《Ruby and Yang's untold Backstory》Preparing for Beacon.


Yang did her best to remain Close to Ruby through out their time at Signal. However Ruby became increasingly frustrated with Her. Yang locked her Feeling inside hiding them with a Brave smile. Ruby hated that. Ruby hated how Yang tackled every problem rather stand beside her as a equally. Ruby didn't want Yang to always protect her they should do it together. In ways Ruby was relieved Yang was going to Beacon However it scared her too. Ruby was now 15 and Yang 17. Ruby was use to having Yang around but She thought perhaps some space would do Them both good. Yang didn't trust people She socialized Yes but Yang would always handle things alone rather than let someone help her Ruby was disappointed in this. Ruby was the opposite socially awkward but would gladly accept help. Ruby wanted Yang to reopen her heart to others again she just didn't know how to convince her too. But finally it hit her. Ruby Dashed inside to were Yang was packing. " Yang. Yang. Yang. " Ruby says. Yang Stops and smiles. " Yes Ruby. " Yang ask. " Come to Mom's Grave with me please. " Ruby ask giving a pouty sad look. Yang freezes. Yang hadn't been to Her Mother's grave in Years and when she does go she just stares at it without a word holding in tears. " Ruby.....I......... " Yang says searching for words. " Please Yang please I want you with me it might be our last chance before you leave Sister must stick together remember. " Ruby says. Yang Nods agreeing. " Yay! " Ruby cheers the Dashes over grabbing Yang and dashing off. Before Yang could even blink they were at Summer's Grave. Yang stares at it Silently. " Hi Mommy so Daddy is busy and Uncle is away but Yang is here. Oh yeah Yang has been,struggling she is still hurting from growing up alone. I wish I could help her but she won't let me. She hides her feelings and stays silent. Yang doesn't trust people. I wish she would. " Ruby says. Yang looks at Ruby then at The grave and just drops to her knees tearing up. Ruby drops down beside her. " Ruby......I.......I am sorry.....i just want...... " Yang says. " To protect me? Yang you done that enough let me help you now. I am just as strong as you now. " Ruby says. " I.....I.....I miss Mom.........I miss Dad......I miss Uncle..........I feel so alone......i just want to be accepted..........to know they are proud of me........to not be alone. " Yang says. " They are I assure you. Yang stop hiding. Open your heart it's ok to hurt not every One will let you down. " Ruby says. " You can't promise that. I know from experience. " Yang says." I didn't let you down nor did Mom. " Ruby says. Yang goes silent. Ruby hugs Yang. " Please listen to me now Yang I promise You will be ok. " Ruby says. " Ok Ruby thank you. " Yang says. " So Two more days. " Ruby says. " Yes Two more days then I go to Beacon. " Yang says " Then we better act fast. " Ruby says. " Wait what? No Ruby what are we doing? " Yang ask. " Talking to Dad and Uncle. " Ruby says. " Ruby I can't. " Yang says. " Why? " Ruby ask. " I am scared. " Yang says. " Yang..... " Ruby says. " Please Ruby don't make me let me do this when I am ready. " Yang says. Ruby nods.

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