《Princess Freckles》10. What's Your Poison?
Chammielle headed back to her quarters and found Belladonna staring at her two gowns she had decided were most suitable for dinner. They lay on the bed and she held her chin in her hand and sighing at them. Apparently she didn't care for either of them.
"Belladonna, I need you to take me to the kitchen again."
"Nonsense, we've only got two and a half hours before you need to be in the grand dining room minus your meeting with the Duchess. And you need to be wearing an evening appropriate perfume so we have to get you cleaned up."
"Someone tried to poison Lady Rosenblum at tea."
Her eyebrows shot up.
"Do the ladies know?"
"No, I discovered it before she ate it and distracted her until Princess Tulip could cause a disturbance and break the plate. We need to hurry."
She nodded at her and followed her from the room, locking it behind them.
"Never can be too careful, my lady."
They had gotten around two corners when they came across Ianthe.
"Where are you going in such a state?"
She smiled at her sister, "Belladonna wants to get me ready for dinner, but I wanted to thank Chef Malbeck for the excellent spread we had at tea."
"Quit dawdling, we're waisting daylight."
Ianthe rolled her eyes at the maid and gave her an understanding smile.
"Tell him I adored those tarts. And particularly the rose and pistachio scones."
"I will."
They continued on, careful not to look rushed. Finally they made it to the kitchen, and a handful of guards and Duchess Columbine were there.
"I'm telling you, I did not make this. Raisen came in with it saying Princess Tulip wanted more of these, but I don't know what it is."
Alfrina looked to her and quickly snapped her fingers.
"I want everyone besides Chef Malbeck and Raisen to be taken to the East Wing for further questioning."
Several of the guards left them as they ushered out the kitchen staff. Chammielle looked around at each of them, daring to hope none of them was working for Lady Clarendine. And if they were that they didn't know what the pastry contained.
When everyone had gone, the Duchess turned to her.
"I haven't heard what happened at the tea party. Update me."
Chammielle explained the events in detail, only leaving out the ring in her cup. Whoever was gifting her these things, she suspected Alfrina knew. But there was no point in telling others who might not be in the know.
"Excellent. Lady Kuchen, can you by chance identify what this might contain?"
She stepped forward and examined it.
The chocolate had melted a bit on top of it, revealing small gray pieces within the previously hard shavings. It also smelled of almonds. Apart from that, she could not tell what the filling was. It looked sweet but had a savory scent.
"My guess would be some low dose of arsenic. It might not kill right away, but if Lady Rosenblum had eaten this today and another like it tomorrow..."
"Then she would at the very least be too ill to remain here, and at the worst be buried the day after tomorrow."
"I cannot tell what the center is though...it's very...beautiful but I find it unappealing."
Alfrina stepped forward and stuck her finger into it. She was going to taste it? As she brought it to her mouth Chammielle reacted. She grabbed her finger and tried it herself.
"What are you doing?!"
She spat it out.
"Blood. It's blood jelly. Whoever designed this only wanted to scare Gladys so she might recuse herself. She would have spit this out before eating too much. She'd have been too sick to attend dinner this evening and gone tomorrow."
"What if that was poison? Don't you dare do that again!"
She smiled and looked the Duchess in the eye.
"Then don't you do it either."
"I have built my immunity to poisons my whole life! I take it back, you're a fool! Don't you dare risk your life like that again."
She wanted to say what life. She was a bastard step child, only here for her sisters' well being and happiness. If her sisters were in danger she'd throw herself on the blade before seeing a scratch on any of them. What good was she if she couldn't at least do that?
"Alright. But I warn you I may disobey your request if any of my sisters are in peril."
She stood tall and met Alfrina's eyes. The light green turned understanding, and a smile graced her impish lips once more.
"Then we had better outwit their would be assailants."
Things sorted, and Duchess Columbine off to interrogate the remainder of the kitchen staff, Chammielle was nearly dragged back to her room. Belladonna was in a mood. Muttering the word lady over and over. She suspected it had to do with her devil may care attitude towards poisoning herself.
"I'm alright. There's no need to fret. I suspected the poison was in the chocolate and not the filling anyway."
"Not enough to allow Duchess Columbine to..."
She sat her down and grumbled many things under her breath. Words did spike within understanding once in a while. Words like "regard" and "life" and "precious" were among them. Along with many other words that ought not be known by a lady.
Her hair was thoroughly brushed out, but despite the brisk strokes she felt no pulling at all. It seemed the old woman cared a great deal for her already. Enough to fume silently and not actually take it out on her.
"Belladonna...why is Alfrina immune to poison?"
Her brushing did not falter, but she did sigh.
"The Columbine Duchy gained their status by being King William I's poison checkers during a time of upheaval. Their great grandfather several generations back died protecting the King from poison in his cup. Since then, their family line has been commanded to make sure every descendant cannot be poisoned. It's all pretty hush hush, but Alfrina has special talents in addition to being immune to poison. She pledged her allegiance to Prince William IV when they were both children."
She nodded quietly at this new information.
Alfrina had so much to offer. She knew what she wanted and worked hard to become the woman she was today. What did she have to offer? What did she really know but baking and poets? If Prince William needed her help, could she actually assist him with matters of state?
She realized her mind was going towards an abyss she'd been through before. The downward spiral that was her lack of purpose and worth. Her family had pulled her from that slough once before. She could not go there while here at the palace. She would become utterly useless in her depression.
Chammielle took a steadying breath and closed her eyes.
"She's a lady well worth her weight in gold, my lady. And she sees something in you."
A sudden spark lit the depths of her mind.
It was true. For everything she could not see in herself, Lady Alfrina Columbine saw it in her. If there was anyone who could help her overcome this feeling of worthlessness, it was her. Her family had tried, and it had worked once. But in the back of her mind she believed they were biased.
"The meeting room...will I have time before dinner?"
"I think she'll be meeting you another time, my lady."
She smiled to herself, but didn't feel it.
"Of course. The interrogations..."
She would just have to face dinner with the Dowager Queen with this cloud over her head.
Lace fingerless gloves were hardly enough to cover her freckles. Why Belladonna had insisted on them was beyond her. Then again, she supposed hiding what she really looked like was hiding the truth from the Queen.
They were standing in a line before the grand double doors. This dinner seemed like it must be important, as all the ladies had dressed like this was a formal ball. Silks and satins and embroidery and tulle and lace as far as the eye could see, with jewels on every hand, neck, wrist, ear, and head. They made quite the parade.
Chammielle looked down at her own gown.
A deep yellow satin, with sheer white lace overlay. The bodice was cinched so her waist was very small looking and her chest seemed far more plump. The sleeves were nearly non-existent. A small loop of satin draped just around her arms under her shoulders, wrapped in strands of small pink beads. They were also at her waist at the top of the skirt like a belt and tied round the back with a blush colored ribbon that trailed to the floor. Not that she could see it. The skirt was so large she didn't know what shoes she was wearing. With her ensemble the pink jeweled, pearls, and diamond choker seemed to complete it. Along with the ring that stood out stunningly on her hand.
She hadn't dared look at herself in the mirror. Her gown was far too beautiful for her and she didn't want the image in her mind of what it looked like to be sullied with her actual reflection. What Belladonna had done with her hair was fine in her books no matter what it looked like. It was off her neck and out of her face, pinned up where she couldn't look at it.
The servants at the doors finally opened them and announced the ladies one by one.
"Lady Ammorettallia of Aconia! ...Lady Veronica of Phlox! ...Lady Dulcet of Phlox! ...Lady Marion of Phlox! ...Lady Festina of Phlox! ...Lady Petulia of Clarendine! ..."
Gladys was next and then the triplets. Aster turned to her, worry in her eyes once more.
"You'll be wonderful, and the Dowager Queen will love you. Don't fret. Things will all work out."
She seemed so unsure. How could she? The man of her and half of Garten's dreams had chosen her. She was well worthy of his admiration, and she should know that.
"Do I look alright?"
Chammielle didn't have to study her dress and jewels. She was wearing the gold silk dress and amethyst. Whatever she wore she looked perfect. Even if it was a lazy day and she wore a chemise with her hair in disarray she was gorgeous.
"You're exquisite. Now take a deep breath. They're about to call you."
"...Lady Aster of Kuchen!"
She smiled and Chammielle believed it. Her head held high and shoulders back, she floated into the dining room with the grace of a Queen.
"...and Lady Chammielle of Kuchen!"
She inclined her head, a serene smile on her face like Lady Delphi had taught her, and walked through the door.
She heard whispers around her and kept her eyes down. She would not meet their stares nor openly gaze upon the royal family. It was her place to be this way. To endure such things.
"What an excellent selection of Ladies... Welcome."
The Dowager Queen's voice was soft and airy. It carried through the room gently and everyone was hushed to hear her. Such silence was rare anywhere, but one woman had commanded it without asking. The crystal goblets on the table could be heard reverberating her tone.
"Thank you...for coming and upholding our tradition. Prince William IV has informed me that he believes among you there is a Princess who will become...a Queen Garten deserves. And more than that. A Queen Garten needs."
She sat down and let her hand rest upon the table. The ladies all found their places and were seated by the attendants. Chammielle found herself surprisingly close to the Dowager Queen. Only a Lady Phlox and Lady Clarendine was between her and the Queen's seat at the head of the table on the right hand side. Beside her on the other side was Prince William, Princess Violet, and Princess Tulip followed by Lady Aconia. She was closer to the Queen than Lady Aconia.
"Lady Rosenblum...I trust you had a wonderful time at tea today?"
Gladys nearly choked on the air in front of her. The Queen was speaking to her first.
"Y-yes, your majesty."
"I've always loved tea parties in the garden this time of year... Sadly matters of state keep me busy. I shall so enjoy when William takes the throne. My role as the Dowager Queen will finally have merit, and I will have a great deal more time in my schedule for such things. Perhaps you may show me some of your favorite tea parlors in the capital. I am told you have an eye for sweets."
A few of the Phlox girls giggled but staunched it quickly. Lady Rosenblum blushed profusely.
"I do enjoy them, but I'm afraid I haven't much of any idea about shops here."
Chammielle stared at her a moment. Gladys was well known for her visits to the capital, staying in expensive and luxurious lodgings and enjoying the finest tea shops in the kingdom. Why would she lie?
"Oh? That's a shame. Lady Aconia perhaps you have an idea of such things?"
Her lovely cream features were on full show with an even brighter red lip paint. A demure smile curled the corners just so slenderly. She looked like a master portrait.
"Indeed, your majesty. There is one in particular that is my favorite. The chandelier in the main salon is all the way from Xerkmenistein. It makes the whole experience that much more enjoyable."
The Dowager Queen nodded and turned to Veronica Phlox beside her.
"And what about you, dear? Have you any favorite shops?"
The eldest Phlox sister looked pleased as punch. Of course their estate had spent mountains of gold to keep all the girls happy. They knew every expensive district in every major city of Garten and Franca. Their worldliness far surpassed almost anyone at the table, save Ammorettallia.
"Your majesty, there are three I would recommend here, but there are far more illustrious places in Franca. I would be delighted to accompany you should you ever desire to visit the fair city of Campagñe. Its streets are art."
The Queen seemed to eye her a moment with a keen smile. She reached for her glass and let the red wine swirl.
"Franca is indeed a fair and beautiful country...perhaps we need to change Garten to keep our people happy at home."
The words chilled the air, and Chammielle bit her lip. She'd all but called the Phlox girl a traitor. Of course her majesty would prefer hearing about the good points of her own rule. She hadn't been a monarch for eighteen years to hear she hadn't done as well a job as the neighboring country.
Veronica didn't seem to catch onto this.
"Oh, no, Garten is fine. It's just so wonderful to visit some place so exotic and beautiful. Their towns all have rose colored lanterns lighting the streets and everyone sings such sweet love songs. It's a country of romance..."
Chammielle cleared her throat louder than usual, and reached for her glass. She could see the look in the Queen's eyes, as well as Violet's. She was watching the woman implode, and Violet looked worried.
"Is there something you would like to add, Lady Kuchen?"
She finished her sip of wine and composed herself. It was sweet and coated her mouth warmly.
"Not at all, your majesty. I've simply never been to Franca, and I'm finding it hard to swallow that any place could brag superiority to Garten."
Veronica looked like she was going to argue with her, but the Queen spoke first.
"Quite right. Travel is good for the expansion of the mind, experiencing the world for what it is, but for me there is no place like our beautiful kingdom."
The Phlox girl shut up and shot a vicious stare at her. Her sisters snickered to themselves. It seemed they liked that Veronica was not fairing well.
"I quite agree with you, your majesty."
Lady Aconia had chimed back in, and Chammielle let out a breath she did not know she was holding.
Her eyes met with Princess Violet's and saw her head nod ever so slightly. Then she followed her eyes to see the Prince hiding his smile with some effort. His wine glass untouched, and his hand fisted at his cheek as he reclined in his chair.
"Dinner is served!"
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