《The Mafia Stalker (Crazy Mafia series Book 3)》Chapter 18


"Say yes. Say yes." Uh!


Why is Alcohol looking like he is possessed by a vengeful ghost? A year ago, when I watched the marathon of evil dead and conjuring movies, I saw the same look in them when they got possessed.

Alcohol, who usually looked like a flower boy with faulty makeup now looks like the flower itself is faulty.

Should I use my horror movies marathons experience to drive away the ghost?

"Whoever you are inside his body, can you please introduce yourself?" I asked as I waved back at the newlywed couple who are going to their honeymoon directly from here.

I had Sergio arrange a good accommodation in Bahamas as per Piper's wish. Piper walked few steps forward and threw the bouquet of flowers backwards which directly came and landed...

Landed in Oldie's hands!

Wow! He will be the next one to marry?

Should I look for a bride for him or does he already have a sweetheart in his blockages heart?

Oldie looked surprised himself and threw it immediately to the floor and stomped those beautiful flowers.

Oldie... Oldie... one can't defy fate! I think some other Oldie is looking for your arrival in her life.

"This is me, Alcohol and I'm still waiting for your answer, little Fae." Alcohol spoke as he helpd me by my shoulders and shook me.

What answer he wants?

I looked around to see my mama and papa shaking their heads and followed behind Piper to send her off while Oldie, Ferb and Liam are just looking agape at Alcohol.

I don't know why but Sergio and Ivan looked so down and unhealthy the whole time. Did they think they disappointed my expectations?

"Uh, for what should she say yes?" Liam asked as he patted Alcohol's back strongly.

Alcohol went silent for a moment and looked around to see everyone present right there around him and then slapped his mouth with his palms.

Why – why? What happened?

"Was it a dream? The pro- uh, that was a dream?" He muttered to himself.

"A daydream, precisely." Liam and Oldie answered in unison. Liam and Ferb were grinning widely while Oldie scrunched his nose almost swallowing his whole upper lip into his nose.

"No. My answer is no." I answered to make him feel better.

Poor Alcohol, he must have not had enough sleep which led him to daydream. So to make him feel better I gave an answer.


He did say he wanted me to say yes, but Alcohol sometimes is too gullible and be manipulated by others easily. Who knows what his dream was, so to be on the safe side and also to save him, I gave the answer which is opposite to what he wants.

"But – Why? You don't even know what I'm thinking and what my dream was." He whined like a cute like kid.

Aww so adorable!

I pulled and pinched his cheeks on diet making him wrap his hands around me. "You don't know a lot about this world. What if that thought in your dream is wrong for you and you only that it is right? So I don't agree to whatever it is." I explained to which Liam and Ferb laughed loudly while Alcohol sighed big time.

Did I say something wrong?

"Yes, yes, exactly. Your dream is wrong for you and you should forget about it." Oldie said enthusiastically making Alcohol gaze at her as if he is shooting venomous needles through his eyes.

See, I know Oldie always supports me. He is like mafia-long legs to me.

"Alright, Alcohol, go and take a good nap before you travel into a trance of daydreaming again while I go and see Theo and Piper off." I said clapping my hands.

I took Ferb and Liam by their arms and went to where the newlyweds are waiting for us. Oldie giggled like a girl who lost her front teeth and tsked at Alcohol.

Oldie is such a kid from his marinated heart!

I and Piper talked for a minute before sending them off in a grand big car that Oldie gave them as a wedding gift. Once they were off, I turned to Mama and Papa who were looking so happy and relieved.

After the car left the mansion, I went to the living room and plopped on the sofa followed by my mama, papa, Oldie, Alcohol, Ferb and Liam.

Sergio and Ivan went away to their summer house right after officiating the wedding leaving Piper's newly acquired house for us to rest a bit.

Now that Piper will be away for few days, I think I should manage this whole gang and prepare them for their new leader.

"If only we marry off you too to a good kid, I and your papa will go and spend rest of our lives in Himalayas. Heard that people who fulfilled their responsibilities go there to gather spirituality." Mama said holding my hands in hers.



Not bad but who should I marry?

I don't have someone in my mind too and like Piper used to say always, no one knocked the door to my heart.

But then again, how come a heart has a door and you can knock it?

"But Mama I did not feel all those things that Piper said she felt when Theo was with her." I said sulking at thought of not having a Theo of my own. Alcohol coughed out suddenly as he looked at papa and danced his eyebrows at him.

Should I look for a person to ring the doorbell of my heart too?

But how?

"Uh, Chere, why don't you start dating someone from the men around you and see if anyone give you that feeling?" Papa suggested.

I pressed my lips in thoughts as I looked around to the men around me thinking who might ring the doorbell to my heart.

Oldie? Nah, he is too old and he already has another femme fatale Oldie waiting for him.

Ferb? He is a brother. I need to look for a sister-in-law for myself.

Liam? He looks too tacky for my taste. Although he is friendly and good at heart, he is a little untidy.

Sergio is a brother so I need another sister-in-law to work for.

Ivan is like a friend enemy that I want to go on a safety gearless sky diving. He is like a little kid who is not at the marrying age yet.

Who else are there around me to date?

All are brothers, close friends or pulped looking oldies.

"But there is no one, papa." I said sadly and pouted at everyone. Alcohol seemed too depressed somehow and also looked tired while others just sighed very loudly.

They must be feeling sad for me!

But wait... I think I know how to meet Mr. Doorbell of my own. A sudden idea popped in my mind as I clapped my hands ran to papa and sat beside him.

"Papa, mama, I know what to do." I grinned to which both of them looked at me very suspiciously.

"No" Both said in unison without even hearing my idea.

But the idea I got is the best way to find Mr. Doorbell!

"Mama, this is a great idea to find the man suitable for me to date. Papa, please listen to my idea at least." I pleaded to which Papa looked at Alcohol again and shrugged at him.

What are they talking to each other through body language?

"I will give an advertisement in newspaper and magazines." I suggested with bouts of enthusiasm filling my veins.

People are hardly reading newspapers these days but I want to bring the retro style courting back with hints of latest trend.

It would be so much fun.

"No" This time everyone said in unison startling me with their unity.

"Chere, Fae, are you quite sure you have no one good around you? There must be one such man who is very nice to you, takes care of you and protects you. There must be one such man who does everything for you and brings a huge smile on your face." Papa said looking between me and Alcohol.

I looked back at Alcohol with confusion of why Papa has his eyes on Alcohol so much!

"No, you shouldn't go for good men, girl. You should challenge yourself and date a man who doesn't take care of you, protect you and smile at you." Oldie suggested in hurry as he frowned deeply at Papa and Alcohol.

Who exactly I need now?

Papa's kind of man or Oldie's kind of man?

Both the suggestions are good and to be honest, I can fair up well with a good man or a bad man.

"How about a mix of both good and bad qualities of a man? Like... umm.. like –" I said thinking who has both the good and bad qualities for a man.

"Like your Alcohol" Ferb continued in hurry leaving me perplexed.

Alcohol? I didn't even think of Alcohol in that way.

"Alcohol?" I asked to which both Ferb and Liam nodded intensely.

"Alcohol smiles at you, protects you and takes care of you like a good man. He also disappears without notice like an evil person and makes you worry about his well-being. He has many bad habits that you can challenge yourself with but he also listens to you well like a good man." Ferb provided making me think deeply.


"But Oldie once said Alcohol doesn't have something very important for a man. Seeds! Whatever he mean by that!" I said making everyone stand up like rockets and gasp loudly.

What seeds exactly does Alcohol doesn't have?

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