《spin the boomerang.》Game number Three Round one.


The Gaang was all Chilling at The Fire Nation Palace having been Invited to discuss issue concerning the Fire Nation Colonies After a long Meeting Aang and Zuko were finally able to rejoin the Others. " Took long enough. " Mai says. " Be nice Mai. " Ty Lee says. " How did it go? " Katara ask. " Terrible. " Both Aang and Zuko says. " Oh lets play a Game. " Sokka says. " Oh no not......... " Katara says. " Spin the Boomerang! " Sokka says excitedly. " No! Sokka where will you learn THIS IS A BAD IDEA! " Zuko shouts. " Oh you always say That. " Sokka says and Places the Boomerang down and spins it. It stops on Katara. " Sokka I seriously hate you. " Katara says. Sokka looks disgusted. " Told you. " Zuko says smirking. Sokka Kisses Katara then goes over spitting into the pound. " Hey! No spitting in my Pound! No spitting on my stuff at All! " Zuko Yells annoyed. Zuko reluctantly spins it and again it stops on Katara. Zuko and Katara give deadpan looks while Mai glares. Zuko kisses Katara while Aamg and Mai watch Angrily. Now Suki spins it and again Katara who looks very annoyed. Both Girls have a brief kiss. " Suki are you wearing lip stick? " Katara ask. " " Maybe. " Suki says. " Woo Sugar Queen having Fun keep your eyes on her Aang or she might leave you. " Toph says. Katara glares at Toph while Aang looks horrified. Mai spins it and again its Katara. They have a awkward Kiss while Toph laughs. Ty Lee spins it and again it stops on Katara. " Ok Really. " Katara says annoyed. Ty Lee gives her a big Kiss then flips away. Toph is laughing very hard. Toph Spins it and its stops at Katara. " Wow it loves you Sugar Queen. " Toph says then Kisses a very Annoyed Katara. Aang spins it and it stops on Katara. They start Making out. " Woo Sugar Queen parties with Everyone. " Toph says amused. " Ok seriously Toph it's not funny." Katara yells. " Yes it is a little Manpulation of Sokka's Toy and you just Kiss everyone like a............. " Toph says until Katara water whips her. " You little brat! " Katara yells whipping at Toph repeatedly. " I told......... " Zuko says. " We know Zuko We know. " Sokka says.

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