《Reign (Bryshere Gray Fan Fiction)》Chapter 16: Diamonds & Pearls
Reign's POV...
I woke up the next morning with my headache booming..
I looked over to my left hearing a noise and seen my phone on and Bryshere brushing his teeth..
I smiled watching him..
My phone was making the low battery noise so I got up to put it on the charger..
"Oh you're finally up.."
He said rinsing his mouth out..
I smiled..
"Yeah.. you stayed on the phone with me this whole time?"
"Yup.. I watched you sleep than ended up falling asleep my damn self.."
I laughed shaking my head..
"So what's the plan for today?"
I said yawning
"Well I gotta go get fit for my outfit at the little dinner award thing tomorrow.."
"Oh yeah that thing is tomorrow.. Sorry I can't be there, I'm swamped in articles.. and I have a meeting with the board.."
"It's cool, so what board you meeting with?"
I looked around the room..
"The board of women's article togetherness.."
I said trying to sound believable...
"Ohh the women's article of togetherness huh?"
"Yeah it's a thing.."
I said trying to convince myself...
"Reign I believe you.. Look I gotta go before Charlie blows his ball sack off.."
I laughed..
"Okay.. talk to you later?"
"Yeah I'll call you on my down time.. Bye Reign."
"Bye Bryshere..."
I fell out on the bed.. I had a plan but before I did anything I needed to make me some tea and center myself...
I got up and made me a pot of Coconut green tea with lavender extract.. I let the dogs out in the back so they could run around and take care of their business.. my phone rang and it was Sherry..
I hopped on the counter and grabbed my tea then answered the phone..
"Tell me something good.."
"What you up to chick?"
I took a sip of my tea and glanced to the right of me seeing a stack of cash..
"Nothing looking at a stack of cash Herb left on my kitchen, on my counter.."
"Oh yeah he said he would get you something.."
"Most people leave gift cards, wine, Victoria Secrets, Neiman Marcus, Zales, Kay you know GIFTS! Not stacks of cash.."
I said laughing to myself at Herb...
"Look if you gonna be complaining I'll take that shit and go shopping.."
"I'm not complaining, but why does he just have random stacks on him like that?"
"That's just how he rolls.. hey I got you in speaker.."
I shook my head taking another sip of my tea feeling so alive from the zip of honey that hit my tongue..
"What it is Herb?"
"Ain't shit.. what it's gone be, sitting up here with Sherry's ass before I go do this show.. You get what I left you?"
"Yes and I appreciate it but you don't have to leave around random stacks of money Herb.. a hallmark card would have been just fine.."
I said laughing..
"You know how I get down.. I don't know what you females be all into.. just take the money and do you.."
"What about gift cards? Believe it or not they still exist.."
I said taking another sip of my tea raising my eyebrows..
"Look some niggas buy flowers.. some niggas get cards and chocolate and shit.. I leave money.. and I'm proud of you doing it real big so that's what I did.."
I smiled.. he was so sweet in his own way, I don't know why Sherry stayed going at it with him..
"Either way thanks Herb I'll put it in my money jar with the other stacks you gave me on my previous birthdays.."
"Ight babygirl I'm out I'll see you at your ceremony..
See why you can't be like her and save that's why I'm always cussing yo ass out cause you don't listen.. Get on my fucking nerves.."
Herb said as I laughed and said bye to him..
"Nigga Shut yo dumb ass up and take a shower so you can leave.. Go do your show with them hoes! Matter of fact don't come back!"
Sherry said as I sighed here we go again..
"What! Girl you don't mean that, I'll see you after my show!"
Herb said in the background
"You heard what I said! Don't call me, text me or come see me! ITS OVER!"
Than I heard a door slam..
I almost choked on my tea, you'd think I'd be use to their dysfunctional asses by now..
"My bad girl.."
"Sherry why you always starting shit with him?"
"Who Herb? Bitch please he will be okay, trust me! I gotta cuss him out because that nigga trifling and while he on the road and doing all those shows I know he FUCKING THEM HOES!"
"The only hoe I'm fucking is you! I keep telling you that girl!"
I heard him scream in the back ground..
"Shut the hell up and take yo Bitch ass shower nigga!!"
I was laughing at them..
"Sherry have you ever thought that maybe he really does just go do his shows and be in the studio and go to interviews like he really says.. Why you always assuming the worst?"
"Girl I know he's trifling and I'm cool with that.. that don't mean I can't talk my shit cause at the end of the day he comes back to me Always.."
"Or he'll just leave ya ass for a white girl with good credit that don't talk back to him.."
"I wish he would leave me for a Becky I'll blow that Bitch up!"
I was cracking up laughing..
"I believe your crazy ass too.."
"You damn right! Speaking of slapping bitches did Herb tell you what happened at the strip club the other night?"
I knew she was about to tell me some crazy shit.. I just continued to sip my tea for this one..
"No mam he didn't what happened?"
"Girl, GIRL! So me an Herb in the back room with some freaks giving us a lap dance right.."
"Wait! So it's okay if you go to the strip club with him.. but he can't go alone?"
I asked confused..
"EXACTLY! But that's besides the point.. So I ran into bitch ass Julius.."
"Oh LORD! What did you do to him?"
"What you think.. I took one more shot of the Henny and slapped the shit out of his ass.. Ain't no nigga gonna get away with calling my bitch a Bitch! You feel me!"
"Oh MY GOSH SHERRY! No you didn't.."
"I sure did and he looked like he tried to hit me back.. But then he saw Herb reach for the tool and he bounced with his lame ass.."
"Hell yeah.. Soft ass nigga! Alright I'll see you later girl.."
Herb said in the background..
"You heard what I said.. Don't be at home when I get there.. OUCH DON'T BE GRABBING MY BOOTY!
Alright BYE! I love you too dirty.."
She is so bipolar I swear but that's my girl..
"Okay he gone now.. So what happened yesterday between Hunter and Candice girl?"
I finished my tea and put my mug on the counter feeling refreshed.. I put my hand on my head reliving the stress of yesterday..
"Well it's gonna come out anyways but apparently Hunter and Candice been messing around.."
"Damn! I mean I knew Hunter went both ways but Candice? They can both do a lot better if you ask me.."
"Yeah well apparently Hunter caught the feels hard and Candice didn't but we both know what that was about.."
She smacked her lips..
"Hell yeah.. August ol' I need you baby 24/7 head ass!"
"EXACTLY! And honestly I love Candice with all my heart but she wrong for leading Hunter on like that.."
"Yeah But Hunter is a strong, tuff girl she'll be back drunk and cool by tomorrow.. As for Candice we been telling her the same shit for too long.. all we can do is stand by her.. Maybe It'll work maybe not but at least we were there for it all.."
I sighed.. No one understands, I connected with her on a different level...
"You right.."
"I know I'm right shit! Just imagine what the toast finna be like at this raggedy ass wedding..."
I laughed..
"Yeah this wedding bout to be wild.."
"So what happened in there between you and Brandon?"
"Oh nothing really we just have an understanding..."
"Mmm.. so did you talk to Bryshere?"
"Yeah and he wants me to be his date tomorrow at this dinner award thingy.. he sent me the info, invite, address and all..."
"So are you going.. What did you tell him?"
"I told him I couldn't make it because I had to meet with The board of women's togetherness..."
She bust out laughing..
"Bitch WHET! That's not even a thing!"
I laughed..
"I know but he thinks it is and that's all that matters.."
"I guess, well I gotta catch this flight.. I love you and don't be stressing about this thing over Hunter and Candice.. It will blow over trust me!"
"Alright Girl.. hit me when you touch down.."
"I will.. see you soon boo.."
Sherry said hanging up..
I had to get up and get on the move, I had a lot to plan in order to get ready for tomorrow...
I went to go get fit for my outfit and Charlie was getting on my last damn nerves..
Interview this, meet and greet that.. that's all he ever talked about... I tuned him out and started thinking about Reign.. I wanted her to be by my side so bad tomorrow but I knew she had her own things going on..
"So are you gonna go ahead and sign the contract with Nike?
"WHAT! Gotdamn, you been talking all morning where's the fucking off button!"
"Look man I was just seeing if you were gonna sign the contract with Nike?"
"I said I'll let you know after my lawyer is done going over it.. SHIT.."
I looked down at the seamstress..
"Are we done here?"
"Uh, Yes Mr. Gray I think I have all I need to make you look right for tomorrow's event sir.."
"Good thanks man I'm out.."
"Wait! Yazz where you going, we still got three more interviews..."
"With who? Did you tell me about these interviews man?!"
I asked trying not to spazz out on his ass..
"Well no but it doesn't matter because they're booked and you can't not, NOT show up!"
"Fuck you and those interviews.. you told me that you would let me know so I could be ready... So I'm not doing it!"
I said walking out the door..
"What am I supposed to do.. tell them you can't show up cause you throwing a little temper tantrum!"
"If I were you I would watch how I was talking to me cause you already got a foot out the door as my manager.. tell them what you want I don't give a fuck.. I'm gone see you at the dinner tomorrow.."
I went back to the hotel to smoke and ease my mind and talk to Reign but she didn't answer.. Come to think about it she wasn't answering any of my text either...
I sighed as my phone rang I looked down it was my mom..
I said hitting the bong on the balcony of my hotel
"Hey son.. I just got off the phone with Charlie.."
"Oh yeah.."
I said sitting down my bong down and laying back tryna catch a mellow drift..
"Yup he said you lost yo damn mind and you skipping out on interviews.."
I chuckled...
"Oh yeah.. that's his version he told.."
"Yeah and I told him to ease up and give you time to breathe..."
"Is that right, so what was his response to that?"
"Well nothing.. he already knows how I'm coming and he knows not to even try me.. But son talk to me, even when you're mad at him you never turn down an interview so what's going on?"
"He books all this shit.. I'm sorry ma, I mean stuff
and doesn't tell me anything! I just be walking in blinded..
I don't even get a choice on my OWN THINGS..
he just comes around and says let's go.. I mean isn't he MY manager.. He works for me right?"
"If this is getting to be too much baby you can take a brake.."
"Mom that's not it! I love what I do, I love my fans.. but Charlie is draining me.. making decisions without me... Spending my money on sessions and not telling me about the shit.."
"Okay baby I'll handle it you just relax and get your mind right for tomorrow.. I love you son.."
"Alright love you to Mom.."
I finished my bong and relaxed for the rest of the day..
At the dinner...
"Bryshere you coming in? It's about to start Boy!"
Taraji said touching my shoulder..
"Yeah I'll be in there.."
"Mmhhmm.. waiting on somebody?"
"Nah she cant come let's just go in.."
"Or maybe you just not looking hard enough.."
I said as Taraji opened the door and Reign stepped out from behind Taraji
My mouth was wide..
She was so beautiful and time just stopped..
"Well I'll let you two be alone.."
Taraji said laughing and winking at me..
"What's wrong you look like you seen a ghost.."
Reign said stepping closer to me..
"What are you doing here?"
I asked in disbelief that she was standing in front of me..
"You requested a sexy date if I'm not mistaken.."
"Yeah but you said you had to be at that togetherness thing.."
She laughed..
"I made that shit up.. You look real good tonight..."
She said fixing my collar...
"Thanks.. but you look so beautiful! I mean like real lovely.."
She bit her lips and grabbed my hand..
"Come on so you can show me to our seats.."
The whole night I couldn't focus on anything.. I would look over at Reign and she would do the same.. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her...
I wasn't even paying attention to anything..
I pulled her closer and asked her did she wanna get out of here.. and she said yes..
Back at the hotel in my sweet...
"So what made you change plans and come.."
I asked watching her as she sat down smiling..
"The plan was to always come.. I just made it seem like I wasn't so you would be bummed out.."
"Damn that's cruel girl.. You been on my mind all damn day.. I was going crazy when you didn't answer my calls or text..."
She smiled looking at me all weird...
"What why you looking at me like that?"
I asked smiling back...
"Cause you rambling come dance with me.."
She said standing up turning music in her phone...
Music that played
She grabbed my hands and wrapped them around her waist...
"I been wanting to feel you near me every since the day I left.."
She said placing her head on my shoulders..
"I'm so glad you came.. I thought it would be months before I seen you again..."
She grabbed my face and kissed me..
"Well you thought wrong.."
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