《The Mafia Stalker (Crazy Mafia series Book 3)》Chapter 4


Why should she cry like a whale? It's just a small letter!

Some people are crying and begging for some good attention and when she is getting it for free without her involvement then all she should do is treasure it.

"This is his blood, Bambi." Piper cried out showing me the small piece of letter that her admirer aka stalker sent her this morning.

At first she was very angry with me for not coming the night to the apartment when she was very terrified but when I told her of my small unexpected vacation to a said Mafia mansion, she did calmed down for awhile.

I almost prayed God for finally calming her down but then came the - lovely looking love filled adoration scented - letter for her.

From her stalker...

Written with blood!

Such romantic he is. He wrote her a letter with his own blood? Although his blood did smelt a little stale, it is still considered romantic for me.

"Read this, what did he mean; I look gorgeous when I have my study glasses? How would he know how I look in my study glasses, Bambi? I only wear them when I am here at home." She said hurriedly looking at the letter with immense terror.

Her eyes are tearing and her body is sweating while she is smelling foul due to lack of proper bath. I looked over to her whining figure and sighed loudly.

"Okay so you don't like to be stalked by this man? He even showed you the passion of his blood for you. If you reject him now, you might hurt his feelings." I asked finally not being able to see my best friend cry over nothing really important.

What I mean is, if she did not have the same interest as him, she should make it clear so he backs off but instead she has been crying from several months.

Stalking, to me, is like a sacred deed of one's mind observing its focus on only one person that it finds interesting.

"Of course I don't like, Bambi. What is wrong with you? Who in their sane mind will like being stalked? Well, except for you." Piper reprimanded back.

"Then you want him gone and never express his love for you again?" I asked seemingly very disappointed for the poor man who was investing his time, efforts, energy and some of his own blood for the person he likes.


He will be greatly disappointed when he comes to know that his prey is not interested in his hunt.

"Alright, don't regret later then. I will do something for you." I mumbled back gaining a tight hug from her.

Should I first reach out for that man and talk to him?

Nah... he might get very sad if I reveal it to him that his efforts are not appreciated by my friend.

"Thank you Thank you Thank you, Bambi. I know you are crazy, insane, an alien with no brains and a girl who knows no limits but still I really love you." Piper smiled while crying alongside as she hugged me again and again.

Once Piper went to room to have a nap, I thought over the whole situation and finally dialed the number that will surely be useful at this moment.

The phone went on ringing for four times and on the fifth ring did the other person pick it up.

"Yes." Said a gruff, hoarse and a tired voice of the oldie who might be oldest than fossils.

"Thank you, Oldie. I really appreciate it." I answered back happily as I jumped with joy.

I didn't even talk to him or ask him anything but the first thing he told me was 'yes'. Did he know I would call him?

Did he know what I was going to ask?

Can he read minds over phone? In that case, what network does he use usually?

Undoubtedly, Oldie is a great fossil indeed.

"Wait, what do you appreciate? No, why did you call me?" He asked suddenly his voice is filled with energy. "Forget that, where did you get my number?"

"Now that we in are in a blackmail contract, I got your number from Ferb. I called you to ask something but since you already agreed to it without even asking, I'm just so thankful to have a Mafia fossil with me." Really, I cannot think of nicer words to express how nice and great of a man the Oldie fossil is.

In future when I open a clinic of mine, he will be my first experiment. The respect he gained for me, he deserves every poke of needle he gets.

"Cut it out; Just tell me why did you call me? Are you not scared of talking to me?" He asked but the excitement of talking to me can be easily detected.


The oldie must have had no children for relieving his love for children on me.

"Why would I be scared of you? What will you even do to me for being terrified of you, Oldie. You are just a fluffy, cute Oldie fossil that I always want to keep my side." I confessed but then suddenly recalled why I called him in the first place.

"Why did you call me?" I heard a much sterner voice this time.

"Oh yes, since you want to hear it from me then fine. Oldie, I want you to scare away a person who is stalking my best friend. Unlike me, she doesn't like being stalked and that poor man is even wasting his blood to write love letters to her." Ink has no value these days seriously.

But then, love and obsession can make you do things that are not normal for narrow minded people.

"Girl, let me tell you something, after meeting you, I came to an understanding that I'm a name only Mafia unlike you who has no title but is lethal than a most dangerous criminal. Why would you even need my help when you can handle it better than I can?" He stated giving me sense of pride when he said I can hold such high rank in his eyes.

"I would but due to virus and all, there is partial lockdown everywhere so your business is on hold I guess. I just want you and our mafia men to have more projects in times like these. I know more than money you need some Mafia action in the time of lockdown."

"How sweet of you!" I heard him exasperate from the other side of the call making me smile at the way he expressed his gratitude to me.

Of course, I can always count on Oldie.

"I will tell Ferb to take care of it if you promise me to not call again ever." He declared to while I thought for a while and answered positively.

"Hey Oldie, I will send you a picture and bio-data of a girl from out university who is very much interested in having attention of people. She once even fought with a girl for having attention of a certain boy. I don't want this stalker to leave my friend with empty hands so you can ask Ferb to give the details of the girl and ask the stalker to move on with the interested one." I said as the sudden recollection of the scene that happened few months ago in the university.

Her name is Maya from modeling department. I heard her tell one of her friends that she can't bear someone to be more beautiful than her and steal the attention she has on her.

I guess she might mend the heart of the poor stalker.

"Fine I will. I wonder how you get such ideas anyway." He mumbled before cutting the call without even telling a good night.

I know the Oldie will miss me more if he says his greetings.

I wish he had a child of his own so we can be good friends. Maybe I can teach him/her how to take care of parents.

That night when I saw Piper went to sleep early, I went to the nearby convenience store to buy some chips and chocolates.

I was happily walking with plastic bags in my hands when I felt a sudden weight on my back that made me fall down with a thud.

Goodness, if I don't know that it is a body of a human man, then I would've thought that an asteroid crashed on me. That's how heavy he is considering how muscled he is.

With much difficult, I managed to turn under him resulting us to come face to face. We are lying on the road, me on the hard floor, him on me. Lifting up his face slowly, the first thing I saw was the blood running down on his forehead and the zero point fifth thing I noticed is how muscular he is.

Does he eat blocks for food?

He opened his eyes and looked down into mine for good some time. I kept on asking him how he is feeling and who he is but he just kept on staring at me.

I think he is hibernating his senses due whatever accident he had.

With every intention to help the poor handsome man on me, I tried to push him off me but dear Lord he is so heavy. He did not even flinch from my efforts and kept on staring my face.

And when I though his body froze partially due to his wound on his head, he bent down and caught my lips with his.

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