《|| Touch || Peterpan FF ||》🥀✨ Chapter Twelve ✨🥀


Everyone in the room fell silent once again for a few minutes before Peter sighed at Cubby's statement and nodded in response.

"Yes. There are two consequences and both of it either leads to a horrible death or a tragic one.", he answered as all of them had worried faces except for Nibs, that had a surprisingly confused expression.





"Uh...what are the consequences again?", Nibs dumbly asked as Slightly face-palmed.

"You stupid or just forgetful?", Slightly asked as Nibs chuckled sheepishly.

"A bit of both.", he said, making a derp face as Slightly glared at him.

"Peter's touch has two consequences and one of them will be occurred depending on what kind of human he touches.", one of the twins started off as the other twin continued.

"If Peter touches a bad human and that human still lives, there will be a day that his/her behavior will get even worse as if they're close to losing their sanity before facing a horrible death, which we can say it's a worst way to die.", he stated as Slightly nodded and spoke up, continuing the explanation.

"As for a good human, his/her behavior won't be much affected or get worse unlike the other. But the consequence for still being alive is that their lifespan will instantly be cut in half once again even after Peter had already decreased it. Lastly, that human's life will end with a tragic one, either it's by accident or done on purpose.", he finished.

"But...Peter made physical contact with Madison AND her father....", Nibs trailed off, making Peter's eyes widened when he realized something.

"And they're still living in a house together...", the twins said in unison.

"That...means...Madison...", Cubby paused as everyone thought of the same thing while looking at Peter.

, they all thought.

"Her father... I forgot that I spared his life because of her.", he clicked his tongue in annoyance as he ruffled his hair roughly, feeling pissed at his mistake.

"But you can still save her right?", one of the twins asked as Peter just looked at them with a troubled expression.

The Lost boys waited as they expect a positive answer from Peter while everyone stood silent in the room.



"I...I can't...", he said, now with a pained expression.

"B-but why?", the other twin asked, making his heart feel even heavier as he let out the words,



Everyone was confused at first, but when seconds has passed, everyone remembered another fact about Peter's touch.



"Holy smokes, he's right. He actually can't interfere.", Nibs mumbled as each of the boys said something after the other.

"Dang, that touch of yours is now looking some kind of curse to human beings."- Slightly.

"And a pain in the butt as well."- The twins.


Cubby and Tootles (the small boy who does not speak and wears a skunk costume) looked at each other and sighed.

"Well....what will you do now...?", Slightly asked as Peter looked away while slowly clenching his fists.

"....There's nothing else I can do."- Peter.

"Then you're just going to--"

Slightly halted in his words, leaving his question unfinished when he looked down and noticed Peter's fists were tightly closed. The tall boy was sure of one thing that stands out the most in what Peter's been feeling at that very moment.

And that one thing is...pain.

Peter didn't want to say it, he wanted to say the opposite, that he can save her in any way but...he has no other choice. Madison shattered the future she was meant to have without her knowing.

And now, Peter couldn't do anything about it. He looked at all of them before sighing deeply and finally spoke up.

"No matter how much I hate to say this, I have no other choice but to...", he frowned, taking another deep breath before continuing the remaining words with a heavy heart.




Madison yawned as morning came, she decided to go downstairs to eat breakfast. When she's almost at the bottom of the stairs, she instantly froze in place, looking at all the things around her with wide eyes.

Bottles of alcohol were scattered everywhere, mostly around the couch...

The coffee table near the couches in the living room is facing upside-down with one of its legs bended to the side as if it was flipped over roughly...

And lastly, the television's screen was cracked open like it was hit by something heavy on purpose...

"What the...", she mumbled, immediately searching for any sight of her father as she stepped down on the floor, instantly feeling something pierce on her right foot.

"Ouch!", she winced in pain and lifted her foot, seeing small shards of some of the bottles scattered on the floor.

"A-ah.", she sat on one of the steps of the stairs and hesitantly takes a look on her foot.

A small shard was sticking out of her skin, making her grimace at the sight as she bit her bottom lip while enduring the stinging pain. She then reached for the shard, wincing as soon as her fingers touch the glass that slightly moved in her skin. She then took a deep breath and held the shard in between her fingers and slowly pulled it out, making her hiss in pain as she bit her lower lip.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!", she whimpered when she realized the shard wasn't that small as she thought until she finally pulled it out.

She then took a few deep breaths, dealing with the painful sting in her foot as she stared at the stain of her own blood dripping down from the shard before looking around her surroundings once again.


"Did....did this all happen...in one n-night...?", she mumbled, feeling anxiety ran through her body.

She pursed her lips and carefully gets herself to stand up with her left foot and went down the steps once again, balancing herself with one foot while the other was raised above the ground a bit. She avoided the shards and more broken bottles while looking for the broom so she could sweep some of the mess up and could finally walk without any worries of stepping on something sharp again.

A while after, she was done clearing the floor and done cleansing the wound in her foot as well. There was no sight of her father in the house and it left her confused on what actually happened last night.

She didn't even hear anything strange last night either. Thoughts suddenly popped in her mind due to curiosity.

Did it happen while she's sleeping?

Or is it the time when she's having a talk with Peter in her room...?

She did get a beating yesterday before she went to bed but...the mess wasn't there before except for the empty bottles.

She sighed, lifting her hands to massage the sides of her forehead. Her father's been acting strange lately. Despite of the beatings getting worse and worse by the time passes by, she also hears him murmuring stuff that she couldn't even understand. Setting the situation to the side, she stayed in her room as if it's the only place that made her feel safe from her hot-headed father.

After eating breakfast, she took some bread in the kitchen and a pitcher of water before she carefully went back upstairs, avoiding the wound in her foot get hit as she walked at each step.

She placed the food on her desk that's right next to her bed and walked back to close the door of her room. After getting some clothes from her closet, she placed it neatly on her bed and went towards her bathroom to take a long shower.

Madison winced for the third time, feeling the stinging pain on her foot as she carefully sat on the bench. Taking a long shower with such injury wasn't much of a good decision after all since it felt like the wound was fresh once again.

She sighed, leaning her back on the wall as she turned her head to look outside the window. She blankly stared out on the streets below, currently waiting for her father to arrive.

She even wondered why was she still waiting for him even though there's nothing special about him coming home.

I guess she just gotten used to it.




30 minutes had already passed and she already knew he won't be coming home again since it's usual for him to not come back when the time reached 10pm. She carefully stood up, finally deciding to turn off the lights in her room as she started to walk towards to where her light switch is.

Madison halted and turned around to see Peter outside her window again. Her blank face softened as she walked back to her window and opened it, stepping backwards as Peter flew inside and land his feet on the floor.

They stared at each other for a while as Madison can feel something wrong at Peter's gaze.

"Are you alright...?", she asked as she stepped closer to him.

Madison was surprised he didn't stepped back like he usually does when she tries to get close.


"...That's a first...", she mumbled, confused as she looked up at him.

Peter still being taller than her, he lowered his head as he still didn't looked away from her.

Madison then thought of something as she lifted her hand, making Peter look at it for a second before looking back at her.

And for some that are curious, yes, Peter was looking directly at her eyes so he could see her future. He knew that he told himself that he wouldn't, but in this case, he wanted to at least see it so he could come up with a plan to slightly delay her scheduled death.

Madison pursed her lips and stopped her hand that's just a few inches away from his cheek, hesitating if she would do it or not.

"Y-you're not avoiding it...What's wrong?", she asked, putting down her hand as Peter's face softened.




"Are you afraid?", he finally spoke up and asked as Madison pursed her lips again and looked away.

"You...you usually back away from me if I went too close to you...you also avoid my hand at times like this. But...now you're not doing any of the things you usually do. So yes...I kinda am afraid...", she let out as Peter tilted his head, looking at her.

"There's nothing to be afraid of.", he reassured with his calm voice as Madison looked back at him.

"Then why are you like this...?", she asked as Peter took a while before he even replied back.

"Continue what you're about to do earlier...and see for yourself.", he said with a hint of being serious and calm at the same time, making the girl feel even more confused by his sudden act.

She then took a deep breath and lifted up her hand once again while looking at him. He might looked calm and serious at the same time, but Madison couldn't help but to notice a bit of sadness in his eyes...?

Her hand was already an inch away from his face. She gulped as she finally let her hand rest on his left cheek, making her eyes go wide on what happened next as soon as she did so.




She couldn't believe it.




Her hand just....




...went through him.

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