《The Age of Heroes AU》Enter Zoom


While Clark and Kara were away on Argo Team Flash returned to Central City. " Its good to be back. " Barry says. " Yeah I missed Central City. " Cisco says. " So we miss anything Patty? " Barry ask. " Yes Lenard Snart has been out and about. " Patty says. " Oh great Snart. " Barry says. Then suddenly a Blur of Blue Lightning comes in and then Patty is gone. " What the.... " Cisco says. Barry speeds out with his Suit. As Barry follows he can see a trail of Blue Lightning and he pushes himself to run faster to catch who ever this is. Finally Barry follows them to the top of Kord technologies. " Hello Flash your a little slow it will cost you everything. " Zoom says and drops Patty off the Roof. Flash Speeds down and catches Patty. " Barry please don't. " Patty says. "Go run Patty. " Flash says. " You can't fight that thing its a Demon. " Patty says. Zooms speeds down staring at Flash. " Zoom correct? Well you found me what do you want? " Flash ask. " Everything " Zoom says. " You want to be a Hero? " Flash ask. " Heroes die. " Zoom says." Only if you can beat them. " Flash says. Flash Speeds up the Building with Zoom chasing him then flips off punching Zoom. They trade blows as they fall but Zoom lands a Quick jab and Smashes Flash into the ground under his feet. Zoom virbrates his hand but Flash kicks him and speeds off charging back for a Super Sonic punch but Zoom counters with a lightning bolt. Zoom then Super Sonic punches Flash and speeds around the City back to Star Labs slaming Flash on the Desk. " You too weren't fast enough. " Zoom says and Raises his Hand until a Ice blast hits him. Zooms speeds away and Cisco sees Caitlin with her hands out and white hair.

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