of the tree they are no longer guests. They hold the magic to remain in the castle, and so they remain to this day.
Both V and Tulip had been on the edge of their seats and begged to know if there was anymore to the story. Tulip was certain the children would return and overthrow the grumpy king and rule forever instead. Violet had insisted they were able to grow up as immortals, so they could fall in love. Tulip had promptly gagged. But the maid Cowslip had agreed with Violet, and Jacob looked like he had stars in his eyes the whole time as he stuffed himself listening.
It brought a smile to her face even as she headed to her room. She had two hours to practice on the piano. She would make good use of them.
She changed into a chemise and bodice and went straight there, Belladonna waiting outside to keep watch.
She closed the door and went to the piano straight away. The keys greeted her and she played to her heart's content. Adding and subtracting notes, moving refrains, and then playing the whole thing through five times to be sure she could do it justice. The time was so quick, but she could spend the whole day in front of that grand piano.
Belladonna's knock came to signal the time, and she arranged her papers one last time. She would give them to her maid for safe keeping and change. Her time of leisurely practice was over.
It was time to face the Dowager Queen.
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At year 2100, there was a new game that was being developed: "Realms of chaos" With cutting edge technology, realistic physics(At least, as far as fantasy-medieval worlds goes), and immersion to the point one could believe it was real, it is destined to become world-wide famous. Two siblings, Nysa and Inas, received the right of beta-testing the game, along with other players...although with the beta-test, many difficulties came together with it: Unfair enemies, lack of clues, lack of linear paths, and above all, no set of rules of how one should play. Nysa, being the less competitive out of the two siblings, has decided to play the game just for fun.But little does she knows how much the action of a single player, who just wants to explore and have fun, can change the realm of chaos. This is my first story, and I'll upload whenever I manage to get through the writers' block.Due to college starting, uploads might be erratic. Feel free to review and comment!
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Lena has lived her entire life knowing one thing and one thing only, protect the Prince of Wolves. She is a protector, one of the few in the world set cursed with the protector genes. She protects the supernatural world of wolves from afar, but as a Vampire King plots his revenge, she's thrust into the world a lot closer than she anticipated. Tyler, the Prince and only son to Ashe and Xander Marcus, and Class-A Player. Everyone expects him to save himself for his mate, but as his 15th birthday passes by and she has not found him, he gives up hope. When the Vampire King gets closer and closer, he threatens Tyler's mate, but who is Tyler's mate?A certain little stubborn Protector. ***Spin off from The Fox and the Alpha; can be read alone.
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