《The Mafia Stalker (Crazy Mafia series Book 3)》Chapter 28


Have you ever seen a human on exhibition display?

Have you ever seen a man getting auctioned to become a husband?

Have you ever seen a Matrimonial company that promotes such interesting ideas, creating a huge blast in the whole matrimonial industry?

Lastly, have you ever seen this – this kind of matchmaking ever in ages from when life started on earth?

If you ask me what is so interesting in what is happening in front me, then I would say –


I have never laughed so much like I was laughing from the past twenty minutes.

"What are your requirements?" Sabrina, Little Fae's PA, asked professionally, organizing her spectacles straight over her nose.

"An innocent but still a witty girl. A girl who can talks less but expresses more. Someone that can compete me in my looks." Liam answered seriously and albeit very honestly that I felt the volcano of absurdness snickering erupted from the depths of my stomach.

"Who gave you the false hope about your looks? F**k I'm going to kill him for misleading my brother." Ferb shook his head in a disappointed manner feigning the world most genuine pitiful look to Liam.

But then, that is not the end – nay!

Because Ferb's insult cannot even compare to what Liam had to hear from Sabrina right after. "Who asked you, Mr. Liam? You are picking the girl; you will be picked by the interested girl. I'm asking a girl who is registering with us right now. You just have to stand on the rotating platform with this profile board hanged around your neck and just chill out. Girls will come, walk around, check you all out and then make their decisions. They will have the headache of choosing. You can just stand and chill."

And I understood that it is a different world that I knew of. When my little Fae is involved in producing ideas, then it is obvious that we will enter a whole new world altogether. All the four men on display scowled unanimously that if I can make an emoticon out of their expression, it will become a big hit.

They looked that ugly!

Talking about Fae, where the hell she is?

She gave the responsibility to Sabrina and walked off somewhere saying she has to settle few things before we took off for our honeymoon.

"Why should I do this? I am not doing this. I quit." Ivan threw his signature tantrum move that we slowly started to recognize. The other three nodded in agreement with Ivan's statement and that shows that these men are getting close to each other.


Who knew that one day we rivals shall share same family and shall share friendship like bonding?

"Alright. You can quit by paying us thirty billion Euros each." Sabrina implied casually providing them each with a black file.

I moved forward and peeked at look into Sergio's file where his biodata is written in sequential order from the time of his birth to the time of his registration with the company. Everything looked fine until there is a clause mentioned at the end of the contract saying that those who leave the matchmaking program in the middle shall pay the amount that they think they are worth off.

To complete it, there is also their sign and finger print.

"Didn't you read it before signing?" I asked softly, feeling a little bad for the bad boy I know of.

Tsk tsk tsk... How he used to live and what life he is leading now!

I'm lucky for being just a spectator of Fae's ideas.

There is no doubt I love her beyond oceans and mountains but sometimes I also feel happy to be with her as her boyfriend as I don't have to go through the humiliation they are going through.

"What do you think?" Sergio answered with a bitter scoff.

"She did not give me time to read it. She just forced me to sign it." Said Liam.

"Same here."


"Ah, there is my own experience." The rest three said in unison.

"What about thirty billion Euros?"

"She once asked us casually to rate ourselves on currency basis and we each said nearly tens of billion euros." Ivan answered.

Ah, clever girl!

No wonder she is handling the whole set of new businesses single-handedly.

Leaving those four to their own hell, I walked around the small establishment to find my little Fae. Just few minutes away from her and I already miss her like hell.

Looking around for some time, I finally found her talking in phone, her back facing to me. Not leaving the golden buzzer chance, I hugged from back and kissed her hair multiple times.

If only she knows how deeply I feel for her!

"What are you doing here?" I whispered in her ear and bit it lightly. With her running around, having fun and creating havoc in everyone's life, my control is slowly slipping and my arousal is slowly reaching the irrepressible point.

I just hope I can turn her into a love puppy by the end of our impending honeymoon.


"Alcohol! I'm calling our other businesses and giving them the schedule. We will check on them after getting back from our trip." I'm curious what more interesting businesses she started.

Tightening my arms around her, I started kissing her neck. The ticklish feeling in my stomach is just so disturbing for keeping my cool.

She just stood there in my arms and arched her neck to the other side unconsciously, giving me way to kiss her.

"What do you want to do in our honeymoon trip?" She tapped her chin, thinking over carefully.

"I want you to meet a couple of very important people in my life, first. Then we can follow by exploring each other."

Excuse me?

Exploring each other?

She knows what that is? Surprising!

"You know what exploring each other means?" I asked in astonishment. Who taught her such confidential information?

"Of course." Oh really?

"Then tell me how should we explore each other?" I asked her turning her to face and blocked her against the wall.

"That is what I'm thinking about. I want to know how you want to explore. The usual way that other do or something new and challenging? What is your preference?" My, my, my!

Now, this is unexpected!

She doesn't know what seeds Padre was talking about but she has enough knowledge about exploring each other?

And freaking Gorilla, she even wants to try something new?

"We can start off in usual way and try something new later on. What say?" I said carefully trying to read her.

Is she really eager to try challenges with me in bed?

"Alright, we can do that. Since you always listen to me, I will also listen to you always in this matter. You decide, I bow; you lead and I shall follow." Why am I feeling strange having this conversation with her?

I can talk dirtier than a clogged bathroom but just a simple bed talk with the innocent Fae is making me feel like I'm spoiling a child.

"Are you sure? I can be very wild and tiring." I just want to confirm with her.

"Yes, Of course. It is natural to be wild. It is given that it will exhaust us a lot." Her answer worried me even more.

I suddenly thought that we might be talking about different exploration altogether. Observing her chilled expression and how openly she is speaking about the matter, I'm half sure that we are both talking about different things.

"You don't have to worry, Alcohol. We will get through this together. Although I'm new to this, I have enough knowledge about it. Also, you are there to lead me and I will blindly follow you. I trust you." Okay!

Umm, right! Okay! Is she really talking about the bed exploration?

I was preparing myself to first educate her with little intimacy and then slowly take over to my bed but – she –

"Umm, Little Fae, are we still talking about exploring each other's likes and dislikes?" I asked carefully, also testing her intentions.

She must be clearly talking about learning about each other. No way in hell will she talk about having an earthquake in bed together?

Not a chance.

"Likes and dislikes? Yes that too, but I', talking about exploring each other." I frowned at what other innocent meaning she came up with.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't tell me you don't know how to explore each other physically? I'm talking about intercourse between us. You don't know what that is?"

"You know?" I nearly gasped out asking her that silly question and to my surprise, she nodded her head energetically.

I mean, how can she know?

What does she know?

Did anyone tell her that word?

"Wha-t what is the intercourse you are talking about and who told you about it?" I asked seriously, raging inside to know who is spoiling my little Fae.

"Alcohol, are you alright? You really don't know what intercourse is?" She asked me worriedly and before I can answer her she continued making me a fool in my own eyes.

"It is the process of fitting yourself inside me and adding your organisms and mine in the same chat group"

And thus, I made a complete fool of myself, resulting in listening to a whole grade nine biology class from her.

How can she know so much about sex?

I thought I should teach her a lot before we could move to bed but – she knew?

God! If embarrassment were a person, then he will be looking just like me.

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