《His One Love》Chapter 12


Lydia smiled at her work on the baby's room "I think I did a good job let me just check if anything is missing" she said "ugg" Peter huffed "Lyd we have been here all day decorating this baby's room and I have been doing all the work all you have done is tell me what you wanted and where to put it and I haven't gotten a say in any of it!" Lydia looked at Peter sympathetically "I am sorry Peter I am just so exited for this baby and I want it to have the perfect life that I didn't have when I was a kid." Lydia said Peter smiled at Lydia "Listen I didn't mean all of that it's just that using magic takes a lot out of me" He said "Oh ya well being pregnant and carrying a baby around is taking a lot out of me" Lydia said smirking "Ok Ok you win" Peter said "I am kidding you can add whatever you want Peter I don't mind this is our kid not my kid you have to have a say in the room to" Lydia giggled "Ok but it won't be much I am not one for taking hours to do something" He said "I noticed" Lydia giggled. Peter ignored her comment and started his work he made a green rug on the floor that said "Second Star to the right and straight on till morning" then he added writing on the wall that read "Never grow up". "Done" He said "Now can we do something fun we have been stuck in side literally all day" Peter wined "Peter I am pregnant I can do nothing at the mommy and the doctor said it should be any day now so I have to take it easy" Lydia explained "Ok but promise we will have more fun when it is born ok" Peter said as he pulled Lydia in for a hug. "Promise" She said and headed back for the bed



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