《Princess Freckles》8. Tea Anyone?
After the reception, palace maids had been assigned to each of them. The triplets had each received two, but Chammielle had gotten one and clearly beyond middle aged. It was only natural of course, as a bastard it was etiquette she not be treated with equality to those of legitimate birth. The girls hadn't noticed, as they got aquatinted with their new attendants. Chammielle was being escorted to her quarters and struck up a conversation with the older woman with grey throughout her soft brown hair.
"May I know your name?"
"Belladonna, ma'am. I'm afraid I don't have much time to see to you. I've been assigned kitchen duty this week as well as next on top of my normal duties. It's quite tedious."
"I see."
They went the opposite direction her half sisters were being taken, and though it seemed right she couldn't help but feel uneasy.
"I'm sorry, but is it far? I'd like to be closer to my sisters."
"Just a little farther, ma'am."
She stopped in her tracks.
"It's Lady Kuchen, maid. I don't care for your manners."
Belladonna stopped and turned to give her a raised eyebrow. She sighed and shrugged her shoulders. Apparently it didn't matter to her.
"Then I may as well tell ye. We're not going to your room. Duchess Columbine has asked for you."
"Duchess Columbine..."
Belladonna walked on ahead of her, not really caring if she followed or not. At the behest of a Duchess she had no ability to decline. She followed the terse woman.
A small room was near the end of the hall. For all it's gilt splendor, the pink walls and ceiling covered in elaborate mouldings, the hallway was clearly a private area. The room she entered was a darker pink with paintings of swans decorating the high walls. A grand piano filled the main part of the space along with a tufted chaise lounge and two plush reading chairs with a little table sporting three books between them. Duchess Columbine sat in one of the latter.
She had light brown hair and looks that couldn't quite be described...fairy like could be the word. Petite features and a pointed upturned nose. An emerald velvet dress covered the whole of her arms to her wrists and fell to the floor without much volume. It looked very elegant, and very utilitarian. The door closed behind Chammielle and the duchess's twinkling green eyes captured hers.
"Sorry about Belladonna. She's a bad mouthed biddy, but she's loyal. If you don't care for her I can have someone else assigned to you."
Chammielle remained near the door. Unsure of what this meeting meant.
"Loyalty is hard to come by, and hard earned. Perhaps her other duties could be curtailed instead."
Duchess Columbine smiled at her and it looked mischievous. Like she knew every secret anyone would ever care to know. Or pay to keep silence for. It was a chilling smile.
"You are right. Call me Alfrina, and I shall call you Chammielle while we're alone. You are the eldest Kuchen girl, a love child prior to Lord Kuchen's marriage to Delphi."
"That is so."
The Duchess examined her nails as she spoke.
"I'll get to the point then. I need an informant and you fit the bill. The other ladies here are a mixed bag. Lady Clarendine is a nitwit who has rash moods, Lady Rosenblum is a bore with a keen eye for sweets, the Ladies Phlox are all greedy little wenches that would trample each other for the crown though they might pretend otherwise, and then there's Lady Aconia. She is the one to watch out for. She's smart, wears an innocent mask well, and has stooped to kidnapping in the past. Not that we can prove that, but it's pertinent information and I'm trusting you with it."
Chammielle took it all in stride and stepped up to the piano to rest her hand and a little of her weight on it. Whatever was she doing here in a secret meeting? She gathered her thoughts to try and come up with something useful to the Duchess.
"Lady Petulia Clarendine has slapped her servants on multiple occasions behind closed doors, anyone beneath her can expect the same treatment. Veronica, Marion, Festina, Dulcet, and Claire Phlox are mischievous...they've easily ruined a few parties out of jealousy of the hosts or not getting to dance with their desired partners. Very rough bunch. Lady Ammorettallia Aconia I didn't expect...not really. Her reputation is admirable."
She brought a knuckle to her teeth and considered what this information meant. The girls would be ignorant of most of these things, and try to make friends with everyone. There was no way she would risk their lives. She needed to warn them.
"I wouldn't try to warn your half sisters. They don't keep secrets well with those beautiful faces of theirs. So... open."
The reason for this meeting between the two of them became apparent then. She hadn't just chosen someone at random.
"Is that why you're telling me?"
Duchess Columbine nodded for half a beat before thinking better of it.
"My twin brother tells me one of you is the Prince's chosen bride. You seem the most capable, but I also suspect the most loyal. Frankly, you're all gorgeous, I can't guess who William has his eye on...but at least I believe I can trust you with this information."
Chammielle couldn't hide the slight surprise that slipped onto her face. She took a half step back, recalculating the sly Duchess before her. What did she gain by giving false praise?
"High flattery, Alfrina. I wouldn't give it out so carelessly..."
The forest glen green eyes seemed to guage her. Seriousness overcame her features and Chammielle wondered if she was being held in a sort of cage with that gaze. Her brows drew down and she smirked. What was she thinking?
"Your face shape is appealing and symmetrical, your nose not too long nor too short, your cheekbones not so prominent to be mistaken as sharp, your eyes deep and a rare gold topped by the straight cliff tops that are your eyebrows--a harrowing and intimidating feature despite your warmth. And then there's your beautiful rose curls and thousands of beauty marks. I quite like freckles. They are so refreshing. I always wanted just a small smattering of them as a child, and I must say I like yours even more. So you should believe me when I call you gorgeous. I do not doubt my own words, and they are never without reason."
Chammielle's eyes fluttered a moment and her brows pinched together in confusion. No one had ever summed her features up so. Perhaps someone really could find her beautiful. But the more she looked at her sisters and other women of a high status and soft complexion...the more she could not see herself. Perhaps she did need to look in the mirror more often. Though the thought made her cringe internally.
Alfrina flicked her hand to dismiss her silence.
"Take it or leave it. I've had you brought here because this room is well suited to our purposes. A piano for you, a view of the garden, and no one ever comes down here."
Chammielle nodded and surveyed the space once more. It was a lovely room. Almost the size of her own back home but with a higher ceiling and a touch smaller in width.
"I take it our purposes are to keep things running smoothly. No accidents during the candidate ceremony."
The foxy grin overtook her face.
"My you catch on quick. If you weren't a candidate I would have hired you for my information gatherers... That is precisely what we shall do. And each evening before dinner we shall meet here and I will tell you what the next day's activities shall include. If I'm not here you can assume I'm ordered elsewhere. We can circumvent any unfortunate ordeals."
"Before? Why not after?"
"Because before the other candidates will be preparing to dine with royalty and focused solely upon themselves. After, they might see you not heading back to your room and become curious. I cannot have you targeted, now can I?"
She nodded at that.
"If anything should change after dinner...feel free to visit my room at midnight. Or send Belladonna with a letter without your signature. I will be awake."
Alfrina smiled at her.
"That is an excellent idea, Chammielle."
"May I have a sample of your handwriting? If it comes from Belladonna I should know it's you, but in case I miss you..."
"You are thorough... Here."
She opened a book from the small table, inside was already a handwritten missive and she handed it to her. It was only talking about the weather. Though the vocabulary was peculiar.
"It is my code. Can you tell me what sort of information this note gives?"
She looked it over and found herself sitting in the chair opposite the Duchess to study it further.
"Red clouds of sunset...a murder."
"Go on."
"A sheet of rain...it's covered up."
"The carnations could use the rain...it's being covered up by the royals."
"I cannot believe you got that so easily!"
Alfrina looked nearly predatory with glee. Her eyes were alight with something akin to grasping something she'd desired for a long time. Like a treasure hunter finally coming to the end of years of searching and seeing the chest just within grasp. She looked Alfrina in the eye and pointed to a phrase on the page.
"Daffodils on the hill. The royal guards saw the whole thing."
For Chammielle's part, she was enjoying herself. Such puzzles were delightful, and the intrigue spiced the whole mood with mystery. Very cloak and dagger.
Duchess Columbine seemed like a very eccentric sort of woman. But it was channeled. If she was bored or going through the motions she seemed normal enough, perhaps spoiled. But when she was intrigued she began to take on the features of a ravenous fox. Still, it did not unnerve Chammielle. It made her more curious.
"If William doesn't pick you, he's a fool. But at least I'll have someone to work with. For the good of the Crown."
"For the good of the Crown."
Belladonna had taken her to her quarters after the meeting. Her mood seemed to have lifted and she smiled more. Even called her her lady affectionately. Apparently she was simply gruff with anyone who did not have the crown's best interests at heart. Chammielle liked that. It seemed having only one attendant would actually work in her favor if she was working with the Duchess.
"There will be an afternoon tea at four in the wilding garden under the pergola. I'll have you dressed and looking your best by then, but is there anything I can get you now? Luncheon is not scheduled today to let the ladies sort themselves after their journey."
"If you'd let the kitchen know I'd care for anything they can whip up or already have on hand that would be lovely. Otherwise I thought I'd wander the palace a bit."
Belladonna seemed impressed.
"Half the girls here have taken to their beds in exhaustion. Spoiled brats the lot of them. You've got the energy, so why don't I take you on a tour and we can make our way to the kitchen together?"
She smiled at her. The woman had no place for propriety in her language. It was refreshing. She decided to be a bit more candid with her.
"I actually love a well kept kitchen. Perhaps while I'm here I can make you something. Do you care for cream horns?"
"My favorite!"
The crows feet wrinkled deeply and a bit of the younger Belladonna slipped through her cranky disposition. Chammielle came up to her and laced her arm through hers, patting it gently. She was in this woman's care. The least she could do was care for her.
"Then I'll be sure to make you a dozen. Shall we be off?"
"So, how was she?"
William was looking over some papers. He needed to get them done in time for this evening. New recruits were being transferred to barracks across the country, and he needed to approve them so they could ship out in the morning.
"My sister believes she's found her soulmate. Said you'd be a fool if you don't marry her, but also that she desperately wants her for her confidante. She deciphered her code in less than a minute! If she wasn't my twin, I'd have never gotten it myself."
The Prince smiled at that. He hadn't been wrong about her. But her proving it seriously made his amazement at her grow. Was there anything she couldn't do?
"Excellent. I always thought Alfrina was the brightest of my cousins."
"I understand your rude sentiment...and I do resemble that statement, Will."
Alfric was tossing up a jewelled orb from his lounging spot on the couch. He caught it and tossed it up again with a silly grin. It was actually an important piece gifted to them by an ally nearly eighty years ago. But he'd abandoned reprimanding his best friend and his disregard for historical treasures.
"So, freckles is your variegated flower...I should have known."
"You didn't tell Alfrina, yes?"
"Oh Lord no! If I did she wouldn't dare test her like this. Probably would still use her, but she'd be too concerned with getting on her bad side. And from what you've told me, her bad side is something very elegant to behold."
It was William's turn to smile.
That poem and her deep gaze, all while standing primly looking like a monarch among weeds. It was enough he wanted to see her put others in their place. He certainly was in his now. Though she'd stood as still as a tree, he'd felt like she'd lunged at him with a sword.
A knock came at the door and Alfric looked not an ounce interested in answering. He sighed and pinned him with a look before calling out.
The door was opened by his private guard and in stepped the princess.
"You're working? Does this ever stop?"
"V, you know what being King involves. Don't fret about it. What brings you here?"
"Your bride to be, of course."
She walked over and gave Alfric an annoyed look.
"You Pinks and your looks. Lighten up, it's just us."
"Cousin, if you were but a distant relative no one had heard of, I'd have you removed from the palace. That is priceless, and if you break it I can't very well have your head removed now can I?"
"I am greatly comforted at our blood relation."
Violet sat in the opposite couch and faced her brother.
"I don't think Lady Kuchen has a very good view of herself."
His pen dropped from his hand and he hastily picked up the quill before meeting her eyes.
"Why do you say that?"
"Her freckles... She covers them and kept touching her hair like she was ashamed of it."
He thought back to the garden at the Kuchen House and recalled her shawl slipping and how she looked before he'd made impolite conversation.
"You're probably right. There aren't many instances of the ginger line in Garten. It's more of a Norlandia phenomenon. Society here often looks down on what isn't necessarily fashionable. I'm hoping she can help to change that perspective..."
Alfric snorted at them.
"You two are worrying for nothing."
Violet turned on him.
"How can you say that? She's a bright and lovely woman, so why should we not worry about her?"
"Obviously because I'm going to set my twin on her. If anyone can boost her self esteem, it's Alfrina."
Violet looked to him and he had to agree. The other half of the Columbine duo was sharp and truthful, but also a master at social eloquence and manipulation among other things. She was a rare mutation in the Columbine line. All she need do was reason with someone for the span of a half hour and they'd rethink their paradigm on life entirely. She'd never tried her tactics on him, thank God, but in her own words she'd told him he seemed perfectly well adjusted.
He'd asked her once why she hadn't tried to manipulate her brother. Her answer was both awe inspiring and chilling. She had, and he was exactly how she needed him to be.
For the moment.
"...Do tell her to be gentle."
Alfric raised an eyebrow at him.
"Because I'd like my future Queen to have a mind of her own. Changing someone just because you can is sheer folly."
Alfric shook his head at him. He really had no idea.
"I'll pass your message along."
"Oh! And brother..."
He returned his attention to his platinum blonde sibling.
"Yes, V?"
"She did make a sort of request."
He waved his pen in her direction.
"Whatever she wants, she shall have it."
She smirked at him and Alfric laughed into the air.
"The man is positively in love!"
"She only asked that you not show insincere preference to her."
"She only wants my deepest sincerity?"
"I don't think that's it either, Will."
His eyes seemed to melt in his skull. The plans he'd had prepared to appease the ladies until the wedding and distract from his true intentions hung in the balance. He did not want to hurt her, but he also didn't want to show his hand.
"How...how did she mean it?"
Violet leaned back and tapped her chin.
"She understands you'll be showering the other ladies with equal treatment so no one can guess who your intended is. But for her part she doesn't want you to be false with her I believe. If I were you, I'd avoid close interactions with her publicly and cultivate some moments with her in private. Being affectionate towards her in front of others might make her a target of jealousy at the very least."
He leaned back in his own chair.
Private moments. He hadn't thought of that. A walk in the garden at the Kuchen House was private enough there, but here there were any number of servants and staff that could be bought by the other families to spy. Such things were openly forbidden of course, but that didn't mean they didn't happen. Gossip worked twice as well in any case. Still, he knew all the secret places. Just how to get her to those places...
"Don't worry, I'll help."
He looked at his sister. Sixteen and eager for him to have a love story as wonderful as hers. Her third prince from the country of Melstra writing her frequent love letters before their official engagement. The Dowager Queen had chosen well.
"Thank you, V. And Alfric. I can't do this without you."
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